<3 moderators <3 <3 :D :D :D

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Jun 10, 2008
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They seem to think themselves to be the top of the world. I wonder why those thugs are selected as mods. All they say is that they have seen this topic for this and that many times and closes it. What is wrong with repeating topic? If you dont like it then dont open it. You idiot mods i am telling you it diminishes the experience of new joiners. Keep doing it then eventually you wont see one person joining the site.
Oh yeah, if you wanna close this one, go ahead and do it.
They seem to think themselves to be the top of the world. I wonder why those thugs are selected as mods. All they say is that they have seen this topic for this and that many times and closes it. What is wrong with repeating topic? If you dont like it then dont open it. You idiot mods i am telling you it diminishes the experience of new joiners. Keep doing it then eventually you wont see one person joining the site.
Oh yeah, if you wanna close this one, go ahead and do it.

Oh yeah, if you wanna close this one, go ahead and do it.

go ahead and do it.

do it.
hey i am not talkn about my own posts. dont u stupidly think that i am concerned on my own. if you think someone;s topic is stupid or something, and closes it, you're behaving small time authoritarian.
No, they're moderating the site, to ensure that crappy topics don't stay around. It's their job. Moderators.
No i think he is right.Some of the mods are being really big asses here.
To be honest, this is a pretty relaxed forum. The moderators get rid of spam and crappy threads. Every so often you may irk [mod name here] and be banned, but the moderators are all pretty cool guys. The key to not getting stuff closed is to not make retarded threads.
oh, com on it is relaxed you think. I think it is one of the most restricted i have ever seen. I am member of dozens of other sites and i see repeated topics all over those sites but trust me i dont see any closed topics because of so called stupidness or whatsoever.
Actually the reason I dont go to this forum a lot is because of this. Perhaps the reason you get so many topics closed is the very reason you repulse better members and attract thugs that spits all bad mouths, and eventually locked in a dead end loop.
This is the fairest website I've ever been to. Not too uptight but not too relaxed either. I don't want 5 million topics spamming General Chat. But it's nice having a topic once in a while that goes completely off-topic and ends up with a few jokes and spam and the moderators let it live for a while, join in, then ensure that it moves on.

If you want to see an extreme, go join facepunch. I'm not quite sure which extreme it is as a lot of stupidity gets by there but a lot of stuff is shut up within seconds.
They seem to think themselves to be the top of the world.

In terms of this forum, they are and they will tell you so.

I wonder why those thugs are selected as mods.

Well in the beginning there was one Thug. And he was a Thug. He created the site and saw that it was good. He then populated the site with content and saw that it was good. He then created the ability to post new threads and posts and post personal messages and all sorts of facilities on this website, and he saw that it was good. On the eighth day he created people and put them in the forum and he saw that it was uber good.

But one day, man started posting. The Thug realised that if this continued much longer and much faster, he would not be able to contain it. So he selected from the crowd the most thugiest of thugs and made them Thugs.

From that day forth, Thugs will kick your arse.

All they say is that they have seen this topic for this and that many times and closes it. What is wrong with repeating topic?

Yes, because it has been seen before. If everyone created a thread which was the same as the last one, the forum wouldn't be very interesting, would it?

As they said, they've seen it before. This means they know the outcome. So it's closed before you see. Because they don't like you seeing. It's like the tree of knowledge.

If you dont like it then dont open it.

So you don't want anyone to open it? The mods have to open it, it's their jobs.

You idiot mods

Are they thugs or idiots?

i am telling you it diminishes the experience of new joiners.

Yes, but it makes it fun for the older members.

Keep doing it then eventually you wont see one person joining the site.

I have a box full of newbies under my bed who want to join.

Oh yeah, if you wanna close this one, go ahead and do it.

Do it.
Actually the reason I dont go to this forum a lot is because of this.

Just do us all a favor and stop coming altogether, you obviously have better places to be.

ok i understand, you guys seems to spend life posting sh--------ts around this forum as seen from you posts. LOL i guess this forum is your lifeline. well not for me.
I LOL'd. Heartily.
A smile and a LOL in one day? WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!
Careful, Pi, you'll do yourself an injury!!!

Also, OP, if you don't like it here why don't you just leave? What's the point of staying somewher ethat you don't even like?

I decided to that politely. I was originally just going to say to the OP GTFO.
Sling your hook then. At this particular time we've got 200 people browsing the forums contentedly. They have been in existence since May 2003, it's now October 2008. It's being run the same way it always has, in the way we deem necessary. You've been here 5 minutes and think you've got this all summed up.
maan, never seen this many idiots in one place.
14,052 idiots? Or just the one with a chip on his shoulder. You know where the door is.
no, by idiots i mean, someone like you who has thousands of posts. No one in their craziest mind will post this many in their life time, which will make anyone crazy like you. i am sure most of 14000 members you're referring to have reasonable number like under few hundred.
It's not that crazy, considering how many years he's been here
no, by idiots i mean, someone like you who has thousands of posts. No one in their craziest mind will post this many in their life time, which will make anyone crazy like you. i am sure most of 14000 members you're referring to have reasonable number like under few hundred.

