A Serious Discussion About Drugs And Alcohol

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Do you drink or do drugs? if you do, why do you do it and what's your opinon about it?

Personally, I don't like beer, just doesn't taste good, I drink wine from time to time in restaurants and holiday dinners and stuff like that.. nothing serious.

Now, I've smoked weed for about a month and now I'm pretty clean.. though I was planning on taking an x tommorow, and now I'm not so sure about it.. just saw "Requiem For A Dream" not too long ago and it made me scared... like what if I go crazy or something :/

On the other hand my friends say it's really good and it's not that big of a deal.. I'm really scared it'll change my personality or my way of thinking.. so should I take it or not?
i cant say i've taken an e before, i probably wouldnt if i was asked right now. I mean you can die from one, and sometimes have bad trips, that you can have flashbacks from later in life.

One thing to do is seen as your on the internet, do a bit of research about it to make sure your sure on what you are taking.

dont forget one exctasy pill can kill some people, unlickely tho. And the pills can contain other stuff such as speed or horse tranquilisers.

But if you decide, make sure you drink lots of water, and are with people who can take care of you if you go tits up
No drink drinking and no drugs no sex. Man I love my life, and im not being sarcastic.
The main point to consider is that you never really know what ingredients are in the street drug you are taking, even if it's weed, it might contain some nasty chemical elements.

I drink beer occasionally but I detest the hangover I get the next morning, I do all of the right things (drink plenty of fluids during the expulsion period, eat well etc) but I still wake up feeling like crap.

As for drugs, I only ever touch weed, I was psychologically addicted to weed a good few years ago when my life was upside down, but I have since corrected my problems and stopped the addiction and I enjoy a good smoke every now and then as a relaxant and a social drug.
If you have taken ecstasy and you are feeling very dehydrated even after drinking shitloads, do not drink anymore - your osmo-regulatory cells are being messed with and your cells will begin to take in too much water due to osmosis and then they will start to burst. Like what happened to Leah Betts.
Originally posted by thenerdguy
No drink drinking and no drugs no sex. Man I love my life, and im not being sarcastic.
lucky ***** ;) :(
Originally posted by Murray_H
If you have taken ecstasy and you are feeling very dehydrated even after drinking shitloads, do not drink anymore - your osmo-regulatory cells are being messed with and your cells will begin to take in too much water due to osmosis and then they will start to burst. Like what happened to Leah Betts.

Yeah I know, water poisoning or something.

Anyway, it's a really tough decision if to take it or not, I need advice ;(

btw I'm 15 if it matters.
I have no problem with pot or drinking in moderation.

Ive done some other drugs but id rather keep that to myself.
Does compulsive PC gaming count as a drug? Or Jolt Cola as alcohol?
If that is the case, then my answer is HELL YES AND I LOVE IT!!!!! :)

Otherwise I dont do drugs. I havent found a point doing so.
Same with smoking. I dont see the fun in it. Sucking on burning stick with some 4000 different toxics (pesticide, fungicide, herbicide, heavy metals, formaldehyde, ammonia, whatever, take your pick) in is not my cup of tea... Its a deadly drug, yet its widely accepted in society :dozey:
No drugs at all, but a lot of drinking. I like beer, wine and strong drinks, maybe because I can drink vodka like water, have 3 hours of sleep and feel perfectly normal the morning after. Never had any headache because of alcohol, never threw up or anything.

I don't drink as much as I did in the past, because I'm always scared of making a fool of myself or do something bad. I hate losing control, so drugs or alcohol (in large quantities) aren't for me now.

I never do drugs. Every form of smoking is disgusting to me and seeing other people stoned I don't want to look like them... Whatever you do, don't go further than pot. Pot is somewhat dangerous for you, but strong drugs are reaaal bad. You know, aspirin is a dangerous substance, it can kill you, so imagine strong drugs made by some guy and cut with god-knows-what. Oh and another thing, don't drink or do drugs without a reason. Wait for a party or Half-Life 2's release. And don't make it an habit. It may sounds like a stupid advice but I know what damages addictions can do to a person and everyone around him...
Originally posted by :>~
btw I'm 15 if it matters.

uhm, i would wait if i were you.. youre way too young to mess up your life with drugs and stuff
My advice :>~ would be to say no but who is going to listen to a person they don't know.

