CS:Source beta...only one map(Noooooooooo)



A2597 said:
from Gabe, to try and stop all this junk about CS:Source delaying HL2:

The release of CS:Source is basically the Source engine plus CS game
code plus the content to play one map (probably de_dust).

The reason we are doing this is primarily to find out what problems
there are with the Source engine when we give it to a couple of hundred
thousand people.


This must be wrong info or a misinterpretation,what do y'all think if this is correct? all I got to say is I'll be more than disappointed with that.One map you got to be kidding...

please make it at least 3 or 4 maps the popular ones( Dust,D2,Aztec,Italy),help us to help you squash any bugs.This beta test is sounding pretty great,but only one map that's going to be so repetitive for testers unduly so...
I would settle for only 1 map any day. You get a free demonstration of what it will be like, FREE! Too bad I won't be playing it...
SaL said:
please make it at least 3 or 4 maps the popular ones( Dust,D2,Aztec,Italy),help us to help you squash any bugs.This beta test is sounding pretty great,but only one map that's going to be so repetitive for testers unduly so...
Repetitive is what its all about when testing :)
Yeah I was kinda disappointed too but look at it this way: you get to play the CS:S beta!! w00tzor! ;)
LOL! its a beta m8, not the full game. What did you expect them to give yoiu the whole game? sure.... lol
Err... a lot of beta tests have only one or two maps, beta's aren't for your enjoyment (what people do assume when they request participation in them) but for testing. And like Gabe says here, the maps don't need to be tested (hell, they're all from cs, they have been tested the last 5 years) but Source needs to be tested on a wide variety of systems.
Gawd, it's whinge whinge whinge all the time isn't it! Personally I'm a big fan of the original dust so I'm happy with that. Anyway look on the bright side atleast it ain't de_chateau or prodigy!
If it's one map I'd rather it was dust2, it's at least got a semblance of strategy to it. Dust matches are just endless rushing contests, followed by camper hunting. :|
Oooh, or they could just NOT LET YOU PLAY AT ALLL!!!!

Anyway, apparently we only have 2 weeks to test it out anyway, if one map of CS:S gets boring in under 2 weeks, Valve have serious problems.

I played de_dust for like a month straight when I first started playing CS, and I'm still not bored of it 4 years later :D
Its just ONE map..its a beta..big deal.

I can deal with only one map, only if its JUST a beta. If it were the real thing, I'd be mad..

Crusader said:
I played de_dust for like a month straight when I first started playing CS, and I'm still not bored of it 4 years later

All I like to play on Half-Life Deathmatch is killbox. I'm still not tired of that one map.
I'm not tired of dust either, especially playing it like I do on HLDM...
Majestic XII said:
Isnt de_dust the only thing cs kids play these days?
In the servers I go to it's always dust2 and aztec. zZz... Oh well, at least there's more to those two maps than "OMG RUSH BB N DONT STPOPP!!!11!11"
Anyway look on the bright side atleast it ain't de_chateau or prodigy!
I love chateau. :cheers:
if it was prodigy i would sell my copy of cscz for 1 euro ^^
well he's very close to truth. I switched my server to estate and most of the guys were like... "OMG is this a new map?!!!" its so true, if its not ASSault, dust, or italy, no ones knows their way around.
I think de_dust and de_aztec are the only maps that '1337-wannabe cs kids' play, it was certainly the case when I played CS back in the days.

I think people should be lucky they get to see anything of CS Source before it's release, and not moan about how they only get one map or whatever.

Kids these days have no morals or respect!!
That's not bad at all guys. I just wish it was something other than freakin Dust. Like...oh I dunno, BACKALLEY!! :)

I have an unexplainable love for that map, and wish they would rework it in Source. But they won't, because the majority of CS players seem to only play Dust. Dust2, Aztec and Iceworld in an neverending rotation. bleh

EDIT: ooh just remembered Inferno. THAT would have been a good (and conceivable) choice for the beta map. It's the best of the official maps imo.
You're all insane. chateau and prodigy are great maps. prodigy is clearly better, but chateau is still good.
Majestic XII said:
Isnt de_dust the only thing cs kids play these days?

Yep. Sadly.

They should release cs_militia, cs_assault, de_train, or one of the other awesome maps that haven't been overplayed into suckiness.

And de_prodigy is a great map... chateau is nice as well, if a little confusing.

i think my choice for the source map would be inferno or office, dust2 a distant 3rd. or heck, how about fy_poolday? i know you wouldnt want to, but will you be able to play cs/cz maps in cs:source? our custom server is running old skool maps at the mo, would be fun to load them up in the source engine too...
CS:Source beta is 2-3 weeks long possibly.In motorcycling I think they call someone enduring a 500 mile ride an "Ironass"

Who could play de_dust over and over for 2-3 weeks :x ,even on the source engine? and what should we call them? :x

the beta was/is being touted as this kind of "monster present" for CZ owners ...1 map.Sure it's great to see source in action,but don't tout it as being this huge "monster present" for CZ owners with just 1 map.

