Another damn combine thread.


Dec 27, 2007
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I searched for the answer to this question but I couldn't find it anywhere. Chances are that its a very old one. But I'm a noob and this has been bugging me.

Well I've seen a couple pictures of the combine without their armor on and I was wondering.. Do they have human needs like eating, sleeping etc.? Because it seems like at any minute they can come out and kick your ass. I know is stupid.. But possibly even friendly relationships between the soldiers like in the armies today? Or are they just robotic drones with no feelings and can only execute missions?
They are still human. They just are made utterly loyal to the Combine. The Combine don't want human-shaped combat drones. They want human intellect and reasoning.
Okay that makes sense. I always thought they seemed pretty robot-like and that they were just a kind of robot with human shells. But i guess they're just extremely dedicated!
Ya and their loyalty really shows in ep1 when everyone is escaping the city their staying behind and still trying to fight off the resistance and setting the citadel self-destruct sequence.
I think they've somehow been brainwashed to become extremely loyal, I don't think they'd normally be that loyal to a force that is slowly but surely destroying their race/planet.
I think you're right because normal human logic would be to get the hell out of a city that had the potential to explode at any time. They must have been brainwashed, or shown extreme consequences for not following orders.
Metrocops are humans. All other are synths.
^Soldiers and Elites are human too, just that a larger part of them is "robotic" than the metrocops.
They are still human. They just are made utterly loyal to the Combine. The Combine don't want human-shaped combat drones. They want human intellect and reasoning.

I wouldn't say they maintain all abilities of decision making that a regular person has. They also probably lack distinguishable personalities.
So what "classes" of Combine are actully robots?

No Combine units are entirely robotic, they are all originally organic beings that have been "improved" with robotic implants. Except the scanners and mine layers tho, I tihnk they're entirely robot.
in ep2, in a dead strider, you can pick up a human brain. so those are synths too.
Then thats a bloody big coincidence that a "striders brain" looks exactly the same as a human brain.
Wow, the human brain is huge and glows in the dark.
I have to omen my friend head to get one :D But I am not sure that he got any brain.
They have some humanity left. They get a morale-booster Breencast in Nova Prospekt and they occasionally get bewildered.
"Primary target is...uh...engaging in...uh...command and control tactics with biotics...repeat primary target is engaging in C&C tactics with biotics."
The Overwatch is transformed Humans into "Combine Soldiers"

The Actual Combine, to which I suspect the name for there original race is different as I think the name of the other races they conquered and adapted into there armies are the Combine and the "Shu'liaio" (Spell check) might be the name for Combine Advisors or the Actual Combine themselves!
Then thats a bloody big coincidence that a "striders brain" looks exactly the same as a human brain.
Wow, the human brain is huge and glows in the dark.
Indeed. I haven't handled the strider brain in about a month, but I also remember there was something different about the lobes and the brainstem of the thing that was different than the human brain. Something in the shape of the lobes; it was more wedge-shaped, IIRC.
If the Stider's brain didn't resemble what we view as a traditional brain, no one would know what the hell it is.
If the Stider's brain didn't resemble what we view as a traditional brain, no one would know what the hell it is.

Ya, thus the problem of most Sci-fi fiction/games/movies: if we don't immediately recognize something, we need it explained.
I took a screenie (I take many, many screenshots when I play) when I played through and after checking it the brain seems only marginally smaller than Alyx's ribcage, so I'm fairly sure it's not human.