
The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Its about time we actually make a thread specifically for this game, and today's news makes a good starting post. Vegeta already posted a link in the other thread, but didn't provide much info on what he was linking to (presumably because his pants needed changing).

Starting on March 5 you will be able to Pre-Order the game. All Pre-Orders come with access to the Alpha. The Arma 3 Alpha runs from 5 March 2013 until the Beta becomes available (expected in Q2 2013).

So yeah, buy it. Its got several versions. I personally will be buying the Supporter edition because Bohemia is probably one of the highest caliber game developers around and I want them to stay around.

There is a page dedicated to information on the Alpha as it progresses here.

And here is the required specs for your computer to run it. Its a beast of a game and requires a beast of a computer so make sure you check this.

And some videos, because why not?

Indeed I am very excited. I can't believe It's suddenly coming with a week's notice.

I'll be getting the supporter edition too. BIS really is worth supporting. Plus the future DLC inclusion and name in the credits is nice.

What I really like about the way they're doing the alpha is that it will be totally moddable, so people can already start developing their mods, and trying out things to report even more bugs. And speaking of bug reporting, the fact that they're going to have a public bug tracker is really cool, AND they're going to be updating the alpha as it goes along, instead of just releasing a version for a month and then closing it and dealing with all the bugs, hoping that they fixed them.

For anyone wondering about the "alpha invites", those are for the lite version, which has no multiplayer or modding capability.

I encourage anyone reading to spend the 25 euros to buy the game now if you have any interest in playing a really great tactical FPS with cool people.

Edit: Apparently shacktac has had some early access to the game and is releasing a video on the 4th
The fact that this was announced the day I could afford to upgrade my computer is quite serendipitous. Pretty excited, although I may only have enough over for the alpha pack at this point. I'd throw in the extra to support them if I could, they really deserve it.

That said, knowing what state they've released their games in in the past, I have to wonder how playable an alpha will be. The E3 footage looks pretty smooth, at least.
Optimization is one of the things they're focusing on, so don't be too discouraged if the game doesn't run well. They can't test every combination of hardware themselves, so problems are sure to arise.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting this to be a finished product, I'm just bracing myself for some... well, alpha-y-ness. At least with so much feedback it might actually be polished at release.
I'm prepared for it to be the buggiest thing I've ever seen, and I will be reporting the bugs like crazy. This is a really good move for them, as I think it will probably lead this to be their most stable release yet. But yeah, the alpha... probably not so stable.
It seems I've got all the recommended system requirements, except I need a new graphics card. Mine is WAY behind what that one needs.

Not like it matters anyways, you'd need million computers to run this thing smoothly at max, I'm sure. I want to buy this, but not until I upgrade my PC. Which shouldn't be too far off.
For lack of a better way to exhaust my excitement (besides playing Arma 2 with Viper and Badhat and Morgs... join us guys!) I have been reading the Arma 3 forums a little. Aside from all the question threads made by clueless people who don't bother doing their own investigation, there can be some really stupid people.

For example, this guy who is pissed about the steam exclusivity. Let's see what he has to say:

Arma 3 was probably the only must have game for me this year and being a long term op flash, arma player from the early days, i have to say i`m not happy about steam being forced upon us this time.
To top it all we have people claiming we should all love steam because they love it and if not then we should give a valid reason that satisfies them as to why we don`t.
Well, some people like "man love" but i don`t want any of that either thanks. I also don`t feel like i need to give anyone a valid reason for not wanting it.



So anyway, here's a new short interview from RPS:
I might pick up the Supporter's Edition. It would be cool if I could get it quick enough to get my name in the credits.
The moment I saw the Steam announcement I knew it was time to batten down the hatches and ride out the bitching. I can certainly see a case against exclusivity, but a lot of people tend to get their wires crossed over the whole thing. They figure it will prevent modding or cause their computer to explode or something. The posts can get very stupid, but people will get over it once the game comes out and they have some other aspect to complain about.

