Brian Damage's Mod Art...

Sep 27, 2003
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Okay, I've decided to take a bash at showing some of the concept art for at least one of my mod ideas on here.

The first bit I'm putting up is from an unnamed mod involving an intergalactic version of a Mountie crash-landing on an uncharted planet.

This is a piccy of one of the Morod' Hai, or Marauders, a race of pirates who are discovered to be plundering the planets resources...

Any comments, suggestions or constructive criticism would be appreciated. I know I'm not the greatest artist in the world.



  • marauder.jpg
    29.8 KB · Views: 1,154
looks good, but VERY flat
i would suggest making the width of the lines, that has shadow beneath them, thicker. Just making the width of the lines more varied
Looks very Warhammer 40k,

Very Genestealer...

looks nice though...
Yeah, it does look a bit like a Tyranid, only less chitinous.

Hmmm. Might have to regard this one as a WIP.

<Goes off to work on it>

I'll post the next version later.


Ps: Forgot to mention: it's a soldier caste Morod' Hai.
yeah i have to agree with stone (i used to play 40k, quit 2 years ago, imp. gaurd all the way!)
Space Marines! I made my own chapter. I was in it more for the models and painting, though.

Okay! Morod' Hai soldier (no equipment, by the way) reposted!

Tell me what you think. I darkened the body, head, arms and front legs, lightened the back legs, and put more shading in.

I had an idea too. Notice the spots on the shoulders and waist? As a Marauder matures, the spots extend to cover it's entire skin. Soldiers are half-grown. The sensory hairs on the head also lengthen with age, and the oral and "finger" tentacles extend.

Darkened this picture in general using the histogram functions in Paintshop Pro. Might try tinting a version of it later to experiment with colour schemes?

As always, opinions, suggestions and constructive criticism are welcome. I think I might make a new post, as it has occurred to me that "Brian Damage's Mod Art", posted by Brian Damage, might look slightly pompous.

I do waffle on, don't I?



  • marauder2.jpg
    79.3 KB · Views: 580
Thanks dude!

Stay tuned...

Coming soon:

(provisional names)
Bog Beast
Cave Crawler (Ghorindai)
Morod' Hai Toiler
Morod' Hai Commander
Morod' Hai Elder
Morod' Hai Larva(?)
Bladewalker (Khi' Zarosh)
The Person Who Fell Out Of The Sky One Day
Saturday an' Co.

...Not necessarily in that order.:E

The native's name for the Space Mountie. It's a lot snappier in their tongue.:E

After ages spent studying for tests and whatnot, I've finally got around to uploading some more art...

Firstly: It's Saturday!

One of the native Xylen, he's the leader of the planetary resistance against the Morod' Hai. His favoured weapon, the huum, a blowpipe, fires specially bred kodi darts, which have an almost instant effect upon the central nervous systems of morodi creatures, killing anything up to medium size rapidly.

His people, the Xylen, possess a brand of technology completely based upon specially bred plants. They grow everything that they use. for example, Saturday's gija bark armour is surprisingly tough and durable, whilst also being very light. The trajo cloth wrappings seen around his knees and elbows are actually leaves from a plant, with absolutely no processing besides minimal drying.

All this is makes perfect sense, from an evolutionary standpoint, as the Xylen are plants themselves. Their feet draw water and nutrients from the ground, though they are capable of deriving nutrients from another source...

They also photosynthesise. Air pockets in their bodies allow them to breathe carbon dioxide in a similar way to oxygen-based human respiration.

Their neural tissue is spread throughout their bodies, and is in most cases at least triply redundant.

They have several unusual abilities...


  • saturday.jpg
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Okay, next: The Cave Crawler...

A semi-reptilian from Morod, the Crawler (Morodi name: Ghorindai), is a vicious predator with a predilection for hiding amongst the stalagmites in damp caves.

Guided by it's infrared vision, it launches specially adapted teeth at it's prey by means of a strange evolution of it's trachea and lungs.

Can slither very quickly, aided by it's hooked limbs. It's shell is iridescent, and valued highly by the Morod' Hai for ceremonial armour.


  • crawler.jpg
    58.4 KB · Views: 491
heh those are cool.. would be neat to see Xylen chatting away in the source engine :):)

cave crawler looks like a nasty bugger to bump into, was it inspired just a lil bit from the Zerg? :)
Now: A preliminary drawing of a Bog beast.

