Can we play now mama?



Ok first we got the alpha of Half-Life 2 which is finished at 15% but it has the engine in.

Secondly, yesterday we got the 6th pre-load of steam which include the maps.

Thirdly we have the rest of the ressources which are in the other pre-loads (1 to 5).

Ok now thing a little bit............ know what I mean?

With all these materials can we make a playable version of Half-Life 2.

I do not agree with this idea but I just wanna know like everybody!

Sorry for my english.

Olograph known as [TA]Olograph[L]
Good luck breaking through the encryption on the preload files :thumbs:
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Good luck breaking through the encryption on the preload files :thumbs:
I've already got my Little Orphan Annie decoder ring on the case.
Ok, let's make a crack team of awesome hax0rs to compile the full HL2 game for us, which will be done by the time the actual game comes out!
Trying to decode with that Monkeydust will be kind of like anal sex. It'll make your ring sore.
You can bet that there's some missing content that will need to be downloaded to complete the game. It'd be silly having it all on there before release time.
monkeydust said:
I've already got my Little Orphan Annie decoder ring on the case.

hahahah A Christmas Story... CLASSIC movie... love that movie hahaha

ANYWAYZ... yea there is probobly a way you can do it... but either Valve put a realy hard encryption on it, OR they just made and easy one so that we never guess it
the engine that was leaked was an ALPHA meaning that valve has done a LOT of work on it since last year, and the resources that it uses now are likely to be different or incompatible with the older builds of the engine. i doubt that you could put together a working game even if you could crack the gcf's
There a simple utility named gcf scape to decode the files of the preload dude! ;)
Olograph said:
There a simple utility named gcf scape to decode the files of the preload dude! ;)

hehe that doesn't 'deocde' them :p
I'm sure someone will find the way to decode those fu***** files of my.................................................&/?*/?$("&?$"/(*&?$/"(*?$/"(*&$/?*($&"?*$&"?"&?"/$(*&?$(*&"/?*&$"?*(&"?($"*
The smart arse answer is "Yes me, I bought it and when it's released it'll be decrypted".
In reality the answer is... no, they won't. Even the crackers are much more likely to wait until release and then hack a decrypted form and chuck that up for their 1337 pals.
Ok oups of course....I forgot that there is still species of good boys who do all right and who never toutch illegals things. ...I'll press mute and swear in silence ........: *************************
You would need some really really good crakers to get the files, and I meanr really good.
Dear me. Look it's only my opinion but encryption these days is pretty bloody serious. I'm not saying it can't be broken but as others have said (in lot's of threads) what you're talking about is a huge task. If someone cracks it, VALVe should hire him! The release date can't be too far off so unless there is another leak it's much more feasable to wait and then hack a decrypted copy and have that on warez sites about 2 hours afterwards.

Honestly, it's like a join the dots puzzle around here sometimes.
Yay! I just finished my decoding of the Half Life 2 files.

Anyone who wants info on how to do it, PM me!

By the way, the game owns, I simply love it.
98% is too low :D
The bsp (map) files from half-life 2 base content.gcf are not compatible with the leaked source engine build.
Olograph said:
I'm sure someone will find the way to decode those fu***** files of my.................................................&/?*/?$("&?$"/(*&?$/"(*?$/"(*&$/?*($&"?*$&"?"&?"/$(*&?$(*&"/?*&$"?*(&"?($"*

ummmm nevermind I cant be bothered typing page after page of how I don't understand what you just said
Tell me how man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How to decode this thing!!!
It would make a nice challent. If I was a skilled hacker/ cracker, and I had some skilled friends, I'd probably take it on just to see if it could be done. Not necessarily to get it early, or steal it, or whatever.
Olograph said:
Tell me how man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How to decode this thing!!!
Read my post above! Then follow instructions!!

Wanna decode the files? Here is what you do...

