Avengers? Seen It?


Apr 26, 2012
Reaction score
What - nobody's discussing the Avengers movie in here? What's going on? Hasn't anybody seen it yet?
In the films rate and discuss thread, yeah.

I'm saddened that Marvel don't have the rights to add Deadpool in the sequel, given the post-credits easter egg.
Well, they already squandered him in Wolverine Origins. Then again they squandered every character including Wolverine in that piece of shit movie.
Sony did, Marvel didn't. Marvel don't get to use any of the X-Men, Fantastic Four or Spiderman-related characters in their films.
In the films rate and discuss thread, yeah.

I'm saddened that Marvel don't have the rights to add Deadpool in the sequel, given the post-credits easter egg.
If it makes you feel better he's getting his own film, complete with Ryan Reynolds crossed with a shar pei appearance.
Yeah, but he'd be more fun with Thanos around, and with an ensemble.
True. I'm hoping though for some Guardians of the Galaxy action with Thanos around. Would be spectacular.
Awesome Movies
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I'm having an Avengers movie night next week to celebrate the end of exams. We'll be watching Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man and Thor (possibly Iron Man 2) and then catching a matinée of the Avengers the next day.
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Also he has a girl avatar but a mans name.

Also I havent seen the Avengers.

Also I probably wont. Superhero movies bore me, with the exception of Spiderman 3. Now that was entertainment.
saw it in new york last week, film was a pretty good bit of entertainment but the thrill for me was seeing it in a cinema with you yanks. you guys know how to enjoy films. kudos to you all.
**** not Agent Coulston!

Anyways, good movie. Surprised it got rated as highest as it did on Rotten Tomatoes, especially for an action movie. I think it ties TDK as 'best comic book movie', if you count the critic reviews.
Lots of cheering and clapping? That's what my first viewing consisted of.

yeah basically, it was hilarious. new york cop shouts orders and the whole cinema is up whooping at it, or the hulk bullies loki in starks' apartment and it's the best thing ever. me and my pals were laughing at all the horrible little unsubtle **** YEAH AMERICA/save the day things in the film, but i think we were alone in our humour
amazing movie indeed! watched with friends in 3-d. it was wow! a must watch guys:D
Did anyone else notice the incredibly rude yet archaic insult Whedon snuck past the censors?
Did anyone else notice the incredibly rude yet archaic insult Whedon snuck past the censors?
Would that be the 'quim' insult? I honestly thought I'd misheard it until after the movie and someone else had noticed it too. I do like the way Whedon messes with language and gets away with it.
Why was The Hulk completely uncontrollable the first time he transformed (on the "ship"), but not the second time (in Manhattan)?
Why was The Hulk completely uncontrollable the first time he transformed (on the "ship"), but not the second time (in Manhattan)?

Yeah I didn't really get that either. When he comes back it's like all of a sudden he can totally control the Hulk persona.
Why was The Hulk completely uncontrollable the first time he transformed (on the "ship"), but not the second time (in Manhattan)?
Its all about his emotional state. The first time Banner changed the helicarrier was under attack and he was in shock, confused, agitated and maybe even a little scared. Add to that, he'd just found out that Loki was deliberately trying to get him to Hulk-out. Whenever Banner changes in that kind of state, the Hulk pretty much lashes out at anyone and anything in range. The second time Banner knew exactly what was happening, and what needed done and knew he needed to let the 'other guy' out to play, so when he changed, he was the one in control.
In the comics, Hulk only really goes completely off the rails now if he changes while in a bad emotional state. Or under someone else's control.
Banner can't control the Hulk, but he can "aim" it in these films. Just like at the end of the Incredible Hulk where he was able to focus the Hulk's aggression onto Abomination.
Maybe that was a poor choice of words on my part. Yes, Banner is never completely in control of the Hulk, and as all we have in the way of films is the Incredible Hulk (Ang Lee's doesn't count IMO), we don't really know how close to the comics version the Hulk was by the time we reached Avengers. Depending on what run you read, not only is Banner able to retain a certain degree of control, but Hulk also retains a fair amount of Banners intelligence.

Anyway, I digress... what I should have said was that when he changed the second time, Banner was able to 'channel' the Hulk into the path he needed to follow. But considering how many different things Hulk did (Smashed the chitauri soldiers, helped Thor, took out Loki, saved Stark) I'm inclined to think that Hulk and Banner do share a certain level of shared conscious... Banner may not control the Hulk, but Hulk listens to him when they are 'synced'. By that I mean the first time, during the attack, Banner was confused and such so obviously had no influence over Hulk's actions.