CounterStrike 1.6 Bots suck-Give me Podbot!!


Jul 1, 2003
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I am new to CounterStrike 1.6 and Steam, and while version 1.6 is cool especially with the widescreen selection (53 inch baby), I find the bots included with it are fairly mental and constantly run into walls and throw grenades randomly. I used to waypoint for PODbot from CountFloyd and was wondering if there is a way to use them instead of the default ones that come with the new CS? Don't know if this is Steam related or not but there is not CS forums on here :cool:
Are you an idiot? how can you compare the bots that come with CS to something like PODbot (no offence). I think valve (or gearbox whatever) have done a tremendous job with the bots and they are very realistic. Try increasing the bots level cause my bots dont run into walls or throw grenades randomly.
I heard somewhere that the bots in v1.6 don't use waypoints. Maybe that's why they're "mental". Just give them a chance (leave a LAN server on all night with 32 bots killing each other).
no no no forget about podbot.. if you put 1.6 bots on hard sometimes they play just like real people and by the way its the AI that will be used in condition zero
i have steam but where can you get 1.6?
i'm going to assume that the 1.6 AI is the CZ AI therefore it's the AI that learns stuff. They start out along the lines of "extremely bad" but the more they play the more they move to "extremely godlike". just leave them on a server killing each other, like draklyne said. they should be up to scratch by sunrise.
That freakin' scares me..... They learn O_O! I had a feeling they did when I ran a custom map but thought, "Nahh, that's not possible. They're smarter than me!"
Originally posted by Gojin
That freakin' scares me..... They learn O_O! I had a feeling they did when I ran a custom map but thought, "Nahh, that's not possible. They're smarter than me!"

Yes, whatever they learn there will be a new folder created with a "Learned Text File" for each map

A funny moment was i camped in a crazy place on aztec and the next round i see a bot camping in THAT exact place ! Ha!
They are great? Where you been? First off in CS_Italy, the CT's cannot get into the window into the buildings to take that route, they try but always fail. My waypoints for podbot had them all around that map, and even on the rooftops in the market square. They may not need waypoints, but they sure as heck need alot of help getting places.
yeah TAZ i really dont know what you're talking about. 1. they're the bots that are going to be used in CZ, which it was said they're just a beefed up version of PODbot. 2. I have only seen them run into walls on maybe two or three occasions. 3. As you said, you used to write waypoints, these learn them on their own. do you have any idea how incredable making bots that learn maps w/o creating way points is? 4. If you dont like them why dont you just make your own bots?
Umm.. I waypointed PODbot so the bots could take routes no other bots were able too.. with the brilliant coding of Count Floyd, Podbot was the most exceptional bot available and is still to this date. They used every possible route i gave them, and they also had a learning code so if one route didn't work well they tried alternate ways til they were the better then most CS players. And if there was a way of getting podbot into 1.6, I would do it, so I am asking if anyone knows of a way because the ones that are included do not jump well, do not go through alot of places that require trick jumping and they don't appear to have any concept of holding back when they should. You say they 'learn' but i have played CS Assault over 3 hours strait with them and have yet to see the CT's go through the vent above the security monitors by the Terrorist spawn location. I played Italy over 2 hours and watched as they walked off the boxes instead of jumping to try and get into the window of the building up the alley from the CT's spawn location. I played Militia for over an hour and never saw the CT's take the route through the side of the garage with the 2 hostages.

I could go on, but it's obvious to me that they are not capable of doing tricky jumps that are required for some of my favorite maps. PODbot could do these easily. And if these are the bots used in CZ then the maps are all going to be straight forward maps with few jumps since the bots can't maneuver them very well. Waypoints may not be needed for roaming a map, but they seem to be needed to get them to do tricky jumps like getting on the rooftop of the Market in Italy and to take the elevator in Siege. I could make them run a map perfectly, and have had alot of people from the Nuclearbox forums tell me that CF's bots and my waypoints make Counter-Strike alot more fun now that they can play offline or on Lans with friends. Even clans have asked me to waypoint their custom maps because the bots in PODbot are the most realistic out there.

All I want is to be able to play 1.6 with Podbot.. but i guess i will have to wait for the official release of CS 1.6 first. Not a big deal.. and yes, the bots for 1.6 SUCK!!! On easy they are simple and I could go every round without dieing.. On the highest setting I can't even see a bot without getting a headshot against me most of the time.. I play normal settings and fair very well especially since i have the upper hand in the ability to get to heights they can't.
Wasn't the guy that made POD bot hired by Valve to do the bots and AI for Condition Zero? Who says He didn't also do the bots for 1.6?