Anyway, the body of a 15 year old cannot take that kind of thing without anything happening, it will leave you with problems when you grow older. This is the same for most drugs, including weed. The liver of a 15 year old also can't take alcohol properly and only gets damaged by it, unless you have it in very small amounts.
I don't do drugs - I've only ever tried weed/skunk and that doesn't agree with me at all. So I don't do it. I don't drink vodka for similar reasons.
I drink a fair bit but I don't think it's a problem. Last summer, however I did develop a wee bit of a drinking problem. ALWAYS ended up drinking too much, embarrassed myself and pissed off my friends - not a good time at all.
I have to say though, that I'd be particularly interested to try acid...
And as f*cked up as it sounds, I'd be very interested to experience the effects of heroin/opium but I'd be far too scared to actually try it.
Not to mention way too cheap to buy it.
Personally, I don't think weed's that big a deal. Yes, you can become psychologically addicted but it's not THAT common and the evidence that it leads onto harder drugs is minimal - people who're at a higher disposition to try harder drugs usually start off with weed, but you find me someone whose first experience with drugs was anything harder (ie: ecstasy/cocaine). And cannabis-psychosis is rare, to say the least. Some people are more disposed to it than others, true, but generally speaking you have to smoke a LOT of STRONG marijuana for it to happen. It's completely demonised in the US. I don't know why...
EDIT: Sorry I just realised you're 15. I'd also advise against drinking a lot and don't smoke too much dope yet. And if by "x" you were referring to ecstasy, DEFINITELY don't do it at your age.
well it all depends on why you are doing it if you just want t try it wait a lil e will always be there altough u will not always be 15 if you know wht i mean.
Right, I'd like to say that: I'm 16, and I know my limit, since at 16, your body isn't properly developed. I drink socially, but nothing stronger than Murphy's or Stella :) I drink wine with meals and stuff, but I never go over 4 units in a day... until I'm 17, when I'll up this limit. I have tried smoking, again in recreatation, but it was cigars, and I'm not hooked or anything, I just happen to appricate a fine cigar with my mates :D... I hate cigerettes tho, they burn my throat. I have tried 'pot/skunk' (my friend grows it :p)... didn't like it really, and my friends accept that I don't like that stuff, they wouldn't be my mates otherwise :)

Don't take the X, seriously dude, you can't trust that stuff
Originally posted by mindless_moder
well it all depends on why you are doing it if you just want t try it wait a lil e will always be there altough u will not always be 15 if you know wht i mean.
Is it only me that see's the problem in that? :)

Anyway, I'm really curious to know how many of all the anti drug (heroin, cocain, cannabis, whatever) people smoke...
Just looking fast yields a statitic that 117,400 died in one year (97, just in the UK) by cause of smoking. The amount for overdose and poisoning was 2,663. Any bells ringing in anyones head?

Another site shows that 120,000 died due to tobacco. 4 died from Exctasy. (95 I beleive, also UK).

A site on the US shows 430,700 deaths due to tobacco (average 90-94). 16,926 from drugs (+7,600 from such things as aspirin) (98 info).

We live in a completely wacked world.
Originally posted by :>~
Do you drink or do drugs? if you do, why do you do it and what's your opinon about it?

Personally, I don't like beer, just doesn't taste good, I drink wine from time to time in restaurants and holiday dinners and stuff like that.. nothing serious.

Now, I've smoked weed for about a month and now I'm pretty clean.. though I was planning on taking an x tommorow, and now I'm not so sure about it.. just saw "Requiem For A Dream" not too long ago and it made me scared... like what if I go crazy or something :/

On the other hand my friends say it's really good and it's not that big of a deal.. I'm really scared it'll change my personality or my way of thinking.. so should I take it or not?

Not liking beer is blasphemy!
Anyways Ive drank every weekend for about 4 years now, hey, everyone needs to have a good time sometimes.
As for drugs never been my thing. Smoked some pot, took some shrooms, my verdict: Id rather drink anyday of the week over doing drugs.

EDIT: drink of choice would be Captain Morgans white rum. Nothin better than a stiff rum and coke to take the edge off
Originally posted by dawdler
Or Jolt Cola as alcohol?

Yes. Yes it does.

I have yet to do a drug (don't plan on it) and my drinking habits, well, they're practilly non-existant. Beer tastes like urine. Wine is ok with meals, but it's not really that great. Mixed drinks are ok (martinis are nice), but I usally stick with the sweet drinks. Rum, frozen drinks, etc.
I cant handle this. Maybe you guys are drinking the wrong shit, but beer tastes good. And no, Bud and Bud Light are NOT beer;)
Beer sucks.If you want to get drunk get the good shit.Like Everclear or Jack Daniels.Also I don't really consider weed a drug.It's more like a herb.If you want to talk drugs talk about cocaine,acid, or lsd.
I drink Guiness ;(

Stella, Orangjeboom! (sorry, it sounds like something outta XII) and Murphy's are my other fave drinks

