Before you started playing...


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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Before you started playing for the first time, did you scan along the chapter list and see how many levels there was and what the picture for the title was, you know to get some idea of what to expect?

Or did you just start playing immediatley?

This thread can also be used to discuss your first impressions of the game (in To the White Forest)
i scanned till about chapter 3 then changed my mind and just played lol
Played immediately, I didn't really know what the levels were supposed to be, and I wanted it to be kind of a surprise.

At the start of the game, the first thing I noticed were the improved features (sprites, physics, effects, etc), I loved the forest setting, but I was kinda disappointed with the antlion tunnels, as most parts there bored me.
Started playing immediately, then noticed the graphics have gone SKY high.
Started playing immediately, then noticed my graphics card WAS NO LONGER ADEQUATE.
Just started playing. I don't know why I'd want to look at pictures of the chapter instead of getting closer to playing that chapter.
I just started playing too. The 1st time through the game I was very impressed, although I still wish it was longer and more difficult.
I looked and didn't give a damn because it doesn't matter.
I just started playing. I didn't want to ruin any surprises had there been any hints in the chapter titles.
I checked the Chapter pictures, to get an idea of the length of the game. Upon starting the game i found the looping sound crash was still there to ruin my fun. I was very impressed with the game, except with the tunnels which bored me.
Nope, but I did look at the "Achivments" tab, which had me squising gurbs the first time.
What the hell? Nobody likes the tunnels? I LIKE THE TUNNELS!
I liked the tunnels the second time around, but on my first try it all seemed like a claustrophobic maze.
I started playing right away. Screw looking ahead for hints, I can take surprises. Surprises are the best bit!

BTW, I didn't dislike the tunnels. But they didn't stand out as great either.
I did look before I played for the first time, just to gather a brief idea of length and sneak peak at the little pictures of each chapter, just to get me excited.

Suppose I won't have to look at them next time I play, CAUSE I GOTA REINSTALL THE DAM THING!!;(
Me too; the just confirmed the level names, and the general "overplot" of the Episode.

And then I pressed "New Game" ;)
Ah, that sweet moment when I first started up Episode 2 and heard the Valve tune at start up...

Sweet gaming memories...

I'm probably gona cry when Episode 3 comes out :D
Before you started playing for the first time, did you scan along the chapter list and see how many levels there was and what the picture for the title was, you know to get some idea of what to expect?

Or did you just start playing immediatley?

I know in Episode One I looked to see how many chapters there were. I think I might have done the same for Episode Two and was pleasently surprised. Especially compared to the number of levels in Episode One :p
I started playing it right away. I don't even think I checked chapters for Episode One either. I'm glad to say that my graphics card didn't have any problems, although when starting Steam, I was given a message about updating drivers, that's about it.

Okay, off to play some more...
I just started playing too. The 1st time through the game I was very impressed, although I still wish it was longer and more difficult.
So, I suppose you are going to tell me, the end where you battle the striders/hunters and use magnussun bombs, was no challenge and you never died once? I don't buy it. I am a seasoned HL2 player, and I found that very difficult.
I played. I started at Point Insertion, no looking ahead. :)
So, I suppose you are going to tell me, the end where you battle the striders/hunters and use magnussun bombs, was no challenge and you never died once? I don't buy it. I am a seasoned HL2 player, and I found that very difficult.

He was probably playing on easy.
I did it on Medium and I didnt find it particularly challenging, it was still exciting and fun to play, I just didnt die hundreds of times. (I died about 2-3)
I love this series way too much to choose to not be surprised by looking ahead. doing that would ruin the fun of it.
I did it on Medium and I didnt find it particularly challenging, it was still exciting and fun to play, I just didnt die hundreds of times. (I died about 2-3)

I never died actually, just needed to reload couple of times 'cause i missed with my mine throwing. I just drive over the hunters with my car, so they don't do much damage, and there is plenty of respawning medkits all over the area.

I actually think the combine soldiers should've been present in this battle. Like in the trailers.
I died once because a strider stood on my car and it spazzed up and the car flew into me. The second time was because I ran into a house to grab a Magnusson and next thing I heard was the strider charging its cannon, then the house blew up around me :D.

And the third time was while fighting some hunters.
I die many times, but want to play medium.

I didn't watched the chapter pictures but immediately started playing when I first started this awesome game. Now I'm getting ahead I always enjoy the main menu screen. Just watching that is cool caus you're suprised every time, good thinking Valve!
I enjoy watching them too, I love the main menus, the Episode 1 background with the Kleiner cast, and a strider walks by followed by a dropship.

I love the Episode 2 one even more, the portal swirling in the background, with the destroyed reck of the train everywhere.