These native creatures start out as small froglike creatures which hop between hummocks of bog weed, but become swimmers when they grow too large for the weed clumps to support them. Somewhat of a reverse amphibian.

The Xylen have formed a symbiotic relationship with these creatures. The Bog Beasts provide the Xylen with transport, and the Xylen grow special underwater shelters for the Boggies, among other things.

Can be very fierce when provoked. Bog Beast meat has become a delicacy among the Morod' Hai, much to the dismay of the Xylen.


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Originally posted by Fenric1138
heh those are cool.. would be neat to see Xylen chatting away in the source engine :):)

cave crawler looks like a nasty bugger to bump into, was it inspired just a lil bit from the Zerg? :)

The arms were. I think I may have a little to learn about the histogram functions in Paintshop Pro>:E
Finally, for now, a rather crappy prelim design for the Terran Weaponry System.

This is just a drawing of the basic pistol chassis, with the addition of a level one power unit, level one charger, basic sights and the lowest level laser crystal. And the basic muzzle.

Also shows silencer and spreader muzzles.


Three types of Terran weapons, Slug (railgun), Plasma (like the blasters from StarWars), and Laser (constant beam).

At least three types of Terran gun chassis, Pistol, Rifle and Heavy.

Different muzzles provide different shot effects, such shotgun-style spread, intensification, etc.

Sights basically come in normal, scope and laser varieties.

Each type of weapon uses a different ammunition scheme.

Players can mix and match parts to get the exact weapon that's right for them. Weapons can be disassembled for parts.

Note: The Terran Armour System is also modular.

Morod' Hai weapons are non modular, though they are very varied due to the Mord' Hai having scavenged them from across the galaxy.

The Xylen Weapons are plant based, and weird to say the least. Especially one...


  • gunsimple.jpg
    53.4 KB · Views: 384
Oh, and the power unit specifies the max amount of ammunition for energy-based weapons, whilst the charger determines the fire-rate.
looking good!

keep it up....

the beasts feet looks kinda wierd....try and work on it some more....i like that snake like thing a lot
Thanks Nostradamus. I think I'll alter the boggies feet so that they're webbed. They do swim, after all.

Figuring out the shadows and highlights on the crawler's body was a little tough. Got any tips for that?

As always, I'm open to tips, comments and suggestions from anyone reading this thread. No one can grow in a vacuum, after all.

Well, no one human...:E
I think I would have liked the concept's better if it didnt looked like some 6th grade drawed it. Your style is ver immature, it would fit perfect for bunny's and the works, but for concept it really doesnt fit.

I suggest to try and find someone who can draw really wel and who is willing to help you on it, and explain the idea's you have. I am sure it woul look way more impressive then it does now.

good luck
Dont make him get someone else to do the drawing, if thats what u're saying :)

now im no pro drawist, but i will give you some advice, that i found usefull...

never be satisfied with only 1 drawing if it's only a scetch of something....draw it plenty of times, and just draw what comes into you mind each time....
also draw ligh(i mean really you can erase with no trace) until you have the complete design laid out(mainly for non scetches).
also try and control your line...and do it it al in single more confident in your drawing skills, and dont do that scratching ... its ok for scetches but just dont make a habit out of it :)

hope this helps... ;)

Both extreamely talented concept artists, I rerely see work that better. They have very similar techniques (Feng Zhu actually shows a short tut on how he does his work). I think they are actually both working together lately on StarWars3...
anyhowz, check the sites out, they will surely inspire you.
Ah yeah, feng zu, very nice guy asswel, a bit busy atm with some projects. another few inspiring links are

- a great monster artist this guy, very nice to, he gave me a few tips about getting sharp and clean lineart and details how of his workflow and where he gets some monster inspirations from

- never talked to him but his art is amazing, very cool style. totally worth checking out

- you should really check out his stuff, very cool. he gets most inspiration from megaman and the works. I notised his site when he was into lineart but now he has moved into digital paining and is getting beteer and better, he works with photoshop. amazing stuff

- aah, good old wesley. exelent stuff, wicked style. I wish i could draw as good as him. definatly worth the look

- Sparth. wicked and wicked stuff this guy makes. he provides some conceptart in this style for a HL2mod. same with davi (admin @ who did some conceptart fo some hl2 mod aswell srry dont know the mod names.