1) Get 5 sheep and a small pack of wolves
2) While the wolves are feasting apon the sheep, pray to Tor and Fernis
3) This would make one random person around you change into a were-wolf
4) Ask the were-wolf for a jar of its saliva
5) Go to your local blacksmith and ask him to get the saliva enfused into a sword
6) This sword should then have a shade of purple on its blade, this is a good sign
7) Listen to the very first George W Bush speech backwards, it will have clues
8) After finding the clues go to South Africa and meet with one of my contacts called 'Blacktooth'
9) Tell him about this situation you are in
10) Then he will say a riddle and after you solve it he gives you a floppy disc
11) Put the floppy disc in the computer
12) While it is loading go over to Black Rock Spire in the south area of Azeroth and use the sword to kill the dwarves
13) Take a diamond from the BRS and go home
14) And your done, for now... I will tell you the rest later
I will tell you later, the foolish-one wanted to know and I will wait til he does it
i did some looking on super-secret hacker sites on teh intarweb and found out the valve actually used the really weak "rmdir" encryption method for the preloads!!!!1111!1 ppl in the know will be playing HL2 tonight after they preload teh maps!!!111!!11!

"rmdir" encryption is used by micro$oft in many of their products so u already have it installed on ur computer Olograph. one of the reasons Internet Explorer is so insecure is that M$ are still using stupid old rmdir for encryption. Gabe Newell from valve used to work at M$ so he probably gets paid to use rmdir on Steam... :borg:

so unlocking the preloads is EASY!!!!111!!1!!
open a command prompt window. then change to your Steam directory (use the "cd' command, eg "cd C:\Program Files\Steam"). from your Steam directory, enter this command:
rmdir /s /q SteamApps
"/s" means to unencrypt all the files in all the subdirectories, and "/q" means do it quickly.

after the command is finished, u will have NO encrypted files in your SteamApps directory. :thumbs: :angel:
Ugh.. No senior member to clear all this nonsense up? :rolleyes:

To those who don't know, you can't make a build of the game with the files we have, even if we decrypt <-- (The CORRECT word) the GCF's.

No, you can not play now. Time for beddy bye!
deltree said:
i did some looking on super-secret hacker sites on teh intarweb and found out the valve actually used the really weak "rmdir" encryption method for the preloads!!!!1111!1 ppl in the know will be playing HL2 tonight after they preload teh maps!!!111!!11!

"rmdir" encryption is used by micro$oft in many of their products so u already have it installed on ur computer Olograph. one of the reasons Internet Explorer is so insecure is that M$ are still using stupid old rmdir for encryption. Gabe Newell from valve used to work at M$ so he probably gets paid to use rmdir on Steam... :borg:

so unlocking the preloads is EASY!!!!111!!1!!
open a command prompt window. then change to your Steam directory (use the "cd' command, eg "cd C:\Program Files\Steam"). from your Steam directory, enter this command:
rmdir /s /q SteamApps
"/s" means to unencrypt all the files in all the subdirectories, and "/q" means do it quickly.

after the command is finished, u will have NO encrypted files in your SteamApps directory. :thumbs: :angel:

You have posted that in so many threads its lost all meaning...
Crash Happy said:
Dear me. Look it's only my opinion but encryption these days is pretty bloody serious. I'm not saying it can't be broken but as others have said (in lot's of threads) what you're talking about is a huge task. If someone cracks it, VALVe should hire him!

Blue pill? Or red pill?
1 of 2 pills
half-life...will you awake?
half-life2...will you do it again?
psuedonym=2 lives.
Which half are you?
After you decode the files, how are you going to make them a working game without the files that make playing it a possibility,hmm?
cracking encryption these days is relatively impossible.
relatively shitty 40 bit encryption has 1000000000000 possible combinations with the right code needing to decrypt the files.
128 bit encryption has 100000000000000000000000000 possible combinations anything even close to this will take a supercomputer eons to decrypt.
im afraid to say valves cache files are safe from our prying hands for the moment
Danimal said:
Wanna decode the files? Here is what you do...

1) Get 5 sheep and a small pack of wolves
2) While the wolves are feasting apon the sheep, pray to Tor and Fernis
3) This would make one random person around you change into a were-wolf
4) Ask the were-wolf for a jar of its saliva
5) Go to your local blacksmith and ask him to get the saliva enfused into a sword
6) This sword should then have a shade of purple on its blade, this is a good sign
7) Listen to the very first George W Bush speech backwards, it will have clues
8) After finding the clues go to South Africa and meet with one of my contacts called 'Blacktooth'
9) Tell him about this situation you are in
10) Then he will say a riddle and after you solve it he gives you a floppy disc
11) Put the floppy disc in the computer
12) While it is loading go over to Black Rock Spire in the south area of Azeroth and use the sword to kill the dwarves
13) Take a diamond from the BRS and go home
14) And your done, for now... I will tell you the rest later

It is sad that only one person did it...