Brainstorm unlockable weapons!


Mar 29, 2006
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With the news items about the unlockable medic guns, I figured it would be a good time to think of similar ones for the other classes.

Couple things to remember: The unlockable weapons should not be better than the classic guns. Rather, they should be different. For example, the medic gun we have info on permanently boosts another player to up to 200% health, but it has little to no overcharge capability.

Also, we're looking at different ways for people to play the same classes. In other words, the unlocked guns should be relatively similar to the gun they replace. Heavies would still get large bullet sprayers, Soldiers would still get some kind of rocket, etc.

I'll start off with one of my favorite classes
Unlock 1, Chem Spray: Same damage as flamethrower, but instead of burning over time, it creates a disorientation effect similar to the concussion grenades of TFC
Unlock 2, Flame rockets: Rocket launcher that has does little damage, but has a wide splash and sets people on fire.
I think the Pyro's more likely to get an incendiary grenade launcher. Slow rate of fire, medium range, causes very little damage, sets fire to anyone within the explosion's radius.
Pyro melee weapon: Dildo

Effect: Eradicates all doubt about Pyro's gender.
Medic2: A Heal Bomb that raises the people around you to 2x health, replaces uber and same amount of time.
Spy replacement for Sapper (or maybe the Revolver)
Heart Stopper: allows the Spy to fake their own death

Spy replacement for Sapper
Silent Saboteur: a Sapper which is harder to spot, destroy and doesn't alert the Engineer to it's presents. But it doesn't destroy the buildings just prevents them from working.

Spy replacement for the Cloak Watch (yeah I know not a weapon)
Resistance Watch: the Spy's cloak is replaced with an armor of sorts, the Spy takes less damage and can't be set on fire. But like the cloak he can't attack while it is on and has visual displays and time delays when turning it off or on.

Medic replacement for Medi-gun
Undercharger: Can't over-heal people but gets uber's more often

Demoman replacement Sticky Launcher
Proxy Mines: like sticky bombs but self detonate when an enemy gets within range. But the demoman doesn't have as many and/or they do less damage.

Sniper replacement for his Rifle
Auto-Rifle: doesn't charge up, do as much damage or zoom in as far but can fire 3 shots rapidly before needing to reload.

That is all I can think of for now, I'm finding it hard to come up with things that have their own strengths and weaknesses while keeping the fundamentals of the class the same, it will be very interesting to see what Valve come up with.
Medic: Steroid gun that permanently boosts melee attacks to 1-hit kills (even against heavies). There is a needle limit, and the medic loses all healing abilities.

Soldier: Mine-layer. Replaces shotgun, and creates almost invisible land mines that cause a fair bit of damage. Spies are damaged by these. They have a small proximity range, and can't be placed on walls. Mines become more visible the longer it is in your view range, but only ever attains 20% visibility, so careless people still won't be able to see them.

Scout: Some form of small machine gun that does around the same damage as the sniper's secondary.

Spy: Decoy that replaces invisiblity. It deploys a hologram of a random enemy (and displays random animations and taunts, with sounds from a crappy speaker it holds) where it is thrown that fools turrets into attacking it. The holograms probably wouldn't fool a real player unless they really weren't focussing. This temporarily stops the turrets attacking anyone else, giving (in my opinion) the spy an actual team-based weapon, instead of encouraging them to go off on their own).
The decoy can be destroyed by an enemy by shooting at the disk (shooting the projected hologram won't work), and it does have a limited battery life, but long enough for a careless engineer to lose the turrets.
Also if the decoy is well placed between two turrets, then they will shoot each other through the hologram and destroy themselves.

Alternatively, the hologram could be replaced by one of those coat rack stands, with a mask like the spy wears hung over it, and a tape player round it's neck that plays random taunts from the random class it chooses. Coat Racks have a limited health instead of battery life, but since they're not living (and turrets can kill heavies in seconds), health is quite high and probability of missing is too since they're so thin.
Picture of Pyro example:

I think the coat rack idea would fit into the universe more (since it's quite comical and farfetched) but would be harder to implement.

Class: Heavy

Effect: Fires a single round that causes as much damage as a soldier's crit rocket. However, it takes 10 seconds to reload and cuts the Heavy's run speed by half.

I like the idea of a Heavy lugging around a giant artillery canon. Would be hard not to make it too powerful though.


Class: Spy

Rather than destroying a sentry, the hack-box causes that sentry to fire on it's own team. This type of device has a slightly longer setup time than the sapper. Sentry gun can be returned to normal by an engineer wrenching it before the hack-box takes effect or by another spy's hack-box. Once hacked, a sentry can also take damage from friendly fire, so a team can simply destroy it's own guns.

There would be a lot of bugs and exploits to work out with that one, but I like the concept of the spy turning a team's own buildings against it. An engineer would still have the option of self-destructing it and it would explode if said engineer switched classes.

