A really bad weekend...


Dec 21, 2005
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As some of you are aware (or may not be, either way), I was happily engaged. But as of 07/06/07 she dropped a bombshell that effectively ended that relationship. she is very religious (should have been my first hint to run like hell) and she could only marry someone of the same faith (christians and their crazy unequally yoked thing). now, I refuse to change who I am at the core, if other people don't like it, they don't have to stick around. friday was pretty much the first time she brought this up, and now I find myself single again. before the end of the night I was drunk and naked at pitz new place, and I stayed drunk the entire weekend. went to sleep drunk, woke up and started drinking almost immediatly (vodka and cheerios anyone?). I loved her, I really did, with all my being, and I was willing to do just about anything for her (and too her, if you know what I mean). And it all came crashing down because of religion. this is one of the few times I wish I was a christian.......by the gods I need a drink.
I know how it feels, I ended my relationship with my fiance 2 weeks ago, was tough but I've moved on. Whore sent me a text the other night at 3 am though and that pissed me the hell off, she got a nice text today telling her she's an annoying twat :) Don't worry just hang out with your friends and you'll get better with time.
wow, my last GF loved to hear me talk about why I wasn't religious, despite the fact that she was a lutheran.
thats so terrible. I can't believe it when people turn into religion nazis and refuse to be with someone of different beliefs. It's very hypocritical
Oh man that's horrible. Hopefully you can get over that demonic being.
You know what you gotta do now? I don't know. I'm tired. Nvm.
A weekend spent entirely intoxicated can only be a mediocre weekend at worst.

But seriously, thats shit. I know it wont help your current situation, but realize that true love supersedes all else. If religion is more important to her than your love, then it never would have worked anyways.
I'm sorry about that buddy. Your differences in faith would've caused major problems down the road though.
At least you can be secure in the knowledge that Pitz molested while you were in your semi-conscious drunken stupor.
Oh those silly, silly religious types! You should've told her you were Mormon.
Was she this religious when you met, or did she suddenly find religion? That, for me, would be like her shedding her skin right before my eyes and having a giant alien beetle crawl out. Dang! You have my deepest sympathies either way.

and this badass shit i share /w u!
dude! that sucks :(

but krynns point is true so gg, get high hang out with mates find a rebound slut to bang sevenways to wednesday ;)
wow that would be crushing.


I sympathize man. Christians shouldn't cause people so much pain. It's so un-Christian.
Man thats awful, i suppose i dont have to say how hypocritical she treated you, i mean thats ****ing ridiculous to pass someone up because there not into the same faith. Didnt you find out about her faith until just recently? Anyway have some more of that vodka, ill sip one in your honor. Get with the mates and have some fun, theres plenty more fish in the sea.Hope you sort it out
Why do you people keep saying it's hypocritical? It isn't.

Anyway...I really don't know what to say to you, Kamikazi. It's terrible that this happened to you so late in the relationship. At least you stuck to your guns and didn't betray who you are. And though you may have really loved her, and all you feel like doing is getting plastered and lying in bed, later on you can look back and say at least you were true to yourself.

Much as that sounds like pick-me-up crap. ;)
Can't have loved you then if she was willing to leave you just because you have different religious beliefs, you did the right thing leaving her.

Plenty of fish in the sea ;)
She... never told you about her beliefs until now?

Wow, I didn't know closet christians existed today.
Nono, the way it is, she knew, and kept dropping tiny hints about how she didn't like he wasn't a Christian, but never said anything like, "I'm leaving you because of it..". But this whole dropping thing happened instantly, no warning, nothing. I've been there, and done that. Shitty way for things to go. If she EVER wants to take her back, DENY!! DEENNYY!! Personal Experience, she'll drop you on your ass once, it will happen again.