Sure I'll participate but wouldn't it be more in line with being a "monster present" to CZ owners to have more than 1 map to test.Well,if it's going to be just one map,at least I won't have to look forward to it so much.

I never shoulda bought CZ though,forget about this beta back to waiting for HL2
No, usually certain areas/classes/races are locked out at first. But in the case of WoW they are slowly introducing more and more areas and player classes as the months go on.
I wish they had dust or dust2 + Aztec, i would like to see source engine water!
I like Backalley too Soundwave, it has a certain feel to it that many other maps lack. It reminds of cs_thunder as well, one of the great maps sadly removed in latter versions.

For this beta though I think Aztec would be a better choice, to show off the new water effects and physics etc. On the negative side Aztec is a notorious frame-rate killer, but this could test how effective the new Source netcode is.

Just any map but dust2; a good map but far too overplayed since it became a CPL final map.
I wouldn't as a server owner expect other server owners to convert their servers over to run the source beta if it's only going to be 1 map

I won't

I was going to until I found out it's only 1 map
saying that it is a beta would specifically entail that very few maps would be played as it isn't map testing so much as it is testing the source engine. i can't wait to play dust, i never get bored of the map anyway.
Pobz said:
I think de_dust and de_aztec are the only maps that '1337-wannabe cs kids' play, it was certainly the case when I played CS back in the days.

I think people should be lucky they get to see anything of CS Source before it's release, and not moan about how they only get one map or whatever.

Kids these days have no morals or respect!!

hey gramps up yours buddy
SaL said:
I wouldn't as a server owner expect other server owners to convert their servers over to run the source beta if it's only going to be 1 map

Why not? there already are lots of 24/7 dust servers.
SaL said:
please make it at least 3 or 4 maps the popular ones( Dust,D2,Aztec,Italy),help us to help you squash any bugs.This beta test is sounding pretty great,but only one map that's going to be so repetitive for testers unduly so...

hmm.. what about a hostage rescue map? surely that needs to be tested.. right? and beta testers can't do that with dust.. bah.. this leaves us with more questions.. /me sighs

Shuzer said:
You're all insane. chateau and prodigy are great maps. prodigy is clearly better, but chateau is still good.

Prodigy is okay but i think Chateau is great!!
i don't understand why pple don't like Chateau... most servers don't even run it.. and some run it.. but then a map changes gets voted upon.. :hmph:
the most underrated map of all time is as_oilrig. and for some reason, I don't see as_highrise around that much. both are great maps that seemed to provoke a lot more teamwork than any de or cs map did (on pubs, that is).
CB | Para said:
Why not? there already are lots of 24/7 dust servers.

many many more server owners run some kind of map rotation.The CS:source beta is CZ only,so that's alot less servers to potenially run the beta already.

Restricting the beta to one map will not entice as many CZ server owners to run it as a beta with 3 or 4 maps would.

The beta should consist of multiple maps to appeal to as many CZ server owners as possible.They do want this beta to be somewhat widespread right?

Dr.Freeman said:
hmm.. what about a hostage rescue map? surely that needs to be tested.. right?

exactly right Dr

cs_Italy -hosties need testing :eek:

de_aztec-hmmm lets see if there be any potential water problems :upstare:
de_dust2-hmmm is there still that silent planting bug or another unforseen bug let's have a looksy :cheers:
well atleast they picked the most one sided map in cs (dust) to be the one map. This blows, why didnt they make the map dust2??? I'm quite upset, stunned even.
booogerhead said:
the most underrated map of all time is as_oilrig. and for some reason, I don't see as_highrise around that much. both are great maps that seemed to provoke a lot more teamwork than any de or cs map did (on pubs, that is).

Thank you. I thought I was the only person who loved oilrig. I think it's one of the funnest maps out there.
Umm, just to clarify, this one map thing is about the PUBLIC BETA, not the FULL VERSION released when HL2 is out...

Why would you be upset?
Neutrino said:
Thank you. I thought I was the only person who loved oilrig. I think it's one of the funnest maps out there.

Oilrig is okay but as_tundra is much better ;)

And Sal I'm sure we'll see enough servers to handle the demand. Oh and the hostages don't really need testing if they use the same AI from CZ.
So from what I'm gathering from the reply's alot of people were like "yippee the beta will consist of only 1 map"

I call bullship ...everyone of you were in varying degrees of disappointment

it sucks why not admit it

and of course most people following the CS:source news know the full version of cs:source will not be limited to 1 map

vegeta897 said:
Why would you be upset?

not upset just a real letdown if the beta is only 1 map