Angry People are Funny True/False

Are angry people funny?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 29 80.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 7 19.4%

  • Total voters


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Well, I find Angry People reviewing stuff funny, and I also find Lewis Black funny. But some other people don't, so I guess I'll paint targets on their heads by asking: Are Angry People spewing their bile and hatred at the world funny?

/EDIT In the spirit of not ending up with a bunch of 'yes's' and 'no's', give examples.
Yes, in the case of people like Lewis Black and the Angry Video Game Nerd.

No in the case of people like Andrew Dice Clay, who is so angry he scares the shit out of me.
Oh. Maybe I should have added a 'case-by-case' thing. But then this poll would never get anywhere. :(
My dad is an angry bitter man, who is constantly finding something to have a go at me over. I find him hilarious!
It depends. If someone is angry with some I don't know .. yes. If someone is angry with me .. yes. If someone is angry with someone I care about on the outside no.

On the inside yes.
Mostly no. There are some angry comedians, like Lewis Black, who are good, but there are tons that I find can't pull it off properly, like Denis Leary and George Carlin.

And regular angry people are rarely funny.
My ex is hilarious when she's angry... She introduces inanimate objects to the walls.
Mine was like that too. It was funny until she threw my keyboard into my acoustic guitar.
I can find outrage, especially at silly things, very funny. So yes Lewis Black is funny.
Angry people eh, I just can remember one quote from HL2: DM, and it was the only quote throughout the 2 hours of playing...

Completely screaming into the microphone: "AH GOOD WORK TOOLEY YA F*CKWIT"
I lol'd for a full-hearty 3 minutes :D
Angry people eh, I just can remember one quote from HL2: DM, and it was the only quote throughout the 2 hours of playing...

Completely screaming into the microphone: "AH GOOD WORK TOOLEY YA F*CKWIT"
I lol'd for a full-hearty 3 minutes :D
:LOL: that's awesome.

And kind of on-topic, I was playing Halo 3 with Shamrock a few nights ago in matchmaking. As we're waiting for other players to get matched with us, he says completely out of the blue, "As soon as this matching finishes I'm going to scream into the microphone for as long as I can." I laugh and say "You can't be serious." Two seconds later the player names show up, and you hear Shamrock take a quick deep breath, and he yells "SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" for a good 30 seconds straight.

Once he's done, there's five seconds of awkward silence (minus me laughing hysterically in the background), and one guy says "Uhh, what the **** was that?" And Shamrock says "Oh sorry guys, that was my cat."

One of my mates has a nasty temper, so when he gets angry (which is quite often) we usually have a good laugh while he freaks out
Mostly no. There are some angry comedians, like Lewis Black, who are good, but there are tons that I find can't pull it off properly, like Denis Leary and George Carlin.

And regular angry people are rarely funny.

George Carlin is 1000000 times funnier than that sweaty mess of a comic lewis black
I thought you were just referring to angry people in general, so I voted yes.
They can sometimes be funny but mostly I find them annoying
Occasionally. Mostly no, and here's the reason why (if you can't tell, it's a parody):******.php******-2.php******-3.php******-4.php******-5.php******6.php

Although, the article on webcomics in the OP's link has quite a bit of truth to it. But I'm talking about angry-for-the-sake-of-being-angry, or the more recently prolific cashing-in-on-the-angry-dollar.

Edit - Blah. Replace asterixes with the F-word. The 6-letter one. The one you hear tossed around in Halo every 3 seconds.
what...the hell is that pic. It is probably the most disgusting picture I have ever laid my eyes upon..
Im funny when angry, my XP install CD didnt work so I bit it then threw it out of the window while swearing profoundly.
75% of the time they're funny. Or something like that.