my chem teacher is by far the worst teacher I have ever had in my 10 years (not counting preschool etc..) of schooling. I can see how chemistry could by a likable subject, but unfortunatley not one single person that has my teacher is moving on to chemistry 2 at my school. Physics is much easier too, which we are required to take at the same time (IB stuff), because it is mainly simple algebra equations that you just plug number into. None of this periodic table or common polyatomic ions business. No sir, not for me haha
hahaha today my chemistry teacher taught us for 30min and then gave us a test on what she taught us. I think that is retarted, and its not the 1st time she's done it haha some people....
Actually Im pretty sure its reduction, since the 2- added Mn04 are electrons, i think, and reduction is a gain in electrons. Could be wrong, studying this at the moment with Biology in terms of respiration at college so could be different to chemistry theory.