Alien weapons?

May 22, 2003
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just wondering...what alien weapons do you think will be in HL2, and which of the old ones might do a comeback?

so far there's:

Antlion phermone-thingie-balls.
I think the Barnacle is making a re-appearance.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
I think the Barnacle is making a re-appearance.

I hope so... The barnacle gun from Opposing force was one of the best guns from the game!!!
yeah, there was nothing more satisfying than killing someone with a barnicle:cheese:
I have a feeling that we might see the "fly-gun-thingie" since that was pretty original...with homing "flies" n' stuff....and it was so fun having the sentries firing at them...all crazy!(if it does get into HL2 they need to keep that feature)
I think snarks have been replaced by the pheremone greandes... alien control type thing. But it would be nice to see something like that make a return.
I've seen nothing to indicate that the guys with the hornet gun are even in HL2 (and without them no hornet gun). Personally I thought they were pretty lame. Way less dangerous than marines once you figured the weak spots in their armor and valve must have thought they were tough or something because you usually had something like a howitzer when facing more then one of them at a time. So far the only returning aliens I am aware of are zombies, headcrabs, barnicles, and alien slaves.

I think i'd like to see the hornet gun, also... but make it a little bit more effective in killing and make the hornets hit faster rather than circling around the assclown 50 times.
Originally posted by Straylight
I've seen nothing to indicate that the guys with the hornet gun are even in HL2 (and without them no hornet gun). Personally I thought they were pretty lame. Way less dangerous than marines once you figured the weak spots in their armor and valve must have thought they were tough or something because you usually had something like a howitzer when facing more then one of them at a time. So far the only returning aliens I am aware of are zombies, headcrabs, barnicles, and alien slaves.


Uhm the agrunt were frustrating cause it was very difficul to avoid their hornets. They dont do much damage, but it was frustrating the same being hit and such.

Anyway i think it is better they didnt made every battle with one of them a long duel...
Alien slave?? I've seen no indication of them returning. I have seen a pretty nice render that looked awfully HL2-ish tho... what else is there to prove this?

And the hornet gun I believe will not make a return. It was quite original but only because it was a part of an alien and you used it as a gun :D which was cool until the expansions went and overdid it :(

It was underpowered and the ammo system was kind of... well awful. It was nice having unlimited ammo but the firing rate was too fast vs. the max ammo and the recharge was kinda slow.

They could fix these problems but I wouldn't really say it was worth it...
Originally posted by Bad^Hat
Alien slave?? I've seen no indication of them returning. I have seen a pretty nice render that looked awfully HL2-ish tho... what else is there to prove this?

In the UK edition of PC Zone its mentioned that alien slaves WILL return.... but they will apparently be on your side and no longer slaves!
aaah..... found the quote! :D
"So for example, the African-American scientist who was in every third room in Half-Life (check out the Scientist Makeover panel for more on this), is now Dr Eli Vance, Alyx's father. He's the guy who'll tell you what happened between the end of Half-Life and the start of Half-Life 2. You'll be seeing a lot of tie-ins like that, where you'll find out who certain people were from Black Mesa." Sounds intriguing, tell us more. "Eli has brought Alyx up to be a bit of an inventor. As a result, she's built a side-kick robot called Dog." Doug homed in on Dog, a large yet friendly looking robot who will no doubt pack some hefty firepower. Strafing left, the camera fixed on a familiar looking individual. Barney, the fat security guard. "We've made Barney a defined guy with pretty noticeable characteristics. There won't be loads of Barney's this time round, just the one." Doug also showed me the G-Man, looking sinister in his sharp attire, and some Alien Slaves. Alien Slaves? In the good-guys room? What was all that about? "In the last game, Alien Slaves were the bad guys, but they've moved over to your side." I pressed him for specifics on how this will come about, but Doug simply flashed me a smile which said it all. "Wouldn't you like to know?"
:E :naughty:
nice quote.

I never heard any one say that black mesa was in Arizona... where did all you guys get that from?
How about the opening? One of the first things thats shows up states it takes place in Arizona.
Originally posted by |MaTT|
aaah..... found the quote! :D:E :naughty:

Thats not too surprising .. the alien slaves did not attack you at the end of HL1
also if you remember them they wore a large green metal band around thier necks. Its my belief that they were controlled by this band in some way either directly or by force.
the word 'slave' says it all really, i guess humans just enslaved them? Better not hafta use pheromone grenades on them too tho >_<

I'm very very intrigued by this Dog thing... sounds a bit cliche with the robotic sidekick thing but for some reason I find myself loving the idea :D
Is´nt there anyone else then me that´s heard that the bullsquid will return?
Originally posted by Rascall
Is´nt there anyone else then me that´s heard that the bullsquid will return?

yes there is...but we're talking alien weapons here...
i hope the spore gun will return... and somewhat on the topic of aliens, i am very disappointed that the Houndeyes will not appear
Originally posted by Straylight
So far the only returning aliens I am aware of are zombies, headcrabs, barnicles, and alien slaves.

Júst wanted to add him to the list. ;)
I tihnk it would be pretty poor if they didnt bring back all the HL aliens (that doesnt include Opposing Force) I mean how cool would a Garg be in HL2 or the Huge green tantacles. There werent that many aliens in HL really if i remember right there was 13 not including Nihilanth who obviously wont be returning. It says your going to have 50 enemies so i dont see why they wont bring them all back.