Aliens vs. Grunts vs. Everyone else


Aug 19, 2003
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Well I was thinking about how cool it would be to just sit there and watch a hoard of alien creatures fighting those grunts. Maybe throw a few scientists with submachine guns into the fray along with Alyx's D.O.G. Man that would be hot just to watch, especially seeing how good the AI is (in the gameplay video). Ok well anyway I know this was pointless but I am really bored :dozey: :cheese:
hmmm join the club of would be more fun if you put the g-man in a street and make the combine, aliens etc. all chasin after him.
maybe just put him in a sealed room full of headcrabs... :P:cheese:
lol - dont 4get a window so u can view the action :D
Or maby we could use that new cool camera? And we could make a room like the one with all the TVs in The Matrix Reloaded. :E
or better yet....shoot him in the head with a pistol....repeatedly...
well of course... we wouldnt want to miss that. You know, i never thought about this, but you remeber those tenticle guys in HL1 who would be on the ceilings and would grab guys and pull them up? Well you know how the Gman was invinsible in the game.. what would happen if he ran into one of those? would he just be eternally chewed on? Hmmmm....:eek:
gd point actually i dont tink he cood ever come into contact with one....but i want to see one weapon i hl2 that i use against the g-man. the mighty spork. not quite a spoon, not quite a fork, its a spork.
Man I really hope I can use that manipulator on him... mwhahah I would love to throw him around a bit :D
i tink u shood be able to punch in hl2...then u cood go by the top of a building punch him off onto a trampeline, then he bounces up, u punch him again etc. etc.
It would be cool just to see some aliens attack a fortified position. Actually come to think of it, you could make a Starship troopers like scenario with the antlions attacking the soldiers. That would be SO cool!
Yeah but I think to reach the amount of antlions sufficient to replicate such a mass-massacre like in Starship Troopers, you would have to turn down the details. The engine might be capable of alot, but you're not going to render 500 antlions without having to turn down the details on them, alot! If I get into mapping for HL2 (If i got the time) I'm planning to make a fortified camp like in Starship Troopers with a walkway, a depot in the centre and perhaps a outlook tower next to the depot. Add 16 marines and continuously spawning antlions, and you've got something close to the 'real' thing!!
i dunno if that would work. You would need to have more marines at a time than ant lions. They seem to really be able to kick combine ass...
I bet it could be done. I wonder if they're are level of intelligence build into the AI? If there are, you could just give the Marines higher intelligence and far more health.
or give the antlions far less health. I seem the remember the bugs in ST getting absolutely plastered by the marine's guns.

Radeon, that's a really cool idea!
go with less health for the ant lions, thats how it happened, but if the bug ever got to the soldiers they were pretty much dead.
btw the book was so much better than the movie.
I'm talking about human players, the Marines I mean. The opposite of your suggestion would work: lowering the health on the Antlion. Lowering AI wouldn't really influence difficulty, since the map will be quite straight-forward. It would, however, lower the processor intensity of it all.
I love alien vs marine fights. I actualy made a simple alien vs marine HL map a few weeks ago. :) (yeah i know there probably is over 40231954 bugs in it but whatever ;) )
some one could make a mod of grunts and aliens fighting... and you could have a screen of how many of each you want, and what type of weapon you want the grunts use...
Like some sort of a Starship Trooper simulation? Hmmm perhaps, but it would get boring soon.
Originally posted by JiMmEh
hmmm join the club of would be more fun if you put the g-man in a street and make the combine, aliens etc. all chasin after him.

For some reason I can imagine this with Benny Hill Chase music.

EDIT: I keep on thinking of this and laughing, a lot.

Does anyone know who Benny Hill is?
Yes, Benny Hill was a comedian of some sort. Bit of a fat sweaty guy with little pig eyes. He did have some funny stuff though. Not seen much of it. Now he's dead
Originally posted by Feath
For some reason I can imagine this with Benny Hill Chase music.

::The G-Man runs by, runs back and looks right into the camera. He waggles his eyebrows, adjusts his tie, then takes off again in fast-speed, quickly followed by 2 marines, an antlion, 14 headcrabs climbing all over each other, those three-armed-lightning-shooting-eye-things, Barney, a guy in a chicken suit (?), Barney again (?!?), and finally Gordon, running along with crowbar raised angrily over his head::
Originally posted by Chazz
::The G-Man runs by, runs back and looks right into the camera. He waggles his eyebrows, adjusts his tie, then takes off again in fast-speed, quickly followed by 2 marines, an antlion, 14 headcrabs climbing all over each other, those three-armed-lightning-shooting-eye-things, Barney, a guy in a chicken suit (?), Barney again (?!?), and finally Gordon, running along with crowbar raised angrily over his head::

Hehe... that's good...