

Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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Over the past couple years I developed a fairly bad anxiety problem. For no reason at all I suddenly began to get extremely anxious about anything important in my life. The thought of receiving a grade between a b- or a b in class would literally keep me up at night.

I was the kid in high school who waited until the weekend before to start a term project. I'm also almost 25 years old, I shouldn't feel this way until i'm stern age for christ's sake. :upstare:

Anyway, I'm just curious if any of you have any anxiety issues and how you cope. I take clonazepam a couple of times a day, although I can't tell if it's working. I also smoke pot whenever I feel an anxiety attack coming on. The pot works the best, but unfortunately there's a minor legal issue involved.
Stop caring. I've not cared about anything for the last 5 years, and things aren't going too badly. Admittedly, i sit here by myself for weeks on end, but you know, you get over that eventually.
It's probably alien cancer.

I wish I could have anxiety over things that effect me. My careless attitude is going to **** me over.
I've had a horrible anxiety problem all my life that has worsened up until a few months ago. I think once I finally realized how silly becoming anxious is, and how it helps nothing at all is when it began to go away. The advice I'd give is that once you feel the anxiety coming on, take note of it in your head and remind yourself how there really is no use in getting anxious over it.

At the same time, it's having enough knowledge to know what you have to do (pay bills, school, etc) without getting anxious over it.
And if being anxious is the only thing that drives you to do things, then obviously that is a problem you should try to work on.

Visualise planet Earth in your mind. Zoom out. Then realise how small and pointless you, and your problem are.
I have OCD, an anxiety disorder, and I deal with it using breathing and relaxation exercises. I know it sounds asinine, but taking deep breaths and doing the whole completely relax one part of your body at a time thing really works.
I too have also developed an anxiety problem that was brought on just before Christmas due to a number of reasons I won't get into but it basically lead me to a nervous breakdown and I couldn't leave the house for about 2 weeks it was so bad. I literally just lead on my sofa watching TV and sleeping most days because I was both mentally and physically drained.

Thankfully I wasn't put on any meds and I managed to deal with it by talking to people about my worries, be it your folks, your friends or anyone you can trust as just getting it out in the open helps a great deal. The worst thing you can do is bottle it all up because that'll only lead to panic attacks, which I can tell you aren't nice at all. Exercise helps a lot too; healthy body, healthy mind and all that.

So in short, talk to people about your worries and don't let them mount up on you.
You need to take better care of your character!
Apathy is a bitch.

I wouldn't call myself completely apathetic. I just don't care enough about things that matter in the long run and take a lot of effort to do. I care about having a good time in the moment and doing things I like.
I wouldn't call myself completely apathetic. I just don't care enough about things that matter in the long run and take a lot of effort to do. I care about having a good time in the moment and doing things I like.

This is the best way to live life here.
I'm pretty much like Sheepo.

My sister is the complete opposite to me, she worries about anything. She used to burst into tears over really trivial things and not forget about them for weeks.

This probably won't help, but I just think about things as part of the big picture. Is it really that important? Half the time if you just sit down and think about it, the thing that's making you worry is complete crap. If I ever get stressed out about anything I just start listening to some good music :)
Welp, I've had a pretty severe anxiety problem since high school which isn't showing any signs of letting up. Over the last year or two it's gotten progressively worse to the point where I'm having trouble performing mundane tasks and even just getting on with my life. I've tried counselling several times, meds, exercise, being more outgoing, and generally just "trying to get over it" as many people would have you do, but... I'm really not sure what to do any more.

Well that was depressing. Anyway, don't give up, there's sure to be a solution. For most people, anyway.
vent it out, if you bottle up your feelings they come out the wrong way at the wrong time. stress can actually affect your health so find a happy medium that you enjoy and bask in it. for me when I'm stressed at work I'll play my PSP on break and even when someone is talking to me I'll shut them off and focus solely on the game. people usually leave me alone and its great. i also go home on lunch breaks like i am right now and when i come back it feels like a whole new day
From what I can tell people with anxiety get shit done. So there's that.
My anxiety develops over extreme feelings of sadness and disturbing things. I mean, I saw one really disturbing thing, and I couldn't get over it for more than a year.

The strange thing is, 90% of the time I'm pacifistic and optimistic.
Personally, I find it difficult to separate boredom, depression and anxiety. If there are big personal things you want to change, just making the effort to change them can alleviate some of the badshit. If there are things are beyond control nagging at you, or you're not sure what it is that's nagging at you, talk to someone up close and personal (if you're worried about embarassment then it's probably best to speak to a counsellor rather than friends or family).

Try looking to meds as a last resort.

I duddits! \:D/

I have anxiety over lots of things, but you just have to remind yourself of whats really important. Is this project even going to be important to you tomorrow? In 3 days will you remember what you were freaking out over today? No. You'll have other things on your mind. So, this being, you should try not to worry so much about it. it will pass, and when it does you will have worked up all that emotion, like it was going to be a tsunami, and it's just a splash. Don't worry about it.

*Don worreh, be happeh*
From what I can tell people with anxiety get shit done. So there's that.
Uhh, nope. Anxiety, in many forms, can be extremely crippling, and quite preventative to the process of "getting shit done." Besides which, I don't think you'd really want your main motivation for being active to be a mental disorder/imbalance/whatever.
I feel bad for people who suffer from anxiety. I have a relatively relaxed outlook on life, sometimes to the point of apathy or simply blowing off obligations. I guess it's just trying to let the little things go and allowing yourself to mess up once in awhile without driving for perfection from yourself. We're all human. None of us are ever going to be perfect.
Ive had anxiety pretty bad since I was like 12 or something, although it pretty much passed over the years, it only really hit me hard again last summer when for about 3 days I was freaking out about everything and getting really bad derealisation (feel detached from everything, weird ****ing feeling), not eating and finding it hard to sleep because my mind was racing. Was pretty much under control again by Christmas although i haven't fully recovered from that episode.

The way you beat it is by not caring essentially, even if you are freaking out, desperately short of breath, or having a panic attack, just breath and keep going, once you stop being afraid of it then eventually you will end up forgetting about it and then you can start to recover.

And drugs do not work with anxiety, or depression or for anything in that field as matter of fact.
I'm surprised many people here have this problem. Have you tried... crying? (I'm serious) Isn't it a natural way of partially getting rid of the anxiety and stress that builds up inside of you? I mean, I know you're all tough mother****ers, but you don't have to do this in public :p

when i get anxious i smoke weed calm you the F***k down

Or you get even more anxious. Once I smoked weed (it wasn't my first time BTW) and I had an anxiety attack, one of maybe 2 or 3 in my whole life. I controlled myself (I was with a mate, didn't want to get awkward, even tho he's cool) but still my heart was racing like a mother****er.

Luckily it never happened again with weed for me. But there's a friend of a friend that doesn't want to smoke anymore, because when he does, he thinks his heart is stopping. :p
I take marzipan to help with my anxiety. I used to be against the idea when I was young; sure, it looks like icing, but what the hell is that flavour? Is it cyanide? Acetone? Is it shit? No it could be almonds. Hey, I like nuts. What guy doesn't? Sure, I can do this.

And that's how marzipan changed my life.
I'll bet money that pot is large part of your problem. Have you tried not smoking it for a couple of days and see how you feel?

Believe it or not anxiety is one of the side effects of smoking pot.
it's probably from a lack of pot ..this is known to cause anxiety

dont make me kill you
I'll bet money that pot is large part of your problem. Have you tried not smoking it for a couple of days and see how you feel?

Believe it or not anxiety is one of the side effects of smoking pot.

While you're high. And having a bad trip.