7th movie, any word yet?


Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone heard anything about the 7th movie. I heard it was taking more time because they were going to use AA in the clip.
that was just a rumer from what i know, but it could be true i spose.

and as far as i know, no one knows exactly when each video will be released :)
i dont think they should use AA, i think the should show the worst case scenariofor graphics, barebones, with AA being icing on the cake. that way it can only look better (still looks god-like without any of the bells and whistles)
7th video...
I think of 3 (no 4) things:

1) The strider movie (drrrrrrrrewl :p)
2) The dune buggy part
3) City 17 (barney etc vs combine)
4) Tech demo

Fill me in if i forgot something
wat is AA???

soz i jus keep hearing AA and i am like what?

oo so the 7th vid will be in town! :) yay
Originally posted by commando
wat is AA???

soz i jus keep hearing AA and i am like what?

oo so the 7th vid will be in town! :) yay

AA = Anti-Aliasing, a technique used by videocards (or rather, their drivers) to smooth out jagged edges of polygons (for example a diagonal line that's jagged becomes straight)

[EDIT] Damn he beat me to it :D [/EDIT]

BUT... to stay on-topic, which of the 4 i mentioned above do you think?
AA blurs out the edges of objects, eliminating, to a degree, the jagged lines you get at lower resolutions.

lol, too slow.
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
that was just a rumer from what i know, but it could be true i spose.

and as far as i know, no one knows exactly when each video will be released :)

It was 100% speculation. Someone simply wondered "Maybe it's taking a long time because of AA" - no body knows. Secondly - it isn't taking a long time. Have some patience!! It's been 4 days, chill innit?
pfff, marksman beat me but he didnt include an example with pictures, mUAHHAAHHAHAHAAHA
I hope they will release the strider street fight, the one where gordon throws a big F U from a store sign at him...
Or the tech demo.

Buuuut..-- I guess they will release the city 17 demo..
FSAA = Full Screen Anti Aliasing.

The best aliasing in a game so far is Max Payne which is worth checking out.
Ya anti-aitcraft fire would slow down video production. They have to take out of the way routes to fly the G-Man in for filming and stuff. Also what is this FSAA, "From Surface Anti Air" fire probably. Hmm interesting, I dont see how that would make the graphics better though.
i think the should show the worst case scenariofor graphics
Yeah! Grab the movie off a TNT2 running at 640x480 and 15 frames a second, that'll shift a few units!!!
I think the idea of doing that is just to show people what the game will look like if they are running it on a low end system.

If it looks good it *will* shift more units because people with low end hardware will buy it if it still looks good on a 700 with a DX6 GFX card

we know it wont look good on a 700mhz system, it will run but i bet with frame rates of 10 to 20 per second, that means it will run but not satisfyingly well.
If you want the most out of this game, go upgrade to a 1.7 ghz or higher, its not that expensive, also get a 64mb card or higher, once u reached that area it shouldnt play bad and it should be on low to meduim settings im betting. But then again what i just said is an estimate.

If you got the money its worth upgrading, but it ur skint ur unlucky.

i got a 700mhz, a tnt2 card so i will be upgrading if i rob a bank or start selling body parts....
You don't have to upgrade, but basically you'll miss out on all the cool graphics features that make HL2 look as good as it does now. It will be like playing HL1 on software render.

Thats why I'm putting out $300 for a 9800 pro in september :cheese:
Im downloading some HL2 media... Is it the 77th movie?
w00t is this BS, they should release barney movie so we can watch


Good night now....
soz i asked wat aa was. thanks all for answering! lol there was alot of replays to that lol.

when will the 7th vid be out grrrrrrrrr grrrrr grrrrrrr
I'm sure they'll have one this week, maybe even tomorrow or Friday.
A demo of Battlefield 1942: Secrets Weapons comes out Friday also... :(
Originally posted by Flynn
Has anyone heard anything about the 7th movie. I heard it was taking more time because they were going to use AA in the clip.

Hmmm, i must be blind or not care or not notice AA because i thought they were using AA in all the other clips :\
Originally posted by Loke
A demo of Battlefield 1942: Secrets Weapons comes out Friday also... :(

:in one ear and out the other:
I don't know why its in one ear and out the other.....Battlefield 1942 and Vice City are the two best PC games out right now.
this thread is about the 7th movie, not AA, which im getting sick of hearing about, or BF 1942, which is a leet game, but BF: Vietnam will own Secret Weps, which will be ultimantly owned by HL2. Anyway, Whats the 7th movie supposed to be? Was bugbait the lastone on the 29 or w.e min long video?
no we got barney next. Then buggy then stryder.
well after watching them 1000 times each, it tends to get a little boring........ actually no, no it doesnt, (goes and watches them again),
I just want to get the E3 stuff out of the way so we can see the new stuff.
Originally posted by d8cam
I don't know why its in one ear and out the other.....Battlefield 1942 and Vice City are the two best PC games out right now.

I still think Counter Strike is the best game out there and Morrowind :)

I hope the 7th video ends up being something we havent seen yet...