Can't compile.


Aug 14, 2003
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For some reason, I can't compile my map. I get this response in the HL console:

Map change failed: 'meh_map' not found on server

And this is my compile log:
** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "F:\Sierra\Half-Life"

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"

* Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"
* Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"

* Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"
* Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"

* Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"
* Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"

* Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"
* Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high.bsp" "F:\Sierra\Half-Life\valve\maps\high.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"The system cannot find the file specified."

I have been told that it won't work because it didn't create a BSP file. How do I create a BSP file? Excuse my n00bishness, I just began learning.:D:D:D:D
Into the Hammer options, under the "build programs" tab, you should put something like this in the "Place compiled maps in this directory before running the game" c:\blabla\cstrike\maps and your rmf or map file should be saved into the maps folder of Hammer like this: C:\Program Files\Valve Hammer\maps Do you use Zoner's tools? If not, you should :) If you use steam to launch your game, maybe you'll have some problems running the game directly after compiling the map so I suggest you to look for the bsp file that has been created (in your valve hammer/maps folder and copy it into your C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\counter-strike\cstrike\maps folder. Then launch steam, and look for your map into the map list when you create a game.
I have finally compiled with out errors. Yet I still get this message.
That means it's in the wrong folder, I believe, haven't had any compile problems for a loooonnnnnggggg time :E
Yea, you have to copy the bsp file into your maps folder... as I see it's not CS, it's HL so I guess you have to put the bsp into the C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps folder right after you have compiled your map. After that, launch HL with steam and create a server with your map or use the console command: map meh_map1
hi ray_men ;).
Dont use spaces into your folder, most programs got problems with spaces into folder names

instead of
"c:\documents and settings\rayman\my documents\high"

maybe i could help you ;)
Ti133700N said:
Yea, you have to copy the bsp file into your maps folder... as I see it's not CS, it's HL so I guess you have to put the bsp into the C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps folder right after you have compiled your map. After that, launch HL with steam and create a server with your map or use the console command: map meh_map1
Do I have to use Steam? I have HL in:
Is that okay? Can I save it in:
nope, you havent to use Steam.

This folder sittings are ok ;).

And if you use Valve´s Hammer Editor, the thing should work automaticly if you configured it correctly. :frog:
Ti133700N said:
Yea, you have to copy the bsp file into your maps folder... as I see it's not CS, it's HL so I guess you have to put the bsp into the C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps folder right after you have compiled your map. After that, launch HL with steam and create a server with your map or use the console command: map meh_map1
Where can I find my bsp file? Priv, I probably haven't configured it correctly.
well your bsp is into the folder you configured into your configuration. But the BSP will not be created, if you got problems at compiling. If the BSP doesnt exist into the folder you specified in your settings, post the compiling log here.
privfUSiON said:
well your bsp is into the folder you configured into your configuration. But the BSP will not be created, if you got problems at compiling. If the BSP doesnt exist into the folder you specified in your settings, post the compiling log here.
Here is the compiling log.

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: F:\Sierra\Half-Life

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:\SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\maps\" "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps\"

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps\meh_map1"

* Could not execute the command:
Copy File "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps\meh_map1"
* Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps\meh_map1"

* Could not execute the command:
Copy File "F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[email protected]\half-life\valve\maps\meh_map1"
* Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: F:\Sierra\HALF-L~1\hl.exe
** Parameters: +map "meh_map1"

This is so frustrating. :| :frown: :x
why do you copy that into your steam folder when you use the normal halflife

F:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\gordiefr [email protected]\half-life\valve\maps\

and dont use space in your specified folders.

you could also give here all settings you configured.

Maps folder:

HL Folder:

If you tell me what you entered, i can say you how you should change it.
Game executable:
CSG executable:
BSP executable:
VIS executable:
RAD executable:
Place compile maps in this cirectory before running the game:
ok make it like this.
make a new folder in your half life called "editing" without quotes, ok that should now look like this

Install your valve´s hammer editor into this folder (or copy it)

Then you got
F:\SIERRA\Half-Life\editing\ValveHammerEditor\ <-- Cause this forum are a space into the folder delete the space ;).
be sure you didnt got a space into it, ok, now to the configuration.

Game executable:

CSG executable:

BSP executable:

VIS executable:

RAD executable:

Cause this forum are some space´s into the filenames delete them all ;).

Place compile maps in this directory before running the game:

Be sure you really selectet the hlrad, bsp and others executeable (.exe) files. I dont know if your hlbsp.exe hlvis.exe hlcsg.exe and hlrad.exe are into the \tools\ folder.
Maybe my answer is a little late... I don't care cause you can still get this problem - and if you google the problem you still find this thread. This thread have a lot of wrong answers to solve the problem.

The "Access denied" problem when compiling a Hammer map isn´t a Windows issue. It´s simply that your Hammer editor can't access the build programs - often called Compiling Tools ("hlvis.exe" "hlrad.exe" "hlbsp.exe" and "hlcsg.exe" or similar)

I often see people suggest that you reinstall or reconfigure your Hammer editor and that will help - cause you'll then get the right path for your tools again. BUT you don't have to do all that.. all you really need is to go to the "Build programs" tab under options and add your tools again or solve why the compile tools is unaccessable.

Sure there can be other variations of the problems but the "access denied" problem has to do with the build programs.

-Have you accidently moved the tools?
-Are they in a map that are write protected?
-Have you spelled any path wrong?
-Does Windows in any way made the tools unaccessable?

Sorry if my English is bad :)