Best Trailers?


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
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What were some trailers for movies that you thought we're perfectly exocuted? The movie doesn't even have to be good as a result, just what movie trailers, when you saw them, made you really want to see the movie because of how well it was done?

Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, brilliant trailer, especially when Mr. Blue Sky by E.L.O. kicks in, very emotionally exciting trailer.
After I see a movie the trailer just makes me think of how the movie was. So to be impartial I can't have seen the movie that I like the trailer of.

Given that criteria: Iron Man, Indiana Jones: KOCS, The Dark Knight

****, those are all just movies I wanna see. I have no idea how good their trailers are, I just know I want to see the movies they're about.

Christ, I'm bad at this.
I'll probably get laughed at, but I really remembered this trailer. Mainly when the jay-z remix comes in and all the guns click to the beat, I just really like the way they cut that whole song up.

I really liked the Matrix trailers for some reason..
That Sunshine one is really nice.
My top three:

1. Cloverfield


A masterpiece of trailercraft which reveals everything you need to know about the film, including what the film is actually like to watch - which is extremely rare in trailers. And it accomplishes the baseline goal of any trailer: you want to see the film RIGHT NOW.

2. Children of Men.


If this trailer's got one problem it's that it spoils a little too much of the film (including the opener shock and the 'big reveal') but it's absolutely successful in building the world, introducing the characters, and indicating the movie's plot. In fact, in its three distinct sections, it gets across the basic movement of the entire story: the grimy doomsaying of a dying world, the introduction of danger and purpose, and finally the transcendent redemption of the earth in the final dash to the coastline. The latter especially is wonderful. The music's perfectly chosen, and the images - the violence, the armed men over the rooftops, the sunlight in the trees, the kiss, the hands reaching out - it's perfect.

3. Mulan


It's short, sweet, and full of strong images that linger even after it ends. It's really nice the way Mulan's character starts as an obscure figure in the rain and darkness and then comes into prominence in a fiery ritual of self-actualisation, intercut with impressions of terror and violence - the great carved face of her militaristic ancestors, the cutting of her hair. And then, as the Emperor voiceovers "soon, everyone will know..." it grabs you in the pause - "the great things you have done." And now we want to see what they were.

Plus it gets major brownie points for using the Dragonheart theme and not pissing me off.
Classic, Fight Club Trailer.
Can't seem to find it on youtube, but I have fond memories of the old Starship Troopers trailer/teaser/TV ad which had Song 2 in it.
I was disappointed that it wasn't used in the film.
Ep 3 trailer was quite epic, but what a dissapointment. Thing trailer was good too.
Ridley Scott's Alien

This is a nice example of a good, creepy horror movie trailer. The little panning of the "egg", and the way the clips are put together. I find it so ****ing stupid that every movie trailer these days HAS to reveal every ****ing monster or plot point before the film is even released. I used to loooooove renting a bunch of movies and watching the, through to the end when I was little. I loved to guess what the monster might be based on it's method of killing the way it sounds. Now it's liek we're being spoon fed shit.

John Carpenter's The Thing

I love it, because it doesn't tell you what it is or give you the slightest idea. Then at the very end...*shudders*
all the lord of the rings trailers. yeah they weren't very original but they were damn epic back then.
I loved the Terminator 2 trailer where they didn't give away which Terminator was the protector.