300 FPS Paintball Mod. ($$!!HIRING!!$$) EVERYONE look.



Ok let me lay it down.. Post what you can do to help and what your skills are with some examples of your work. I am looking to put together an amazing paintball mod for half life 2.

If you do not have a background in some form do not post. These positions are PAID. You will recieve cash for your work.

I am looking for everything.


Post what you can do, I need everyone and anything to put this together. We will talk about $.

Again post some form of contact along with your work. This mod is not going to be a joke and I need serious people to help with this who will be dedicated to finish the job.

I am putting a website together at the moment and I have an idea of what this mod will be. Lets make my dream a reality and put a little $ in ur pocket.
Your either a son of rich parents or umm crazy? Paying people to do work for a mod? Will this become commercially released? Also, what about that 300FPS thing in your title? Elaborate on that. Why are you paying people?

Thanks. Also any word on what kind of gameplay there will be what modes, the paintball guns available and other things.
You couldn't afford me.
Don't even tempt him, no one can afford Pi Mu Rho, not even God!

Anyways, tell us more about the 'Mod' and also why your paying people?
Your paying people to join your mod, thats clear, but what is the mod about? I dont see any story, any ideas not one thing other then the money.

I hope you dont think you can make this and sell it becaus since its a mod for a excisting game, you cant charge anything for it when its done. It has to be free.

But give us some ideas of what this mod is about and, well, i might think about it.
evilsloth said:
Don't even tempt him, no one can afford Pi Mu Rho, not even God!
Don't speak of me that way. I can afford everything.

The concept behind it is pretty simple, itd be tournament paintball but the way I want it to be.

I am willing to pay because people tend to work more productively if thiers $ involved.

If I cant afford you thats fine, I dont need you.

If you have an obviously stupid asking price for your assistance your help is not required. This mod is planned to be free but I am willing to hire those who help design it, simple as that.

The back ground to it is PSP style X-Ball. It would be based off feel wise of digital paintball the original but with a new format to the game and with a better overall design..

Design wise thierd be 2 teams, a variety of markers and gear, and a spectacular layout.

I didnt post the whole idea behind it because I wanted to see if its even possible to do before I posted the idea.
Sathernut said:
Your either a son of rich parents or umm crazy? Paying people to do work for a mod? Will this become commercially released? Also, what about that 300FPS thing in your title? Elaborate on that. Why are you paying people?

Thanks. Also any word on what kind of gameplay there will be what modes, the paintball guns available and other things.

300 feet per second.

It's the recommended top velocity for tournament paintball, for safety. I believe it's something of an international standard.
Ahh, I thought it meant 300 frames per second, which would likely cause space around my computer to melt.

-Angry Lawyer
heh thats a funny image. Imfamous do you have an email adress i can contact you on? im poor!
Willy if you know anything about that mod, it takes about 4 years before anything is updated with it. They also dont have enough people who can do anything with half life 2 yet.
I wish you luck, and I certainly wish I had the money laying around to pay people to work on things for me.

But the draw of paintball to me has always been that it gets me out of the house. Instead of simulating combat on my computer, I'm actually running through the woods, taking cover and using my skills. I suppose that's why paintball games, even good ones, have never really appealed to me.

I don't say this to knock you, but to give you a chance to promote your concept:

What does your mod offer to a guy like me who has been less than taken by paintball games in the past?
ImFamous said:
If you have an obviously stupid asking price for your assistance your help is not required.

There's nothing stupid about it - perfectly reasonable rates. However, if you're willing to pay industry standard fees, then why are you making a mod as opposed to a commercial game?

"There's nothing stupid about it - perfectly reasonable rates. However, if you're willing to pay industry standard fees, then why are you making a mod as opposed to a commercial game?"

The issue with making this a commercial game is its a MOD. The only successful thirdparty mod EVER to be released was CS beacuse its a shooter.

This mod could have potential if done right to be VERY big, but for the majority of people who have half life 2, and the number of them that have any interest in tournament paintball makes marketing the mod a unworthwhile event.

