Allied overwatch?


Oct 15, 2007
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I am not sure if anybody suggested this before, but wouldn't it be cool if somehow an overwatch soldier becomes your ally in Ep3? Maybe the guy still has some humanity left in him, or he might witness a really depressing event that triggers his humanity back or maybe he simply reasons that he could be disposed of once the combine take over completely ...

Again, sorry if this has been discussed already.
seems unlikely because it would not be half life ish
Nah. They're more machine than human now. There's probably not a shred of conscience or free will left in them.
Nah. They're more machine than human now. There's probably not a shred of conscience or free will left in them.
Probably true. But I think it would be extremely powerful if one of them did because that shows that even though they have little humanity left, that is enough to bring them back. Or maybe they would reason that they would be terminated once the Combine are done ... endless list of reasons :)

riomhaire said:
Allied CPs?
I think this is a more realistic proposition.
Probably true. But I think it would be extremely powerful if one of them did because that shows that even though they have little humanity left, that is enough to bring them back. Or maybe they would reason that they would be terminated once the Combine are done ... endless list of reasons :)

I think this is a more realistic proposition.

Well , seeing as they have been practically lobotomised i doubt it. And i think what he meant with the CP thing was a reference to an earlier thread about allied CPs.
CPs haven't been converted, they're still just guys in suits.
I don't think it would happen like you said. However, I could imagine Gordan disguising as Overwatch at some point. I mean, Barney did it. It'd be interesting to be in an Overwatch squad dealing with zombies and antlions, when they get the assignment to wipe out a rebel outpost. Story would have to kick in at that point, though, so you're never forced to (or able to) fight rebels. (That sort of moral choice would be cool in another game, but it isn't HL2-ish.)
Nah they have had there brains taken out and replaced with like computers theres NO memory of being a human left
It would be awesome if they did that, but somehow i sadly doubt it.
I doubt even the CPs would come over. You actually fight 3 of them in the last escort bit of Exist 17 back in Episode One.

If that didn't convert them, nothing will.

It would be a nice surprise though.
Well you surely had some fanatic CPs who had thoughts of defending C17

I sure you had the CPs who were in for the sex simulation and the free beatings and a decent meal who at signs of failure ditched their suits and joined the resistance or just ganged up as another group whom might have made it out of the citadel.
Allied Combine soldier??? Of course not, Gordon Freeman has killed more than 250 of them... and destroyed almost everything they got...