Best live election coverage?


Nov 1, 2004
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So im in Europe but i want to watch the election online, so does anyone know a good site that follows the election and all of that exciting thing where they count each state etc live? If i dont ever post anything more after the election...its because McCain won, and i "accidently" jumped out my window.
Ditto, I usually follow MSNBC, or any of the other major news network's online manifestations.
I'll be watching the CBC... since it will have the most coverage outside of the US, and shouldn't be very biased one way or the other.
I personally like MSNBC:

But I will be tunning out at 10pm EST to watch the daily show for their live election coverage, not sure if that will be available online.

I've grown to like MSNBC the most myself, too. It used to be CNN, but that was before I ever watched MSNBC.

Although I watch the actual channel on my satellite service, not online.

MSNBC plays their election coverage in 78 countries, so it's almost guaranteed you'd be able to see it on TV if you have the station.
The MSNBC hosts David Gregory, Chris Matthews, and Keith Olbermann, along with Rachel Maddow and Eugene Robinson are way more interesting to listen to and watch than the people on CNN, quite frankly.
Agreed although that 'Michelle' bint on CNN really greases my goolies.

The one thing about Olbermann, though, even though I kind of like him and he's professional, is that he's such a polemicist that it doesn't quite sit well with me when I see him sitting in a hosting or mediatory capacity. I can almost hear him creaking under the tension as I watch him try to stop himself screaming at things he disagrees with.

Edit: my bad, her name's Melissa.
Agreed although that 'Michelle' bint on CNN really greases my goolies.

The one thing about Olbermann, though, even though I kind of like him and he's professional, is that he's such a polemicist that it doesn't quite sit well with me when I see him sitting in a hosting or mediatory capacity. I can almost hear him creaking under the tension as I watch him try to stop himself screaming at things he disagrees with.

He definitely is a character, but he's way better than O'Reilly by far. He doesn't shut peoples microphones off.
Come on lads surely we can get involved with some good old on the spot political discussion. Who has a credit card? Let's gamble.
Thanks, watching both msnbc and cnn. Cnn got nice vote maps etc
I would have been watching Indecision 2008, if anybody at Comedy Central had bothered to hook up a live internets feed.
I liked the BBC feed but then I lol'd at their subtitle failure. I was watching it in a big loud room so the subtitles were on, but I don't envy the man who had to type it all up live (or the voice recognition robot, whatever) because he was comparitively slow and kept making typos.
Live subtitles are almost always hilariously poor, try turning them on while watching footie. I think it is a person that has to do it.
Just browsing over those maps. I find it odd that 93%(210,403 votes) of the District of Columbia voted for Obama. In 2004 90% voted for Kerry too.
Of the three channels that covered it I liked TV5 the best.
Just browsing over those maps. I find it odd that 93%(210,403 votes) of the District of Columbia voted for Obama. In 2004 90% voted for Kerry too.

Washington DC is ghetto as hell. 19.1% of DC residents (~1 out of 5?or 104000 people)? live at or below the poverty line.

Poverty more often votes democrat. The government areas are nice but the actual CITY of Washington DC is somewhere I doubt anyone would want to move to.
Washington DC is ghetto as hell. 19.1% of DC residents (~1 out of 5?or 104000 people)? live at or below the poverty line.

Poverty more often votes democrat. The government areas are nice but the actual CITY of Washington DC is somewhere I doubt anyone would want to move to.

Washington DC is an example of what's wrong with our country, and what's wrong with conservative economic policies. Wikipedia says, "Compared to the 50 U.S. states in 2005, the District had a higher personal income per capita but also a higher poverty rate, highlighting economic disparities in its population."

This country would be so much greater, as would areas like DC, if incomes had a much smaller gap.
Washington DC is an example of what's wrong with our country, and what's wrong with conservative economic policies. Wikipedia says, "Compared to the 50 U.S. states in 2005, the District had a higher personal income per capita but also a higher poverty rate, highlighting economic disparities in its population."

This country would be so much greater, as would areas like DC, if incomes had a much smaller gap.

Socialism doesn't end poverty. You have to treat the root causes of the problem, not throw (other people's) money at it.
Socialism doesn't end poverty. You have to treat the root causes of the problem, not throw (other people's) money at it.

It has nothing to do with socialism. It has to do with improving the severe problems that cause such a great and terrible divide.

Fixing those problems does not constitute socialism.

And if it does? Well, then let's have socialism. Obviously America wants socialism by voting MORE socialist democrats into both houses of Congress and socialist Barack Obama.
It has nothing to do with socialism. It has to do with improving the severe problems that cause such a great and terrible divide.

You said this-

Washington DC is an example of what's wrong with our country, and what's wrong with conservative economic policies.
It's not a result of economic policies. It's a result of volatile social issues.

Fixing those problems does not constitute socialism..
I'm saying we need to fix those problems and that socialism is NOT the way to do it.

And if it does? Well, then let's have socialism. Obviously America wants socialism by voting MORE socialist democrats into both houses of Congress and socialist Barack Obama.
It doesn't even address the problems, it creates unfair business environments and stunts economic growth. This only hurts those already in the situation.
We won't rest until we share all of your hard earned drug wealth around Rakurai :D