Crowbar and blood.


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone notice that in the hl2 gameplay video the crowbar "swing" animation looks like shit? He looks like he's poking the zombies. And the blood imo looks like shit too. They look like little green Super Mario Bros. fire balls that flash whenever you hit them with your poking crowbar.

Anyone else notice this? (note: i am NOT flaming hl2, im building a new rig for the sole purpose of it, i just want to know if anyone has any feedback/info on the topic)
the crowbvar animation was a mere placeholder for the E3 showing.... it has been mentioned that the animation will be redone for the final release.
it was just for e3, dont freak. it will be better when it hits shelves
They built HL2 so that the game was always playable for map and game designers: using lots of the HL content as placeholders.
yeah i noticed.... gordy didnt get upclose to the wood and they snap~~~~~
Yes, other people noticed this. If you'd bothered to search to search the forums before posting you'd have found that this point has been raised at least three times already. Thankyou and goodnight.
Wow look out tough man derby is on the scene.

Also, the blood lookes really gay, i mean cmon, admit it. I hope they make the blood somewhat dynamic instead of HL1 blood...

The blood from the zombies chopped in half was pretty good though.
I'm glad you appreicate me, wesisapie. Seriously It was a polite sugestion. I wanted to point out that the original question was "has anyone else noticed this?" which was evidnet form the number of threads of this ilk.
derby why look at it then if its been mentioned
u need to grow up
u cry if anyone starts a new thread get a life ffs
The reason that the animations looked rather b0rked in places is simply due to the video showing a demo playback, rather than someone actually playing the game 'live'.

The limited sampling rate of the demo facility produces interpolation artifacts upon playback, such as objects appearing to react to crowbar impacts before the crowbar swings and blood appearing on walls before enemies are killed, etc.

These artifacts will not appear during actual gameplay.
lol, weve discussed how the blood worked in other threads and I think we came to the conclusion that, like FatboyTim said, its demo playback. Another reason was because the blood they used for the demo was simply a placeholder for the real blood that will be in the game.

So Wesisapie, if you had bothered to search the forums you would have found that we already talked about this. :P

EDIT: I said Derby instead of Wesisapie, sry Derby. And this thread is going nowhere, I say close it.
Thats what Derby was saying. Why dont you read what people post? Deacon what Derby was saying was perfectly valid. People start threads that have already been discussed many times. He wasnt crying at all, he was just saying that it has already been talked about.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
Wow look out tough man derby is on the scene.

Also, the blood lookes really gay, i mean cmon, admit it. I hope they make the blood somewhat dynamic instead of HL1 blood...

The blood from the zombies chopped in half was pretty good though.

Jesus Christ, what is it with people and using "gay" as an insult? Pathetic.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Hey Abom|nation, YOUR MOM!

lol, just j/k. Another pathetic insult. :P

That's what your.. Dad said!

Owned. Or somesuch.
A little spamming never hurt anyone, especially when the thread its on has gone down the crapper anyway.

NO! Your momma
As you say, the threads gone down the crapper so you might as well let it die.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Jesus Christ, what is it with people and using "gay" as an insult? Pathetic.

The word gay has changed from its original meaning. Obviously it was happy. Then it just meant homosexual. Now its more like the word queer in that it doesn't just mean Homosexual it means that something isn't right, its wrong in someway. People used to say "How queer" Meaning something like "How odd" When people say something is gay this is normally what they mean. No that it has homosexual tendencies.

Why do some people use Jesus Christ as an expletive? If i were to call anything pathetic it would be that.
Oh come on, I'll bet you anything he was really referring to it as being 'homosexual', people are such homophobes these days. People on the internet referring to something as 'gay' are almost always using the homosexual meaning.

There's also a difference between calling someone a homosexual, and using a name as an expletive. Calling someone homosexual is much more serious, plus my comment was directly aimed at anyone.
I know it wasnt aimed at anyone but i dont appreciate you using Jesus Christ as an expletive. Sounds like double standards to me.
Hardly. There's a difference between mild swearing and questioning someone's sexual preference.
Originally posted by worldspawn
gay means either homosexual, or lame. drop it.

how does it mean LAME!!!!!!!

grrrr thats got nuffin 2 do with it :flame:
I dont say Jesus Christ. My favourites are Jesus Wept (in the company of elders) and Jesus Shite (in the company of everyone else) :)
Originally posted by worldspawn
gay means either homosexual, or lame. drop it.

Thank you. Enough said, close this pointless thread... I mean, I dont think ive seen a thread closed yet... where are the mods?
Originally posted by mrBadger
how does it mean LAME!!!!!!!

grrrr thats got nuffin 2 do with it :flame:
the assumed meaning when teenagers say gay isn't actually the literal meaning of the word.. especially when they are talking about non-interactive objects.
Technically gay means happy doesn't it? So saying that gay means someone/something is homosexual is just as wrong as saying gay means lame or stupid.