Trying to think of weapon unlockables that don't unbalance the game is hard. It makes me simultaneously worry about just how much Valve could **** this up, and respect them as the genius that they are if they make it work.
Fortress Forevers spy system with the sentries was pretty awesome, I thought. Spy would hack the unit, to disable it, then finish it up to turn it against it's team, only thing is, once it's turned, it starts to die really fasts, so you can hope to take out 1-2 units prior. So maybe, when the spy has the initial couple second "hack" before it can implant the device that turns the sentry against each other..that way, if the Engie is near, he can stop the spy in time, otherwise, the spy can just do it...
- Spy: slightly longer invisibility (1.5 times or so), but no sapper. (Player-killing focused spy)

- Pyro: like in old TFC, a rocket launcher, does much less damage than the soldier one, but sets people on fire.Does not damage buildings. This would replace the flamethrower. (Sort of medium range version of the pyro, although I would still prefer flamethrower <3)
Heavy's new minigun could have 300 bullets but is 50% less powerful than the original, or 100 bullets but 50% more powerful
I'm finding it hard to think of new weapons that won't change things considerably.

How about two pistols for the scout, bigger splash damage but less powerful rockts for the soldier, and demo nades that explode on impact with the floor/walls etc but do less damage.
Hmmm balance issues. What if all red team have the new weapons, like medics perma buffing health to 200%, and all blue don't have any... Hmmm issues I sense.

How come noone has mentioned another upgrade for the engineer's sentry?
Hmmm balance issues. What if all red team have the new weapons, like medics perma buffing health to 200%, and all blue don't have any

Then the blue team will have to turtle and wtfpwn them with an uber :)

Let's face it, it's not going to take long to get these new weapons anyways.
Medic - Poisoned Needle Gun
Replaces needle gun. Does little/no immediate damage but slowly drains an enemy’s health until they are healed by a friendly medic or a dispenser. Is not contagious.

Medic - Drugged Needle Gun
Replaces needle gun. Does little/no damage but causes blurred vision or hallucinations (like the spies special grenades in TFC) against enemies, but not to the point where the affected user becomes unable to play. Effect immediatly removed when healed by a friendly medic or a dispenser.

Heavy - Machine Gun
Replaces chain gun. Less powerful than the chain gun but can be fired while running at full speed and has no warm-up period.

Heavy - Double/Triple Barrelled Shotgun
Replaces chain gun. Fires two/three shotgun blasts at once. No reloading but time between shots is longer than that of a normal shotgun.

Soldier - Grenades
Removes rocket launcher. Soldiers can throw 3/5 second fuse frag grenades at any time by right clicking.
Then the blue team will have to turtle and wtfpwn them with an uber :)

Let's face it, it's not going to take long to get these new weapons anyways.

Well, to get the 2 medic ones, you need 35 medic achievements. Stats padding to get the weapons anyone? I'll gladly die in millions of ways multiple times if anyone needs achievements.
Sniper - Crossbow
Replaces sniper rifle. More powerful than the sniper and no laser dot while aiming. When shot there is a quite twang that can be heard from a distance and the bolt travels slowly (slowly compared to a bullet, that is) so there is a chance to dodge.

Pyro - Molotov Cocktails
Replaces shotgun. Cause moderate damage when they hit a target and have a good splash radius that causes enemies to catch fire. Can be easily seen travelling through the air (because they're on fire) and can be shot, causing them to explode prematurely.

Pyro - Fire Extinguisher
Replaces shotgun. Short range. Puts out fires instantly. Causes enemy pyros' flamethrows to stop working for three seconds and causes molotovs to become inert in mid-flight.

Engineer - Extra Sentry Gun
Replaces dispenser. The engineer can can build a second turret that comes equipped with one chain gun, making it more powerful than a level 1 sentry, but less powerful than a level two sentry.

Demoman - Dynamite
Replaces sticky bombs. As seen in the TF2 trailer.

Demoman - Proxy Mine
Replaces sticky bombs. For the inattentive demoman for use against inattentive targets. Less powerful than sticky bombs and visually distinct. Explode when an enemy approaches them. Demoman can plant a limited number and can't plant more without going out and disposing of the old ones. Cannot be remote detonated. Can be detonated by being shot at by any weapon but are not affected by friendly fire except that of the demoman. Are not invisible. Are not triggered by allies.

Scout - SMG
Replaces shotgun. SMG with a large cone of fire, ie, it's quite inaccurate. Good for close range combat. High rate of fire but smallish clip size.