Can't wait for the alpha! It's going to run like a paraplegic sloth, crash every five minutes, and probably replace my PC with a glowing PC shaped hole in my floor, but its STILL going to be the best thing I play all year!
I'm trying to create an account on BI's website, and all I get is a white page, anyone know what's going on?
So I guess they won't even be selling it from their own store. They'll just be selling Steam keys for direct sales?
All versions (excluding Supporter) will be available on both Steam and their store, but all versions will require Steam to play.
This is a great chance for some of the other forum members to join us for some co-op Arma.
Would be great if the alpha lite had some limited multiplayer functionality so we could let people see how much more fun it is with people, but I guess they have to save something for the supporters.
Hmm oddly enough I think that's the release date for Sim City and Tomb Raider. Bioshock following shortly after.

Gah, too many gaems.
Here's a map of Chernarus overlayed on top of the new island, Altis.


Ignore the numbers at the bottom, I went and calculated the total areas of these two landmasses myself.

Chernarus has about 162km² of land, and Altis has 272km². That's a 68% increase in total land. On top of the fact that the dimensions of the map are much larger with land spread out more, so actual travel distance across the longest furthest points of the island is even larger than that percentage.
The shape of the land looks more interesting too, with the seperate islands and such.
I too love the shape of the island. It's refreshing to have huge bays and stuff. The Chernarus coasts were pretty boring, just some gradual curves.

Having a really varied coastline will compliment the new scuba gameplay nicely. So many tactical situations...
Here's a map of Chernarus overlayed on top of the new island, Altis.


Ignore the numbers at the bottom, I went and calculated the total areas of these two landmasses myself.

Chernarus has about 162km² of land, and Altis has 272km². That's a 68% increase in total land. On top of the fact that the dimensions of the map are much larger with land spread out more, so actual travel distance across the longest furthest points of the island is even larger than that percentage.

Not to mention all of the underwater content! This game is huge!
Oh yeah christ, I forgot all about the work they've done off-coast. I can't wait to explore it.
Is the whole island going to be available in the alpha from the get-go? Like, underwater bits and all?
Stratis is the alpha island, not Altis. Considering the scuba showcase is one of the included scenarios, I'd say yes, the underwater parts are there. I'm pretty sure Stratis is finished with development.
There has been a small ARG going on, created by one of the guys at BIS, and these screenshots were found:

Nothing too spectacular, but the buildings and other structures look pretty cool.
God damn. I'm gonna need to upgrade my graphics card finally I think >_<

Also, can we use the slide in the second pic? :p
I assume we can use the slide, I don't even want it if we can't.
I held off getting ARMA2, to wait for this to release.

I think my GTX 680 should do very nicely, but anyways on my thoughts on the screenshots. The visuals look alot like ARMA1 but with much better letting, but since its an Alpha - there's going to be alot of place holder textures/models. So I'll give it benefit of the doubt.
The visuals look alot like ARMA1 but with much better letting
You should feel bad for making such a dumb statement. And not just for the two typos. Go look up some ARMA1 screen shots, compare the models and textures and when you're sufficiently ashamed of yourself, come back here and apologize to ARMA3.

I will however say that the texture on the broken cement wall here makes no god damn sense. I mean, I know some walls are brick with plaster over them to make them look like smooth concrete, but bricks are not laid in that fashion.

I'm also going to assume the flame effects are indeed placeholder, as they look crappy and they're simply duplicated for each of the burning vehicles. With their engine doing volumetric stuff now, like real clouds and shit, they should be able to make some damn good looking fire.
There are visual things that they're holding off on developing further possibly until after the game is out. The focus is on non-visual elements like ui, ai, animation, physics etc. which sounds like a good idea to me to get down first before making the game more beautiful.

The best part about fire is its affect on the scene lighting, which already looked cool in arma 2. In arma 3 it's gonna be amazing.

Edit: Dslyecxi is releasing 2 videos tomorrow, and if I know him they won't disappoint.

Also this is one of the screenshots he took (shown in the video)

You should feel bad for making such a dumb statement. And not just for the two typos. Go look up some ARMA1 screen shots, compare the models and textures and when you're sufficiently ashamed of yourself, come back here and apologize to ARMA3..

How is it a dumb statement? I've seen comparisons, but the fact it is a Alpha. It's not uncommon to see placeholder textures/models/animations until they can work on the game/polish gameplay mechanics/work out bugs.

Also graphics doesn't make or break how good a game this will be, gameplay and mod support is much more important to me.