Are you addicted to the internet? (test)


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score

If you are a true hl2.netter, **** yeah you are.

I got 72, but i believe it should be higher. Share your results and tell us if you agree.
Current score is : 29

20-49 (You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.)

I really do pity the fool that gets higher than 49.
Current score is : 32

I don't find this test to be valid, and reject it outright as nonsensical.
Score: 73

50-79 (You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet. You should consider their full impact on your life.)

Some of the questions are just downright stupid.

Like this one...


Like what the ****? "Just a few more minutes" like the internet is a game or something?

I suppose I simply cannot relate, because my ethernet cable is plugged into the back of my neck. Couldn't afford the wireless implant.
61, but some of the questions present scenarios that i simply do not partake in, and they assume that you do. I dont neglect a lover because I dont have one, I dont neglect my school work, because i'm not in school. Those aren't valid questions and yet when i answer them it will affect my score.

50-79 (You are experiencing occasional or frequent problems because of the Internet. You should consider their full impact on your life.)

Meh. This IS my life! :devil:

I use my email and internet for work, so it's not completely accurate.

I dont neglect a lover because I dont have one, I dont neglect my school work, because i'm not in school. Those aren't valid questions and yet when i answer them it will affect my score.
Just answer the question, Krynn. How often do you neglect your penis to go online?

Mostly I lose sleep, am less productive, and check my email a lot (it's a good thing I don't have internet on my phone because then I would check my email non-stop). Also I don't like for people to see what I do online but then I'm paranoid about people being on my computer in general.

I'm not at all obsessed with the internet when I'm away from my computer.
Answered the first few questions then realized this test sucked.
Current score is : 62
I think I'm doing fine, thanks
the questions suck

1 ) How often do you find that you stay on-line longer than you intended?

i get scored low because my intent is to stay on 24/7?
92? Uh oh

# 80-100 (Your Internet usage is causing significant problems in your life. You should evaluate the impact of the Internet on your life and address the problems directly caused by your Internet usage.)

After you have identified the category that fits your total score, look back at those questions for which you scored an “Often” or “Always”. Did you realize this was a significant problem for you?

For help, please print out your Internet Addiction test and score and share it with your doctor or therapist.
How often do you fantasize about being on the internet?
Man, sitting all alone in your dark bedroom... Hitting F5 over and over.



Don't need any silly test to tell me I'm addicted, because I know I am. Just like everybody else I know.
Score 48 - average internet user...
47. Sounds about right.

Still a shit test with poorly constructed questions.
Score: 34

Why is there no "never" option for the questions?
if I where addcited to the internet why I get bored so quicly on it

my result was 35 **** yeah bitches go sniff your phone lines junkies!
I just finished downloading 1000 pinball games, faithfully recreating real pinball games that you can no longer find, painstakingly built over a period of a decade.

And now, I'm going to check my email, of all things, to be sure I don't have any important mail!

This evil internet addiction is destroying my life and tearing me apart!
Sometimes when I'm on the Internet, I fantasize about having a newer, better internet. Then I feel terrible.

This, especially when i stare at 10 torrents all at 0.1% done without moving. Although "my" internet isnt really for blame here, rather the selfish bastards who dont seed.
Current score is : 47, and it feels gooood.
I read a few questions and found it was treating the Internet like it was some cartoon that I wanted to stay up late to watch when I was 7 years old.

The Internet is part of my life - it is part of my job. So many of those questions just didn't apply. Just because you're on the Internet doesn't mean you're not being productive, either.

edit: The headlining picture made this thread good, though.
I just clicked 'often' for everything, when 'frequently' or 'sometimes' could have been more accurate.

Basically, it could have had just one question: How much do you like, or rely, on the internet? Answer that and you would get the same result as taking this test.