Hmm if somebody asked me whether I drink or smoke I would probably say "no" or "sometimes." (which is true actually) I believe that smoking especially means a lower status in today's society. I could be wrong of course ...
You freaking idiot. You're a fool to even consider taking drugs as an option. Anyone who takes drugs (or considers taking them) should be psychologically examined, because something is not right upstairs. I am completely unsympathetic towards your 'dilemma,' and I hope you endure to the fullest extent every consequence of your decision - be it beneficial or detrimental.
Originally posted by FictiousWill
You freaking idiot. You're a fool to even consider taking drugs as an option. Anyone who takes drugs (or considers taking them) should be psychologically examined, because something is not right upstairs. I am completely unsympathetic towards your 'dilemma,' and I hope you endure to the fullest extent every consequence of your decision - be it beneficial or detrimental.
Shit!!!My jackass meter just blew up!!!
Originally posted by FictiousWill
You freaking idiot. You're a fool to even consider taking drugs as an option. Anyone who takes drugs (or considers taking them) should be psychologically examined, because something is not right upstairs. I am completely unsympathetic towards your 'dilemma,' and I hope you endure to the fullest extent every consequence of your decision - be it beneficial or detrimental.

Whatever man, no need to preach. Some people use substances to cope with problems or to relax. Am I saying its right? No, but its sure as hell better than people walking around looking like they might explode at any second from stress or whatever their issue is.
I'm 15, I don't drink, do drugs, or smoke and I don't plan on doing any of those. Except possibly wine; I've never smelled a cigar or a pipe so I can't comment on those. I treat my body with respect and it has never failed me.

I am no one to you, just another faceless text on a screen so I can't tell you what to do. I do however urge you to think about what the effect could be on you and your future. I know what I want to do with my life, few years form now i'll be off training for the military. Thats just who I am. I'm not willing to risk any of my dreams or my future on a pile of grass and chemicals.

I wish you luck.
To all those people who drink but dont take drugs......alcohol is a drug

And weed is a drug Tr0n, it affects the nervous system and is therefore a drug
As a student, I probably would be pressured by my friends(Older ones probably) to use drugs. But people who pressure you to do drugs aren't worthy enough to be your friends. And drugs are pathetic, HOW THE **** CAN PEOPLE LIKE MARIJUANA???!?!?!?!?!? I've had people in these forums say things like: Pot-Smokers unit and etc...
Originally posted by Tredoslop
As a student, I probably would be pressured by my friends(Older ones probably) to use drugs. But people who pressure you to do drugs aren't worthy enough to be your friends. And drugs are pathetic, HOW THE **** CAN PEOPLE LIKE MARIJUANA???!?!?!?!?!? I've had people in these forums say things like: Pot-Smokers unit and etc...

Thats horsesh*t Tred, dont believe that. Watching those TV specials and shit as a kid they try to make you think that in High School youll be all pressured and offered drugs and sh*t. That is so not true, there is no pressure whatsoever, and people dont go around saying "the first ones free" and stuff, in reality, most of em are too tight and stingy with their own stuff to even care whether or not you are doing it. I know for a fact when I was a senior I wasnt goin around and offering beers to freshman, as that would mean Id have less for myself, and I didnt care whether or not they had any.
I do no go any further then alcohol... beer is my baby, and "most" of the time I don't drink to get drunk. (Go Corona!) I do not currently smoke weed, and I am doubtful I will at all atleast until college. First I don't really like the idea of doing that to my lungs, second my mom is a fU<kin bloodhound when it comes to smelling the stuff in my hair and clothes and truck. I am 17 and drink, hardly ever alone... but I have selfcontrol.

(felt good to get that out.)
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
and "most" of the time I don't drink to get drunk.

Thats the only time I drink (to get drunk). Ive never seen a point to casual drinking. Either go sober or get hammered. Dont half ass it
Originally posted by Tredoslop
As a student, I probably would be pressured by my friends(Older ones probably) to use drugs. But people who pressure you to do drugs aren't worthy enough to be your friends. And drugs are pathetic, HOW THE **** CAN PEOPLE LIKE MARIJUANA???!?!?!?!?!? I've had people in these forums say things like: Pot-Smokers unit and etc...

Lolol, probably because of the high you get.


~420~ Smoke Wizzle Every Dizzle ~420~
Originally posted by Bass
Thats the only time I drink (to get drunk). Ive never seen a point to casual drinking. Either go sober or get hammered. Dont half ass it

Don't half ass it, give me a break... Theres a difference between getting wasted and getting buzzed... I usually drink 5 coronas and thats enough to get me feeling nice.

[*edit- And I like to eat bunny rabbits.
Originally posted by Murray_H
To all those people who drink but dont take drugs......alcohol is a drug

And weed is a drug Tr0n, it affects the nervous system and is therefore a drug
Well not in my book it isn't.I say screw who ever says that bullshit.I looked it up on msn dictionary and it says weed is a herb and a drug.So were both right.Oh yea what about paint?Is huffing paint considered a drug?
Originally posted by Bass
Thats the only time I drink (to get drunk). Ive never seen a point to casual drinking. Either go sober or get hammered. Dont half ass it
Thats my boy. :) I say if you want to get drunk don't drink that beer bullshit.Get the heavy stuff like whiskey or tequilla (straight up)
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