And the best movie you ever saw?

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I cant say only one, there is my list:

The thin red line
Fight Club
American History X
Pulp Fiction

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
We've already done this, but what the hey....

The Matrix (both)
LotR (both)
Judge Dredd

(in no particular order
The Shawnshawk Redemtion
Forrest Gump
judge dredd?


LOTR (both)
The matrix (both)
*Ghost in the shell
:eek: Badge? Judge Dread?!?

That film disgraced the name of Dredd himself, It still makes me anrgy just thinking about him taking his helmet off! :flame: ...sorry
it's funny.........genius, it's different from normal Judge Dredd... so its funny

so there

/me blows raspberry
I am the law!

Originally posted by Stone
:eek: Badge? Judge Dread?!?

That film disgraced the name of Dredd himself, It still makes me anrgy just thinking about him taking his helmet off! :flame: ...sorry

It was only a comic, and not taking his helmet off wouldn't work in a film.

My favourite films have to be....

Austen powers (1,2,3)

The Matrix (1,2,(?))
Judging from 1 and 2 im guessing 3 will be there as well
Lord of the rings (1,2,(?))

Theres others i suppose, but i don't know really. I'm trying to remember all the films Ive ever seen. I don't have much of a favourite but those are pretty high.
Band of brothers series (I have all of them :D)
Saving Private ryan w000!
The Matrix Reloaded...of course
Done this already too...In no order-

The Matrix (the origional not reloaded which is good though just not as good)
Blade Runner
Apocalypse Now (you are a man of taste senordingdong)
Fight Club
The Matrix
Das Boot
Blade Runner
Apocalyps Now *Redux
Resevoir Dogs
American History X
Saving Private Ryan
The Eternal Jew

Not in order:
Lord Of the Rings(both)
Old School
Bowling for Columbine
American history X
Evil Dead
Red Dragon
The Exorsist

btw matrix is a rip off with pretty actors and pretty special effects

EDIT: forgot about Arlington road
Hell yea, Evil dead, and army of darkness, awsomeness.. frailty was awsome, Basically I agree with everything everyone else has posted with the exception of akira and ghost in the shell.. was the dude who made akira high or something? WTF? and ghost in the shell was like pointless, it didn't have a plot, it just looked like he put in lame filler as an excuse to draw and put it on TV, like most anime, they deliver lines that make no logical sense and try to put it off as abstract.. anime is cool for the art but honestly I could watch some of them backwards and get about the same amount of entertainment value.
Aliens 2
LOTR / compulsory)
Terminator 2
Bill and Teds Bogus Journey + Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Waynes World 1 and 2
Austin Powers 1, 2 and 3
Harry Potter 2 / eheheheh
Judge Dredd / Yes, I like it in an ironic sort of way
Fifth Element
The Rock
Blade 1 and 2
Monsters Inc
Toy Stroy 1 and 2
Ice Age

Originally posted by sharp
The Matrix
Das Boot
Blade Runner
Apocalyps Now *Redux
Resevoir Dogs
American History X
Saving Private Ryan
The Eternal Jew


Have you really seen The Eternal Jew ? Nazi propaganda right?
There's something not quite right with this thread...

Sorted now :D
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Terminator 2, 3
Band of Brothers (entire series)
Dark City
Dumb and Dumber (it's a classic...)
Evil Dead [all three] THEY ROCK ASH RULZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Terminator 2 i want to see three

Quest for the Holy Grail [Monty Python movie damn funny]

Bevis and Butthead Do America

Back to the Future [all three]

any Indiana Jones

Space Balls[best star wars parody EVER]

and that's about it. :cool:
Punch-Drunk Love
Lord of the Rings series
Monsters Inc.

There's more but I can't think of them right now..
I would have to say:

Matrix (1&2)
The Rock
Shawshank Redemption
Dumb & Dumber
Saving Prt. Ryan
The Sting

Those are my top favorites...