If thier was more then enough interest ya sure, id be more then willing to have this done into a commercial product and pay a large sum to have this concept put together. However without the interest and gaurenteed value of what would be put together its not worth it.

So me paying say $100 a model or more is to expensive because
1. thiers modelers who are good who will do it for less.
2. this is a non profit game, im not making money putting this together
3. im 1 person doing this
You don't know jack shit about making mods, do you? I'm guessing that no one really liked your extremely vague, extremely boring, and already-done mod... so you figure that you can pay people like $30 each they will make it for you and do whatever you want.

I'm Famous said:
The issue with making this a commercial game is its a MOD. The only successful thirdparty mod EVER to be released was CS beacuse its a shooter.
DoD, too. And I'm pretty sure there have been quite a few commercial game releases based on the Source engine (that Vampires game, right?)
I have that Vampire game. It's actually really fun, and one of the few games to keep me entranced in recent months.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I have that Vampire game. It's actually really fun, and one of the few games to keep me entranced in recent months.

-Angry Lawyer
I saw it in a store and I was like "Sweet I think I'll buy this game" but then I thought for a minute "Wait, I'm a poor student with no money whatsoever." So I didn't buy it.

Fin. ;(
Angry Lawyer said:
I have that Vampire game. It's actually really fun, and one of the few games to keep me entranced in recent months.

-Angry Lawyer

Off topic, but could I pass some dialogue your way to be spruced up with angry lawyer courtroom talk?

I want to be accurate on the lingo.
I've been kinda pressed for time these last few weeks (especially after being rather ill, and therefore being a week behind with my work), so your choice is either send it to me, and wait what could be forever, or send it to Kangy, who's a very awesome lawyer guy. http://www.halflife2.net/forums/member.php?u=7147

-Angry Lawyer
I saw it in a store and I was like "Sweet I think I'll buy this game" but then I thought for a minute "Wait, I'm a poor student with no money whatsoever." So I didn't buy it.


hahaha that happens to me alot.
ah 300 feet per second lol ya I thought u meant frames persecond like lawyer and I was like umm that cant be right. Ya How much money are you talking about?
i believe he wants to pay. 20 us dollars for weapon models and 35 us dollars for character models.
crackhead said:
i believe he wants to pay. 20 us dollars for weapon models and 35 us dollars for character models.

Given the time it takes me to model anything, that would be about 30 cents an hour for me.
Bad spelling and grammar gets you nowhere.

Giving vague ideas which basically state that your mod will be paintball but "how you want it" is dumb.

Design wise there would be a spectacular layout... of what?

Having more money than brainpower equals failure.

Typing like this is retarded.
Angry Lawyer said:
I have that Vampire game. It's actually really fun, and one of the few games to keep me entranced in recent months.

-Angry Lawyer

Shame the company never released a patch. It's a good game but buggier than a Free-range Cyberpitz. :/

Oh, and I think this person is downright silly. Paintball mods have already been done, not to mention the fact that your posts make you look like you're going to be a glory whore off other people's work.
Danimal said:
Shame the company never released a patch. It's a good game but buggier than a Free-range Cyberpitz. :/

Oh, and I think this person is downright silly. Paintball mods have already been done, not to mention the fact that your posts make you look like you're going to be a glory whore off other people's work.
Thanks to my knowledge of the Source console, I managed to get loads of hacks working :D
ImFamous said:
I am putting a website together at the moment and I have an idea of what this mod will be. Lets make my dream a reality and put a little $ in ur pocket.

Professional! There is no I in team.
Haha, yeah right! This is coming from captain can't type properly and loves to throw popcorn in cinemas.
armanguy said:
hahahaha we got into a fight outside the movie theater too cuz we were trhowing popcorn at people infront of us lol they were like 16 hahaha they had no chance :p

ImFamous said:
The issue with making this a commercial game is its a MOD. The only successful thirdparty mod EVER to be released was CS beacuse its a shooter.
False. There have been others.