Anyone beat episode 1 yet?



I started today at about 6PM EST. It's 9:30PM EST, and I've completed EP1. Start to finish.

Valve.. I love Half Life 2.. you made me wait so long, you delayed, and I beat your game on launch day???

.... has anyone else beaten it?
I have beaten it. :) It makes me want to play it again, now I know what to do.
its only 3 hours long omg how could you nto beat it
I enjoyed it on my new PC though.

I upgraded from a laptop (radeon 9700, amd 64 3400+) to a new desktop: AMD X2 4400+ with a 7900GTX.

So yea, I enjoyed it graphically..

But really, I wish it was longer. Also it got a bit boring on some parts. Good example would be: Carrying the passengers to the train. That was so boring. Doing it over and over and over.

I'd been happy if I only payed $10 for this. Not $17 or $19 whatever it was =|
Well i took it slowly i finished it in about 4h 45mins, and i thought every aspect of it was brilliant. The train bit took so long for you probably because they kept dying. And if you noticed the situation changed each time the more you got. More soldiers, metro cops + manhacks, apc, collapsed train etc. Variation everytime. For £10 it was a worthy sequel and worth it.

Funny how you brag about you finished it quickly and your computer is so new and shiny, yet you found some boring, over-priced and too short. Well signing up here was a waste of time then!

Marksman was the 1st to finish i think, but yeah despite criticism, i think its an extremely worthy expansion. Zombines ftw.
Hectic Glenn said:
Well i took it slowly i finished it in about 4h 45mins, and i thought every aspect of it was brilliant. The train bit took so long for you probably because they kept dying. And if you noticed the situation changed each time the more you got. More soldiers, metro cops + manhacks, apc, collapsed train etc. Variation everytime. For £10 it was a worthy sequel and worth it.

Funny how you brag about you finished it quickly and your computer is so new and shiny, yet you found some boring, over-priced and too short. Well signing up here was a waste of time then!

Marksman was the 1st to finish i think, but yeah despite criticism, i think its an extremely worthy expansion. Zombines ftw.

I enjoyed it.. I just wish it was longer. If I had to play it on my laptop I wouldn't of enjoyed it at all ;)
I beat it. Took me 4 hours 30 mins to beat. It was really insane plus that end trailer for Episode 2 is completely mind blowing.

Im going to right a review and upload a screenshot pack asap.
Like omg. I just beat it and I started at 5:15PM and its now 10:05PM. I spent at least 2 min shining the light into Alyxs face and watching her shield her eyes, ahaha. :LOL: This game, um idk, its epic? Words really cannot describe it. I think it was much better than HL2 itself! I maxed out the graphics and whenever Alyx was like, "lets go". I would just say, "stfu and hold on" just looking at the citadel. It felt very weird for the first time to put trust on an npc. At first I tried to get everything for her, but I died very often. In many instances she would be killing zombies next to me while I would be shooting over her shoulder and you really do have to put trust into her. Its a new experience and Vave did a perfect job. The voice acting with facial animations. The list just goes on, and on and on. I think the only part I did not like was the train part. Best part was running and ducking for cover from the Strider. And the G-Man at the start! :dork: He is sooo pissed off!. :LOL: Anybody get the feeling we will see the Ant Lion King in Episode 2? Antlions are becoming a huge pain in the arse. And it looks like they further developed the sketch for that concept of the, "Assassin". Oh and btw I wonder what the secret package contains and what are those flying thingies that make you go on an acid trip?!
I def. thought this game was better than HL2. It's the only game I actually have gotten a sense of "roleplaying" in, being Freeman. When I had to pull that stalker off Alyx, only time I've ever felt in a game like I was in a horrible situation and I had to save "my girl." And that part in the tunnels, where Alyx makes the moaning sound and then you shine the light, and she's like "ha, got ya." She totally did get me, great job Valve. Ant lions were a serious pain.
Ok the game was pretty cool. It just leaves me wondering what happened to the Gman and what were those weird white flying things?

Plus the trailer for episode 2 almost made me have an orgasm. There was these cool super fast robots that looked sweet.

I do understand what that one guy meant about poor alyx. It looks like she dies, but perhaps the Vortigaunts revive her.

Just so many questions! The graphics for episode 2 looked super beefed up.
Heh, I don't know where to begin, I just beat it too and man, what a game, truly one of the most well designed ones I've ever played. I too, felt this game was even more "epic" in scope than the regular HL2 for some reason.

And of course, the level design, from the ruined Citadel to the underground areas were just exceptionally crafted.

I actually think that these "short" episodic games actually benefit Valve (and us) in the fact that I think Valve is able to better pace the gameplay and avoid long drawn out scenes like there were in the regular HL2.
I beat it an hour ago. I played from about... 2 PM until 8 PM. I guess I'm slow.

I enjoyed it though. The levels were well designed and the atmosphere was the best one yet. I love the dusty tone of the sky and flakes of ash raining down on the city as Kliener gives his announcements against the distant sounds of battle. It was truly awesome.

While I was initially apprehensive about spending so much time with Alyx, it turned out alright. They improved her AI (or scripting, whatever...) quite a bit and it was fun blasting away at zombies with her. The "Zombines" were a great enemy too... They were more than just pallete swaps. It shocked me when the first one I found pulled that damn grenade and then dropped it at my feet.

The improved sound effects for the weapons were nice as well.

I'm looking forward to Episode two.
Ummm.... Where's the rest of the game? Fantastic Game, loved every minute, but I beat it in one sitting. Didn't time myself but it was 3-4hrs tops. I didn't learn nearly as much as I wanted to, for some reason I thought we were gonna learn a little more about the G-Man. And also, wheres the preview of episode 2 at the end?
*Slaps my forehead and says, "duh"! I completely forgot about the dev commentary! W00t 5 more hours of fresh new HL2 content. Thats about 10 hours for $17!!