And that drunken stupor was a great fun...seeing Sam stumbling trying to make coherent sentences, and playing scategories...oh yea.
my answer for sports that started with a K was "water sports!"
This is terrible... you have my sympathy :(

She must have been pretty devout to do something so cruel. Reminds be why I hate religion so much.
As some of you are aware (or may not be, either way), I was happily engaged. But as of 07/06/07 she dropped a bombshell that effectively ended that relationship. she is very religious (should have been my first hint to run like hell) and she could only marry someone of the same faith (christians and their crazy unequally yoked thing). now, I refuse to change who I am at the core, if other people don't like it, they don't have to stick around. friday was pretty much the first time she brought this up, and now I find myself single again. before the end of the night I was drunk and naked at pitz new place, and I stayed drunk the entire weekend. went to sleep drunk, woke up and started drinking almost immediatly (vodka and cheerios anyone?). I loved her, I really did, with all my being, and I was willing to do just about anything for her (and too her, if you know what I mean). And it all came crashing down because of religion. this is one of the few times I wish I was a christian.......by the gods I need a drink.

well for starters I wont lecture you on why you shouldnt get married so freakin young .although I should ..I'm not even going to lecture you on getting engaged to someone that you didnt even know they had religious beliefs ..never marry someone you barely know ...also sex is often only for procreation so unless you're going to have a lot of kiddies say buhbye to casual sex

but I will say this: bravo for running, you not only marry her but you marry her entire family ..do you really want to go to church every sunday? do you really want to follow every single rule, participate in every single event just to please her? what about you? shouldnt she also please you? do you really want to raise your kids according to her religion? not only should you run but you should draw a pentagram on her parents house with their pet's blood, that'll learn the crazy religious fanatics ..dont sign it though
not only should you run but you should draw a pentagram on her parents house with their pet's blood, that'll learn the crazy religious fanatics ..dont sign it though

I sense a story here.
Joo got pwned by god himself!

That sucks dude. Am I gonna have to smack a bitch? I do it fo ya too!

Sry, that was just the little black guy dancing on my cerebrum. -.-
Dude, really, it would have you, her AND God in the bedroom. AWKWARD!!!
I may be only 24, but seriously, I am not that young. as for religion, i knew she was religious, but not that religious.
Uh, it does. It really, really does.
christians and their crazy unequally yoked thing

Dude, I know you just got out of a really terrible relationship but bare with me when I provide you this one criticsm.

Not all religious pull the yoke crap. That was just one of her power plays to show she to could be in charge of your relationship, not realizing its actually shared power.
Why do you people keep saying it's hypocritical? It isn't.

goes against their silly beliefs, I am sure if Jesus is really the son of god he thinks shes a moron for being such an ass
just become christian. none of it really matters anyway

-_- if it doesn't matter why can't she just accept him?

Just so he can pretend to be a happy christian when he really isn't?

That's not what personal beliefs are about, douche
Zombie Turtle you are one ugly mother****er!


Sorry to hear about it Kamikazi, must really suck. I raise my glass to you and hope you get through this rough time.
-_- if it doesn't matter why can't she just accept him?

Just so he can pretend to be a happy christian when he really isn't?

That's not what personal beliefs are about, douche


im a douche because i believe that if your really in love with someone you will make sacrifices to be with them. Not ****ing break up what could be an amazing marrige life with someone over a bunch of basicly mumbo-jumbo because no one can prove their religion is the right one anyway.

im a douche because i believe that if your really in love with someone you will make sacrifices to be with them. Not ****ing break up what could be an amazing marrige life with someone over a bunch of basicly mumbo-jumbo because no one can prove their religion is the right one anyway.
I'm sorry that you think you have to change who you are to be happy.
its called comprimise, if hes not as friggin religous as his ex is why not comprimise.
There's a difference between reasonable compromise and "I'm going to pretend to be a part of a religion I don't believe in and effectively lie to everyone at your church so that you're comfortable being married to me"
well if hes just as stubborn as she is then they dont have to be together, w/e not like i give a shit