all this talk of snow days and the film is on tv now


Dec 20, 2004
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its on tv now lol in the uk guess its america tryin to rub it in us brits neva get snow days
May I ask what are you watching? Cause we had a snowday here today.
there is a film showing neighbour hoods full of snow on this news channel lol it looks awesome
I never get snow days :(
I got a week off last year though cuz half the county was on fire ^_^
lol in my whole lifetime weve had 1 when i was about 6 and im 17 now lol
Ikerous said:
I never get snow days :(
I got a week off last year though cuz half the county was on fire ^_^
Fire Days, what's next?
Melbourne gets a day off for a sports event...

We get snow days usually once or twice a year... its really nice. It's supposed to snow tonight so i'm praying school gets cancelled. :)
I live in Arizona, and we had our first snow day in the district in 12 years just a while back. We almost had one again today but we didn't get enough.

There are 3 major storms coming in from the coasts all around the US, you should check it out and read about it on weather sites, soon they'll converge into one massive cloud/storm system. Not too horrible or anything like hurricanes but just one almost coast to coast entire storm. Said to be a 2 or 3 times a century type of thing.
It snowed twice when I lived in Canberra

(It was awsome, I thought I was never going to experience snow since I am in AUS)
I live in canada so snow days are pretty common, which is pretty sweet, no school or work :D