And Gearbox only did the expansions to Half-Life... They didn't do CS... The CS team was purchased by valve as was the DoD team. That is why there are now Retail versions of both.
podbots suck... put em all on hardest 1v31 and it's still simple :\
If you feel that strongly about them, (personally I think they are great)

Look on the website for the bots, Turtle Rock studio's created them not Valve or gearbox by the way, their address is...

I think that the CS 1.6 bots are good, they do learn very well. For instance if you play de_survivor, the bots used to get stuck inside the airplane and squat there waiting for you! Simple enough to throw in a HE Grenade to knock their HP down and then shoot them. Also they never knew how to diffuse the bomb on roof of plane - kind of cheating really.

But after leaving them playing on their own for a few hours this no longer happens. They have learnt to diffuse bomb and no longer *camp* inside plane all the time, or get stuck when bomb is planted at lorry.

The AI is definately very good without the visible waypointing system. And it can only get better. :p

Are you guys talking about CS 1.6 or Condition Zero?? If it's CS 1.6, then can someone explain to me how you can play against bots? As in what and where do I go to start a game with bots. Thx
And this is why you should look at the date on the posts.

The bots were part of CS 1.6 during the beta, but have since been removed, and are now a part of CZ only.
Ooh, learning bots... an amazing new technology, right? Not exactly. Those bots weren't the first bots to learn... not by a long shot. The "Eraser" bot for Quake 2 beat them to it by about six years (and without that horrible slowdown while the bots were learning as seen in the CS bots... it was all done in real time). I'm not even sure if that was the earliest game bot with the ability to learn levels.

I remember playing against them for many hours because I was using a 14.4Kbps modem at the time...
Since When Does 1.6 Have Bots!?!?!
phew, i thought i had missed something on cs 1.6 :)

for those who are waiting for cz, the bots are probably the best thing after the new single player missions (NOT the deleted material section missions, cuz they suck)
cs 1.6 did have bots when it was in beta, but now they have been removed
When I compare POD-Bot with the C.S. 1.6 bots, I have to go with the latter. To me the CS bot seem like the POD bots, but just a bit more enhanced.

I'm talking about the bots on the Steam beta.

MY internet is to slow right now to play on the net for 1.6....can someone tell me is there any way to get bots for 1.6..yes i know all about beta and that crap so dont lexture me on it..if someone could help me that'd be great....

Ahem......i may be new to this forum but i've been playin hl since 1998....and the most intelligent learning bot i've seen that didn't need waypoints was quite sometime was in a mod called: Scientist Hunt and the bot was created by a person who went by Hondo.....the hondo bot was awsome, is awsome and will always be awsome, (not sure but i think Hondo is Japanese), the bot was designed in 1999 and finished in 2000 - 2001, if anything this new cs bot is a replica of the hondo bot... look it up for yourselves though.
Ahem......i may be new to this forum but i've been playin hl since 1998....and the most intelligent learning bot i've seen that didn't need waypoints was quite sometime was in a mod called: Scientist Hunt and the bot was created by a person who went by Hondo.....the hondo bot was awsome, is awsome and will always be awsome, (not sure but i think Hondo is Japanese), the bot was designed in 1999 and finished in 2000 - 2001, if anything this new cs bot is a replica of the hondo bot... look it up for yourselves though.
Interesting. Too bad the thread you posted in is two years old and most of them have already abandoned this forum. Next time, just make a new thread ;) (Unless an existing thread's a month old or something)
where can i download or get podbot? i looked evrywhere, plz tell me a site where i can download it, i'm desperate...
Yes, whatever they learn there will be a new folder created with a "Learned Text File" for each map

A funny moment was i camped in a crazy place on aztec and the next round i see a bot camping in THAT exact place ! Ha!

Hmm. Ok I have a feeling you're talking about a place I camped in as well...

Ok outside either the CT or Terrorist spawn --- forgot which, there is a bunch of crates etc.

Well anyways, I crouched jumped into one of those crates and it was the perfect spot for camping. It's like half your height, so you can crouch jump in it plus it's facing towards a wall or your spawn so there is no way the enemy can see you...

Is it this one or...
Hmm. Ok I have a feeling you're talking about a place I camped in as well...

Ok outside either the CT or Terrorist spawn --- forgot which, there is a bunch of crates etc.

Well anyways, I crouched jumped into one of those crates and it was the perfect spot for camping. It's like half your height, so you can crouch jump in it plus it's facing towards a wall or your spawn so there is no way the enemy can see you...

Is it this one or...
You just posted in a thread that is not only 3 years old, it has been resurrected up to 3 times now.

Do you want a swift kick in the penis?