Are there any dual AGP slot mobos in existance?


Jul 1, 2003
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I dream of running 2 or even 3 monitors with my computer, but last I checked you could only do this with a PCI based card.

Does anyone make a dual AGP mobo?
no clue, my friend runs his second monitor on a PCI based gfx card, not great for gaming, but fine for windows.
Yeah their is one, it's called the Matrox Parhelia™ 128MB. It allows you to hook up three monnitors to one card. It's also built for gaming so check it out, might work for you.
Both ATI and Nvidia have dual monitor cards I beleive. A normal 9700 can run with both the DVI and the other contact, making it dual monitor. (assuming it have both). At least I think so, I see support for it in my settings :)

(of course, actuall quality and stability Matrox without a doubt does better)
Just to warn you about the Parhelia, I have heard nothing but bad things about trying to play games with them. The compatability just isn't there on most titles, because its not Nvidia or ATI.
Originally posted by dawdler
Both ATI and Nvidia have dual monitor cards I beleive. A normal 9700 can run with both the DVI and the other contact, making it dual monitor. (assuming it have both). At least I think so, I see support for it in my settings :)
Would that just be two outputs of the same input?

I want the wide desktop for Photoshop work more than anything gaming related.
(Although the thought of some 3 monitor widescreen gaming setup turns me on more than the thought of Britney Spears and Christina Aguliara simultaneously giving me head.)
Originally posted by Shockwave
all 9500/9700/9800's have dual monitor support
I don't see 2 identical connection points. Do you?

No, but you see a DVI and normal connector (I cant ever remember what its named). There are DVI->normal extensions, so you can have two normal monitors connected. I got one with my 9700 Pro (just looked at it).
Originally posted by dawdler
There are DVI->normal extensions, so you can have two normal monitors connected. I got one with my 9700 Pro (just looked at it).
Yeah but like I said, I suspect you'd get this...


and not this...


Do you have anything in your control panel under display that suggests otherwise? Anything in your docs?
well, i know for a fact that my 9800 Pro 128mb does have dual moniter support
Originally posted by jasonh1234
Yeah but like I said, I suspect you'd get this...


and not this...


Do you have anything in your control panel under display that suggests otherwise? Anything in your docs?
The manuals dont say much... For example, looking at the 9800 manual just shows that in a CRT+CRT mode (DVI->VGA+VGA) it:
"Can support a CRT display using the DVI to VGA connector"
Does "a CRT display" mean a single image? No idea :)

Best way is to simply go to and ask on the radeon forums.
CRT display is your standard computer monitor.
That link to the manual answered my question perfectly. It will suport wide desktops.
Originally posted by jasonh1234
CRT display is your standard computer monitor.
That link to the manual answered my question perfectly. It will suport wide desktops.
I know what a CRT is, I meant that "a CRT display" is quite not correct words for a cloned screen, then they would have said that :)
Most of the newer cards have dual monitor support, which means that you would have a wider screen, not two identical ones. Why the heck would any company think that someone would want two identical screens, I sure as hell wouldn't.
All geforce 4 ti cards are dual display aswell..infact ive got it running right now on my ti4200 great for photoshopping :)
Wait will Q1 2004 and you can buy PCI express mobo's instead of AGP 8x
Originally posted by sharp
Wait will Q1 2004 and you can buy PCI express mobo's instead of AGP 8x
Yeah and then I can wait til Q4 2004 for a videocard that'll fit the slot. By then HL2 will be over a year old. No thanks.
errr, the R420 due out Q1 2004 supports PCI eXpress AFAIK.