Can the G-Man Be Defeated? (Spoilers)


Jan 25, 2008
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This is my first post on these forums. I hear it's safer here.

Anyway, my question is: do you think that Gordon can ever defeat the G-man? Eli seems to believe that they can somehow stop him in Episode Two, but we never hear how. The Vortigaunts seem ab;e to hold the G-Man at bay, so perhaps they are the key to his defeat.


Either way, the fight against him wouldn't be easy, since he is, after all, the most powerful entity we know of in the whole damn multiverse.
I'd think so. Or we'd just be pawns till the day we die for a cosmic entity who couldn't give two shakes of an antlion's tail about whether the human race survives or not.
Yes, the Gman can be defeated. But what does it matter, anyway?
"Rise and shine, mr freeman, rise and shine..."

Maybe you could kill Gman by giving him arsnic laced frosties in the morning
Considering how easily he whisked you away to your doom if you refused his offer in HL1, I'm guessing no. You may be able to piss him off a bit by deviating from his plans, but sooner or later he'll catch up and work you back into them again.

I think he's a force for good any way. Or more precisely, I think his aims are ultimately of benefit to humanity.
The Gman is Gabe. We all know that, and no-one can kill Gabe.

This thread is going to the moon.
yes you can by giving him speech lessons, a tan and to somehow get rid of his obsession w/ SSSSSSSSS
I think he's a force for good any way. Or more precisely, I think his aims are ultimately of benefit to humanity.

I think the fate of humanity doesn't concern him in the least. He's directly responsible for the Resonance Cascade, an event that saw humanity thrown into a cosmic war and saw us reduced to a dwindling, oppressed few. In HL2 he had Freeman disconnect Earth from the Combine Overworld, but was planning to send him onto a new assignment pretty much right away. The Citadel was in meltdown, the Super Portal forming...he didn't plan on intervening in human affairs after that, having seemingly achieved what he wanted.

If the Vortigaunt's hadn't intervened and disrupted his plans, and Gordon and Alyx not delivered the data packet, humanity would have been purged from the face of the Earth.
Of course he can...

With so many enemies like Eli, The vortigaunts and maybe soon Alyx, there is a strong possibility he could be overuled at sometime.

Just think, the Vortigaunts have used the vortesance to delay Gman in the past, who says next time they won't just kill him, or maybe no one wants to stop Gman, maybe they need him, or wish to use his power for something or the other...
What could Eli have possibly done against a cosmic entity as powerful as the Gman? What can Alyx do? The guy flits in and out of time and space with ease, and he's only ever been stalled by a very large group of Vortigaunt's.
i know what you mean.. he really doesnt seem to give a hoot. However, regarding the Gman, i'm sure i read somewhere that:

"In a comment in the Source Engine's developer kit, he is described as the "Misunderstood Servant of the People"."

so erm.. i dunno!? maybe that was a hint.. but all the evidence Samon said also suggests otherwise!
Knowing the g-man's mind is like knowing Gabe's mind. You can't.
Kiling the g-man is like killing Gabe. You can't.
Knowing the g-man's real name is like knowing Gabe's middle name. You can't.

They would kill you if you knew.
The way I understand Gmans speech's he seem's like a good guy. Yes his actions are not understandable...yet. But I think he's doing good. Of course I could be wrong...I do always cheer for the bad guys in movie's.
I dunno. If he were a good guy, why did he leave Alyx on top of the Citadel? All he seems to care about is fulfilling the will of his "employers". If not evil, The G-Man seems more morally grey then anything.
It's unknown if he's an protagonist or antagonist.

I like the theory on The Half-life Saga Story Guide:
Why GMan didn't want Gordon to interfere with the Citadel after Half-life 2:
The way I see it, GMan wants that reactor to be destroyed as soon as possible and that transmission packet to be sent, at any cost. Why? Because it seems GMan is trying his hardest to lure the rest of the Combine forces over to Earth. This seems like GMan's plan from the beginning, the reason why he got Gordon to destroy the Citadel. This reason is to bait the rest of the Combine over to Earth so they can be fought on Earth, or so that GMan could distract the Combine while he mounts an attack on the Combine's homeworld. The way GMan sees it, hundreds of thousands of human and Vortigaunt lives will be lost in the destruction of City 17, but if that message is sent, GMan could win an interstellar war. On the other hand, the purple Vortigaunts care more about the lives of the members of the Resistance and the citizens of City 17 on Earth than winning the war.

Who are to decide what is the right thing to do, and does Gordon even have a slight chance at making the right decision? Gordon hasn't exactly been very lucky with his actions so far, having helped the combine invade earth and all... If someone says go destroy GMan, Gordon will obey as the little puppet he is :p

Instead of killing the Gman, I'd much rather force him into revealing how things really are. Killing him would just leave the world in the dark about the situation beyond our solar system. There's obviously a lot going on out there, and we can't hide ;)

Perhaps later in the saga we get to go otherworld, and i can imagine Gman would be more willing to share information then - if he's interested in the combines defeat that is.
I don't know why, but when I think of the G-Man being defeated, I think of one thing specifically; the Borealis...
It's unknown if he's an protagonist or antagonist.

I like the theory on The Half-life Saga Story Guide:
Why GMan didn't want Gordon to interfere with the Citadel after Half-life 2:

Who are to decide what is the right thing to do, and does Gordon even have a slight chance at making the right decision? Gordon hasn't exactly been very lucky with his actions so far, having helped the combine invade earth and all... If someone says go destroy GMan, Gordon will obey as the little puppet he is :p

Instead of killing the Gman, I'd much rather force him into revealing how things really are. Killing him would just leave the world in the dark about the situation beyond our solar system. There's obviously a lot going on out there, and we can't hide ;)

Perhaps later in the saga we get to go otherworld, and i can imagine Gman would be more willing to share information then - if he's interested in the combines defeat that is.

I actually really hate that theory. :p
We don't know if he was really going to leave her there. He might only be able to get one person out at a time and after he got his MVP out he'd go back to get Alyx but the Vorts got there first. Why would the Vorts go for her right away instead of getting her like they got Gordon? Because the Vorts caught Gman off gaurd when they got Gordon and if they went back for Alyx they would have a tougher fight to deal with.
It's more evidence than there is to the contrary.

What exactly makes people believe the G-Man is an antagonist? The resonance cascade was certainly questionable, but clearly his aim was not wiping us out. And he has done nothing but help you through most of HL2 and its episodes.

While I'm not sure he particularly cares for humanity, surely it seems that its survival and the continued success of Gordon Freeman on its behalf are integral to his schemes?
Maybe the G-Man sees profits in inter-dimensional warfare and stokes the flames whenever he notices an opportunity.
It's possible. Although I personally find that to be fairly beneath the reputation he has made for himself. I believe there is a plan or aim that encompasses all the events in Half-Life, and the resonance cascade was required to set it in motion.


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// GMan - misunderstood servant of the people


//========= Copyright ? 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: The G-Man, misunderstood servant of the people
// $NoKeywords: $

It doesn't sound very reliable
The point is, Valve never changed that line. HL's G-Man and HL2's G-Man are like completely two different characters.
I got that, but isn't that an argument for the G-Man being a positive force of sorts? Not against?
GabeN once said shooting the G-Man is a very bad idea, makes me think G-Man will never die. He'll be always there, watching us.
Shooting Gman is a bad idea because he'll kick you ass properly. He'll die it will just take alot to take him down.