Always bet on Duke

guess all the rumours killed the surprise but still cant believe its happening

will it be able to stand out from every other shooter tho? Will it sell?
Official site is now up.

Nothing much for now, but the background image of the official site would make a great wallpaper. Oh, and so would the kickass picture Stemot posted once the size is reworked.
Kotaku's demo impressions:

Duke Nukem Forever is, of course, a first person shooter. The controls are standard, mapped as you'd expect on the Xbox 360 controller on which I played the game. Zoom on the left trigger. Shoot on the right. Click the right stick to crouch. But, before all that, at the start of the demo, pull the right trigger to piss.

The demo starts with a first person view of the urinal. You can make Duke urinate as much as you want. The wait is over!

Well, no that's not what this game is about. You're in a football locker room. There are a couple of hot tubs and, in the main area, some soldiers gearing up for a fight. On the whiteboard they plan their move against the beast on the field. Their strategy: cockblock. You can draw on the whiteboard. I drew straight lines. But on another TV playing the game here at PAX I saw someone drawing a penis.
Always bet on Gearbox to make a shitty console port.
goddamit i only read the first post get off my jewelz
most features shown in the videos were also in 3Drealms' version. go, read the leaked design documents before crying like a little girl.
"Swap weapons"

****ing what. Like, exchanging the weapon you're holding for one on the ground? You can only hold one weapon at a time? Please tell me this "Swap weapons" is just really poorly chosen words for opening the weapon selection menu or something.
Gearbox: Making somewhat decent games* shitty since 1999!

* - Open to opinion
"Swap weapons"

****ing what. Like, exchanging the weapon you're holding for one on the ground? You can only hold one weapon at a time? Please tell me this "Swap weapons" is just really poorly chosen words for opening the weapon selection menu or something.

Well of course! What you expect an over the top action game that parodies 80's action movies to have an unrealistic amount of weapons caried at any time by the character? /sarcasm overload
"Swap weapons"

****ing what. Like, exchanging the weapon you're holding for one on the ground? You can only hold one weapon at a time? Please tell me this "Swap weapons" is just really poorly chosen words for opening the weapon selection menu or something.

It looks like you'll only be able to carry up to 2 weapons at a time. In a Military based shooter I can see why they would implement this, but in an over the top action shooter like Duke Nukem Forever?

Gearbox: Making somewhat decent games* shitty since 1999!

* - Open to opinion

While I really enjoyed the Half-Life expansions Gearbox made, everything else they had made since then has been rather 'Ho-hum' for me. I just hope Duke Nukem Forever is a top notch action game and a worthy successor of Duke Nukem 3D.
It looks like you'll only be able to carry up to 2 weapons at a time. In a Military based shooter I can see why they would implement this, but in an over the top action shooter like Duke Nukem Forever?

Yeah, that better not be the case. Limited number of weapons in Duke Nukem games is absolute blasphemy.

While I really enjoyed the Half-Life expansions Gearbox made, everything else they had made since then has been rather 'Ho-hum' for me. I just hope Duke Nukem Forever is a top notch action game and a worthy successor of Duke Nukem 3D.

I liked the entire Brothers In Arms series a lot. Borderlands was a let down though, not enough substance in it.
It looks like you'll only be able to carry up to 2 weapons at a time. In a Military based shooter I can see why they would implement this, but in an over the top action shooter like Duke Nukem Forever?

Exactly, it doesn't make any sense. It's not supposed to be realistic, quite the opposite.

2 weapons at a time... *facepalm*

Day 1 purchase, even with the shitty consolization. It's Duke ffs.
Maybe you have to swap the heavy weapons? that would make some sense.
No it wouldn't. Duke is the Chuck Norris of video games.
Yes it would, Duke is duke, sure, but there is a thing called mega-overkill with a collection of super-weapons
Yeah, that better not be the case. Limited number of weapons in Duke Nukem games is absolute blasphemy.

Exactly, it doesn't make any sense. It's not supposed to be realistic, quite the opposite.

2 weapons at a time... *facepalm*

Bulletstorm, being an over-the-top shooter not unlike DNF, will also limit you to carry only 2 weapons at a time. This decision didn't sit well with some over at Epic's forums and wanted to know why. I have heard some people speculate that this was done to better accommodate the control pads. If this is true, I can imagine this being true with DNF also.
Day 1 purchase, even with the shitty consolization. It's Duke ffs.
People like you are why games/movies like this are made (read: destroyed)

You'll buy anything that has the face of something from the past that you loved.

I have heard some people speculate that this was done to better accommodate the control pads. If this is true, I can imagine this being true with DNF also.
Sounds more like the 'OMG, that's so cool! DNF needs that!' Innovations that Broussard spent 12 years holding up the game with. It does seem a little daft, but it doesn't have to be two weapons only. I think Far Cry / Crysis struck a fair enough balance with four weapons... IIRC.
I wonder if DNF will incorporate Steamworks on release? An increasing number of developers are incorporating their PC releases for Steamworks.
Bulletstorm, being an over-the-top shooter not unlike DNF, will also limit you to carry only 2 weapons at a time. This decision didn't sit well with some over at Epic's forums and wanted to know why. I have heard some people speculate that this was done to better accommodate the control pads. If this is true, I can imagine this being true with DNF also.

This sounds as stupid as the: "you can only play Alan Wake from the couch", thing... :rolleyes:
Yes it would, Duke is duke, sure, but there is a thing called mega-overkill with a collection of super-weapons

Didn't have any issues with it in Duke 3D. ;)

Also, did anyone else notice the cursor and ESC key in that controller screenshot?
Hey I'm all for doomsday weapons, I'm just trying to find the logic behind the developers madness.
This sounds as stupid as the: "you can only play Alan Wake from the couch", thing... :rolleyes:
Except it actually makes sense, being physically limited by the number of buttons on the controller and all.
Except it actually makes sense, being physically limited by the number of buttons on the controller and all.

Are you kidding? You seriously think it being a console controller means that it can't be compatible with holding more than like 2 weapons? That's complete bullshit.
About time...
Don't care about console ports, even Orange Box was made for consoles.
And I'm pretty sure I've played Duke Nukem 3D on PS1...
Except it actually makes sense, being physically limited by the number of buttons on the controller and all.

Yeah... it's not like there have been any FPS games on consoles with a ton of weapons. OH WAIT THERE HAVE. Half Life 2, Unreal Tournament 3, Serious Sam, and probably others I don't know of.
It's a matter of fitting x number of actions into y number of inputs. If you carry two weapons, that simplifies weapon selection down to a binary toggle, which is a) easy, b) quick, and c) input-efficient. As soon as you have more than two weapons to scroll through, one of those qualities has to go out the window. Do you make it easy to reach all your weapons, and in turn make the process time-consuming, or do you instead make the process quick but in a way that uses up half the buttons on the gamepad? Or maybe you save your inputs and save the player's time, but in such a way that it takes a week to learn how to properly wrangle the weapon selection menu?

I agree that they should use the d-pad or something, as obviously there are better ways to do 3+ weapon selection than a simple toggle. But to say that the controller doesn't impose restrictions on these sorts of design decisions is simply wrong.