Best moments? <SPOILERS>


Feb 18, 2007
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So, what do you think are the best moments in Portal?
For me it absolutely in Test Chamber 19, about to be burned! I was like, OMG WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! That one really scared me ;(
I actually thought that that was going to be the end of the game because it was in the last chapter and I was all "No way!" as GladDos so bluntley put it.

GlaDos is the computer.
Me too. I had a total adrenaline rush. I was all OOMGOOGMOGMGOGMG!
Then I saw there was a wall at the end, and shot it. D:
Epic. Oh, and when GLaDOS broke for the first time at the last level.
"huh? that wasn't supposed to happen. That's not the surprise. What is that? I've never seen that before. You should just ignore it."
Best part was when GLaDOS starts insulting funny
I didn't even hear anything GLaDOS said for the first time, I was too worried about the counter. But I did the second time, and it's really funny. :LOL:
"That thing is probably a toxic waste disposal bin. Go ahead and rub your face ALL OVER IT!" :LOL:

And the radio music O_O
It's peppy, strange, and creepy at the same time.
"The apparatus you have is now worth more than the combined incomes of <insert town name>"

"Congratulations, you have proven to succeed under situations of extreme pesimissim (sp?)"

"The apparatus you have is now worth more than the combined incomes of <insert town name>"

"Congratulations, you have proven to succeed under situations of extreme pesimissim (sp?)"


"the apparatus you have now is worth more than the combined incomes and organs of <insert town name here>"

-don't forget the organs part, it makes it that much creepier/ammusing :LOL:

Favorite part was the companion cube part. And how she tells you how the companion cube will not attempt to stab you, and it cannot speak, but if it does, do not take it's advice :)

And you find that secret creepy companion cube room where theres pictures of people with companion cubes replaced for their faces, and writings about the companion cube, so creepy
Oops, forgot about the organ part.

The companion cube part was awesome, and so were the turret personalities. And the secret rooms with remenants of previous subjects. Heck, the whole game was genious (just the first 10 or so levels were too short).
I was running around the room with the red ball that fell off, and it was was spewing insults at me and growling like a mad dog...I was happy to dump it!
Yeah. I'm pretty sure that was her anger/lying/hate module.

"I don't blame you."
  • Using my companion cube (<3) to deflect Aperture Science High Energy Pellets into the sockets.
  • Messing with the turrets. (Using one as a shield against others is great, as is the things they say when the shut down). I've never loved anything that shot at me, so damn much.
  • About to be dumped into the flames in 19. "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!"
  • Exploring after your break-out was fantastic. Such a joy.
  • After you've broken out, you enter a huge, square room with an impossibly-high ceiling. Then a load of doors open and you see about 10 lasers from the turrets and just think, "Oh shit".
  • The GLaDOS fight. Everything she says is great.

BTW, did anyone else destroy every single camera they came across?
My first highpoint was when I found the hiding place of a previous subject. Upto then I was just enjoying the gameplay and GLaDOS' commentary, but when I found out I wasn't the first and the story evolved into something like the movie Cube, I really got sucked in.
The second highpoint was at the end of Test Chamber 19 when you escape. That whole sequence up until the fight with GLaDOS is great.