Spy - Smoke Bomb
Replaces sapper. Can only carry very few at once (one perhaps). Causes a large cloud of smoke to hamper enemy vision, of course, it hampers allied vision too.
Upgrades for dispenser
lvl 1 same as dispenser now
lvl 2 stronger dispenser with a shield on its back that reduces damage to it and players who duck behind it
lvl 3 gets a robotic arm that can be used to repair sentry guns (but slower than a real engineer


shotgun sentry: another sentry with a 4 barreled shotgun so that one engineer can build up more of a base (shotgun sentry has shorter range than normal sentry and does more or less damage depending where enemy player is)


plunger gloves: can be used to scale walls and maybe then drop behind an unsuspecting enemy
Scout- Nailgun, behaves like medic's needlegun but the shots go farther and do a tad more damage, replaces the doublebarreled lever action, bears the appearance of an industrial strength construction nailgun. 2nd Alt. Caltrops, replaces pistol, behave like the old tfc caltrops. i.e. an enemy that steps on them is reduced to half speed till they are healed, can be shot away much like demoman stickies.

Soldier- Medium Machinegun, something between the chaingun of the heavy and the sub gun of the sniper. Bears the appearance of an old ww2 BAR or thompson. replaces the rocket launcher. 2nd Alt alternate ammo for the rocket launcher. Namely swarm rounds that split into submunitions halfway to the target for smaller individual explosions over a larger area.

Pyro- napalm flamethrower (current one is propane it would seem) It leaves residual fire wherever it lands and sets players alight for 18 seconds instead of 10. it only carries half the ammo though and otherwise deals the same damage.
2nd Alt. Adds secondary function to the flamethrower where you can fill a large area with propane and any gun fired within it or explosion will cause a massive gas fire dependant on how much gas you pumped into the room and how long it has had a chance to dissipate, to acess this effect, you lose your fire axe.

Heavy- Natasha an m2 50 cal. a bit more damage, slower ROF, slightly tighter cone of fire, less damage drop off.
2nd ALT. Anastasia- Even faster firing than sasha, slightly less damage, but 2x the ROF. Requires 2x longer spin up time though.

Demoman- Detpacks, works on a timer but can be remote detonated, replaces stickybombs. Is manually placed on a surface and has a very large explosion radius. Demoman only gets a few before needing to resupply. 2nd Alt. Sticky primary grenades. Primary grenades no longer bounce, and will even stick to players. Magazine holds 6. No longer has the sticky launcher.

Sniper. Semiauto rifle. Less damage, higher rof. Can still charge up, but will not approach the power of the original. 2nd alt. Claymores. Behave like a hl2 DM slam, but only explode in one direction and if placed on the ground will explode forward instead of up and out, replaces machete.

Engi. Acess to level 4 setry, (tougher and with more firepower) but you can not have any teleporter. 2nd ALT. have 2 sentries, but neither can get past level 2.

Spy. Blank firing gun, lets you shoot noncorpreal rounds while diguised, but your revolver cannot defend you anymore. makes a little bang flag pop out of your gun when you shoot. 2nd ALT "You can borrow my watch." Allows you to give a teammate a one time use 10 second invisibility that behaves just like the spy's except they cannot control it, but temporarily depletes your own cloak meter, replaces the sapper. Any kills made 10 seconds after invisibility fades off a teammate count as assist points for the spy. This ability does not work on other spies.

Medic- well, valve's already said what they were planning with the overcharger beam. 2nd alt i think should be the ability to fire the needle gun magazine and have it behave like the old tfc nail grenade, at the cost of a slightly slower healing beam.
Spy - Deadly Neurotoxin
Replaces sapper. Acts similar to a sapper but can only be placed on dispensers and teleporter exits. When the dispenser/teleporter is used by an enemy it will emit a deadly neurotoxin, damaging and poisoning enemies, but not immediatly killing them provided they aren't on low health.

Spy - Drainer
Replaces sapper. Acts similar to a sapper but can only be placed on dispensers and sentries. Drains the ammunition of sentry guns and causes dispenser replenishment of health and ammunition to slow down (but not stop).
I'd like to see the spy with the weapon he was originally meant to have, the silenced pistol, it could pack a larger clip, a bit less powerful, and obviously slienced.

For the scout, he too should have the gun he was originally meant to have, sort of like the snipers SMG but a bit more powerful, it'd suit the scout down to the ground, a fast firing weapon designed for hitting and running

I think this has been mentioned before, for the pyro a molotov cocktail, has a large explosion radius and creates a small fire where it lands for a short period of time setting enyone who goes near it on fire.

Poison vial:
you can use this to contaminate water so that when enemys go under it they take damage and the water is alot more blurry. Can also be thrown into people so they get a blurred vision and sway alot making enemy less accurate for a short time. Also can be used to contaminate a medics heal beam, when apllied to the beam it slowly makes the ubercharge go down instead of up. when medic stops healing and the beam gets sucked back inside, medic takes damage (all but dirrectly throwing it into someone doesnt break disguise).


Smoke bomb launcher:
makes a large amount of smoke in an area for a time where it is near impossible to see things that arent right infront of you, also if you shoot it onto an enemy they take smoke inhaling damage over time and if they die with smoke bomb still stuck to them, then the bomb creates its screen twhere they die.