Chrome Demo


Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone got the chrome demo yet???

I saw it on megagames but i think it will be a while before i can even download it, in a queue of about a million i think :D

Anyone want to post there thoughts on it? From the vids and pics ive seen it looks like a nice Halo but on the PC (disregarding Halo for the PC :D)
I want that game/demo and Breed... but strangly maybe not Halo :p

I like the fact that this one is more realistic :) ... but i don't really like Halo's design asthetic :p
Man, Chrome has come a long way.
I got my hands on an alpha or beta build over a year and a half ago, and it was absolute garbage. But it seems the developers keep plugging along, rehauling the game again and again to the point where it might show some promise.
I'm still skeptical, but I'm also a little biased because I wanted to poke my eyes out when I played it. :b
I'm downloading it anyway, I'm really curious to see how it is.
Wtf i get 15kbs off that UK mirror, and yes, i'm in the UK;(

edit: oopsie, i was downloading something else at the same time, hehe, great mirror switch!
somebody tell me what chrome game exacly is ???:S
Its a futuristic FPS with big outdoor areas and vehicles and some other little tricks.
It shows a thousand times more polish, and the graphics are so much better its boggling. But the game seems to also be a gigantic system hog too, and the actual gameply is just as bad as it used to be. The AI is in the range of laughable and the game just isn't that much fun.
It seems like with all the changes they still kept on the same voice actors, and thats not a good thing.
Does this run like crap for anyone else, even with everthing on absolute lowest it still runs bad!!

My specs:

512mb ram
geforce 2 ultra 64mb

Originally posted by Animal
Does this run like crap for anyone else, even with everthing on absolute lowest it still runs bad!!

My specs:

512mb ram
geforce 2 ultra 64mb


i think it might be time to update your video card.
Hell yeah! I've got a radeon 9800 256mb sitting in it's box in my room but i can't install it yet because i need a new motherboard, not to mention the fact that i still need to get the rest of the components for my planned upgrade.

I just wanted to get the card first for some reason, lol, just so i won't end up thinking:

''what the hell am i doing spending 400 pounds on a piece of silicon!'':cheese:
Just played it there, its not much of a next gen game likes..... nice open spaces and all but the rag dolls a bit crappy and the guys look a bit guff.

Ach, i dunno, i think ill wait for Far Cry ;)
Hehe....I'm billing my time with it as "research" for my job. Even if it sucks its better than working. :D
I just noticed something extraordinarly odd. After completing the first mission the credits roll while a radio shifts around between broadcasts. The odd part is that all the radio broadcast noise is the same as at the start of a totally unrelated song track.
Lucky Boys Confusion - Arizona Stand
I just thought that was the damndest coincidence....possible a fan on the sound team?
Originally posted by Animal
Does this run like crap for anyone else, even with everthing on absolute lowest it still runs bad!!

My specs:

512mb ram
geforce 2 ultra 64mb


Can't be that bad can it ??

I say you re-look your configs and check your tasks. Those are good specs imo.
AMD XP 2800 w/ 1Gb PC3200 RAM and a 9700
And my framerate still dies occasionally.