AI test map idea


May 16, 2003
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Evil posted this in another thread:

indeed.. but i think it would be fun if they showed a part twice. one with the opponents ai turned off and one with the opponents ai turned on. so we would really see the diffrence

I think one of the first maps I'll be making is a sort of test course designed to put the AI through its paces. Surely there will be some basic AI settings available in the editors without the need for coding (hopefully).
To watch and learn how the AI reacts to different things will be very helpfull in the early stages.

The Punisher
hmmm, nice idea there, god I cant wait to get makin some maps like the old HL
that would definetely be cool.... an AI test map with varied things
Alot of MP mod makers probably wont have much AI going on if any. But for SP mods I think its going to be real important to know what the AI can and cant do, and how the AI goes about it.
Exactly, and more importantly we can do PHYSICS tests!

How about making a shed out of wood then mowing through it with a machine gun and watching it fall over? Or making a massive bridge and shooting out important bits with a rocket launcher.

OMFG, September 30th!
:thumbs: this kind of research and testing helps alot in making the serious maps interesting
Yes, you'll have to publish your results or the map, so everyone can see the effects, without having the long and laburious task of recreating it :p
Any AI and or Physics test Maps I create will be made public, and I'm hopefull that others would also do so.
In fact if somebody wanted to do some particular testing it would be cool if they could just download a map with several tests already done and then add what they want to test. Then upload the new map back to wherever they got it.
I'm already planning a sort of gallery type map where I'll have most of My models on display complete with animations. The gallery will have be organized into different sections and will also have some shooting ranges along in the weapons sections. It'll just make it simple to go look at the models and compare them to one another.
I'll probably release an "Empty" version of this map for anybody interested.
I will be making a training map to practice on for MP and sharing these recources is a verry good idea!
Originally posted by Punisher454

In fact if somebody wanted to do some particular testing it would be cool if they could just download a map with several tests already done and then add what they want to test. Then upload the new map back to wherever they got it.
I do like that idea..... very in the community Spirit ;)