well, use the links wiseley :) dont let me see you copying stuff or i'l kick yah buts :)

so 1tchy, also a fan of ghost in the shell: Stand alone complex? seeing the smiling man icon in your vatar :D
Feng Zu is a brilliant artist and yep a great guy too, never heard a bad thing said about him actually from anyone he's worked with. Last I heard wasn't he was working with Wallin on the Stargate ride concepts?, though I think that stage was finished ages ago and I'm pretty sure Wallin moved onto the new Harry Potter film, no idea what Feng Zu is doing now though, probably got on Harry Potter too :)

Also don't forgot Craig Mullins, Doug Chiang, John Wallin of course, Chris Brizon, Dave Adams, Jeff Kilgroe & Craig A. Clark, and who could forget the great Syd Mead who rules all heh :) and then the three who basically created the modern styles Chris Foss, Roger Dean and Rodney Matthews, they could teach a thing or two about all kinds of art, brilliant artists and really nice guys, well all but one of them is a really nice guy ;)

Though Dave Adams, Jeff Kilgroe & Craig A. Clark are more the 3D side of things, Craig A. Clark being a brilliant low poly modeler and insane B5 fan who can do amazing model ships and very quickly too, Dave having done the original B5 stuff, and most Star Trek stuff, Rodney, Roger, Chris and Doug rarely do anything for free and John doesn't like being pestered about his painting techniques so if anyone feels like asking him, dont be surprised if he avoids the question heh.

Johns work is close to perfection though, wont be long before he's up there with Syd Mead, just never ever steal his work, he's got way too many friends out there who will spot it instantly and then your seriously f*****d :p
srry ;( I cant name them all now can I :)

hmm, suxx that the dumbledore actor is dead I liked him in harrypotter 1 and 2. ahhwell.

man the world is filled with great artist's. I feel small in skill and talent compared to the rest
hehe s'ok I'll let ya off ;)

Yeah he was a great actor, played the part perfectly. I was pretty shocked when they picked Michael Gambon to replace him. I thought the other fella would be better (sorry the other name escapes me now)
Well, thanks for the tips, guys.

I said I'm not the greatest artist in the world, but I have improved immeasurably upon the quality I was drawing a year ago. I think I'd rather continue drawing my own concept art if it's all the same to you mr EVIL.

I'll also just assume you forgot to have your coffee that morning.

I'll never get any better if I just let someone else do it for me.

Thanks for the links guys, I already had one like that, but the new ones look much more useful for tips on sci-fi and stuff.

BTW, immature? Pardon? It's certainly better than the 6th graders around here, who generally just draw stick figures. My style is my own. The concept is in my head; how would anybody but me know what style would fit it?

And yeah, Nostradamus, I'll admit I do sometimes have a problem with pressing too hard. Thanks for the tip.

You guys should like what I'm uploading next. Least, I hope you do. might be too baby-ish for mr EVIL.
lmfao, who isn't a fan of ghost in the shell. I think everyone loves that film. If you don't like anime in general u have to be shot. I just got armitage3 dual matrix and the 1st one, something matrix... forgoten it now :( why EVIL are u a fan of anime? if so do u know any anime inspired mods, I have been looking everywhere to join one. Hceck this out:


hehehe, i made it when i was bored :D
mather of fact. i know a nice hl2 mod called corporate anarchy wich uses a very strong gits influence. even thier concept art looks like the concept art of ghost in the shell: Stand alone complex that you can see on the production ig website.

and yeah, I love anime.
BTW, if anyone here needs some basic concept idea sketches for a person/character , I could help ya with that! I'm not quite a good artist, but you could check out my DeviantArt page; for a basic overview of my skills.
Okaaaaaaaaay, just another older piece, this time it's the original Marauder/Morod' Hai, coloured in paintshop pro.

Just trying out some colour schemes, this is the second, the first was way too gaudy, so I didn't post it.

I'll probably make another, maybe with multicoloured skin. I might add a shadow and blend in a background, too.

Tell me what you think.

I might only post my more artsy-fartsy things in here now, save the simpler things and descriptions for a thread I'm thinking of starting in the mods/editing section.
Wotcha, peoples.

Well, here's the next version of the Marauder. Basically, I've added a slight randomness to the skin tones, as well as an iridescence on the shell over his "hand", and on his chest-plates. I think the one on his hand works fairly well, but I'm not sure about the effect on his chest.

Waddaya think?
And here's a colour version of ol' Saturday.

I personally think that this came out rather well, despite the fact that the original lead pencil drawing was smudged prior to scanning by contact with another sheet of paper.