You're obviously a f*cking moron.
He's been here for four years, so of course his posts are going to accumulate.

Plus, he's a news poster and editor.
We've had a lot of news since the site's opening.

Seriously, you're wasting your life by trolling here for no other purpose than to get a rise out of the mods.
no, by idiots i mean, someone like you who has thousands of posts. No one in their craziest mind will post this many in their life time, which will make anyone crazy like you. i am sure most of 14000 members you're referring to have reasonable number like under few hundred.

In actual fact, if we work out how many posts he made a day by diving his number of posts by the number of years*52, we can figure out how often he posts, or you would have to post to get that post count.

Wait, we don't need to do that, there's already a nice feature that does that! Mr. FiftyMillionForumLeet.

5.19. 5.19 posts a day.
Well in the beginning there was one Thug. And he was a Thug. He created the site and saw that it was good. He then populated the site with content and saw that it was good. He then created the ability to post new threads and posts and post personal messages and all sorts of facilities on this website, and he saw that it was good. On the eighth day he created people and put them in the forum and he saw that it was uber good.

But one day, man started posting. The Thug realised that if this continued much longer and much faster, he would not be able to contain it. So he selected from the crowd the most thugiest of thugs and made them Thugs.
But Munro, (The great creator and former king of all thugs) was usurped by Pi and his band of rebels.

Also, I like it here too. It all boils down to mere internet drama.
You just got to learn to ignore people around here if they piss you off.

The mods here are actually fairly forgiving even if they don't like you for whatever reason. Most other forums would have perma-banned me a looooong time ago for instance.

I give Samon props for putting up with me for as long as he has so far. Thanks Samon! Your the greatest mod evar! :E

*don't ban me again please* :dozey:
This forum is actually pretty post-moderate. There are some forums out there where in the matter of a year a member can accumulate 10,000+ posts, just because maybe it's an RP forum or something like it.

Honestly, all I'm hearing is whine whine whine, whine, whine whine. whine sh----------------t whine
You're obviously a f*cking moron.
He's been here for four years, so of course his posts are going to accumulate.

Plus, he's a news poster and editor.
We've had a lot of news since the site's opening.

Seriously, you're wasting your life by trolling here for no other purpose than to get a rise out of the mods.

well i sympathize you calling me a moron, since by post count you're going to be seen as the biggest pig and i totally understood of your worry.
well i sympathize you calling me a moron, since by post count you're going to be seen as the biggest pig and i totally understood of your worry.

My post count has jackshit to do with anything, it's not even that much compared to other people on this forum.

Either way, I didn't understand a damn thing you just said.
Oh, isn't this just precious?

Your thread was shit, so I flushed it down the toilet.
Dude, shit happens, people get pissed and then start harassing others. im not speaking of the mods, im talking about you. It's not gonna relieve your stress and anger by insulting and generalizing the entire community as 'idiots'. I think you want to fit in and get a long with everyone, like anyone else, but now you just are being unfair.

I have a reputation here in getting into arguments with people a lot, but i always want to end on a happy note because it makes things easier. Now go get a new email adress, create a new account, start over and dont be an ass to people.
well i sympathize you calling me a moron, since by post count you're going to be seen as the biggest pig and i totally understood of your worry.
There's a member here that goes by CptStern who has over 30,000+ posts. The forum couldn't even register over 30,000+ posts so it rolled back to 0.

Lucid's 10,000+ really isn't that much in comparison.
I may be inactive and have not earned any respect yet, hell, maybe I shouldn't even be talking since I'm pretty inactive, but I've got to say, you're bitching about something so damned stupid.

You say this is the strictest place you've seen? Try going to Facepunch, a number of people are banned daily there (or at least the last time I seen, maybe I'm just making an ignorant statement), so clearly that's nothing compared to here.

From what I've seen lurking, things are pretty laid back with the mods. Sure they may be jackasses here and there, but I mean, with some of the posts that they're responding to, can you really blame them?

tl;dr Get over it and stop crying, it's just a damn internet forum.
I may be inactive and have not earned any respect yet, hell, maybe I shouldn't even be talking since I'm pretty inactive, but I've got to say, you're bitching about something so damned stupid.

You say this is the strictest place you've seen? Try going to Facepunch, a number of people are banned daily there (or at least the last time I seen, maybe I'm just making an ignorant statement), so clearly that's nothing compared to here.

From what I've seen lurking, things are pretty laid back with the mods. Sure they may be jackasses here and there, but I mean, with some of the posts that they're responding to, can you really blame them?

tl;dr Get over it and stop crying, it's just a damn internet forum.
Hey it's a lurker! Hi!
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