CS:Source BETA Release Date

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Our friends over at HL-Portal have just announced that they have received an e-mail from Gabe Newell stating that the CS:Source BETA for Condition Zero owners will start on August 10th, with a period of five days prior to get it pre-loaded.
August 10th is the day for CZ owners (it will start pre-loading on the 5th).
You can read their full news post (in German) here, or you can read the e-mail from our Valve Info Thread right here.[br]Special thanks goes to Six Three for bringing the news to my attention.
I knew it before you did! :p How long do you guys think the beta will last? 2 weeks? I don't see HL2 in August anymore :(
Six Three said:
I knew it before you did! :p How long do you guys think the beta will last? 2 weeks? I don't see HL2 in August anymore :(

Yeah.. whatever happened to the 28? :(
I wish they would have kept this quiet till the beginning of August, for those of us that hate long waits.. :)
Some_God said:
Yeah.. whatever happened to the 28? :(

You must have misunderstood me :p I meant to say September 28th :)
Its so annoying when you wait a year to see the release date pushed back even more.
Six Three said:
I knew it before you did! :p How long do you guys think the beta will last? 2 weeks? I don't see HL2 in August anymore :(
My prediction is early september... don't worry half life 2 is upon us i can see the looming clouds. :eek:

Soon i hope
I knew they would kick off the CS Source just in time to piss on Doom3's release day, typical developers...tisk tisk
Uh guys, they said the 28th for the start of CS: Source beta. They also said that CZ owners will be able to beta test it AFTER Cyberface people. And since they are only talking about CZ owners, then they may not have been wrong after all? OH YEAH, That is my birthday! hahahaha
Dsty2001 said:
Uh guys, they said the 28th for the start of CS: Source beta. They also said that CZ owners will be able to beta test it AFTER Cyberface people. And since they are only talking about CZ owners, then they may not have been wrong after all? OH YEAH, That is my birthday! hahahaha

28th for the PRELOAD. This is no doubt the preload for Cyber Café owners. Following that logic, August 2nd release for Cyber Café
CZ = later = August 5th preload = August 10th release
we could still see a release early to mid september.
I am the 14th commentator! Yea, nice to see the news I want to know here on Halflife2.net first, most of the time (and really soon afterwards if it's not on here first). Keep up the good work, you'll have a lot more news work to do pretty soon.
Heh, pretty sure I'll still be playing Doom III at that point... ;)
hl2 is due for a fall release which is october november, i reakon november :)

and yea what happened to the 28th?????

5th of August We Can Preload, and 10th we Can play, ahhh DOOM 3 lol, bad luck for it then, and i,ll have my ATI X800 by then, full vetex, pixel shader 3, yea, its all sweet for me......
Not to rain on your parade, Arc. KiLL, but the ATI X800 series doesn't support SM3.0 ("Pixel Shader 3"). Don't worry though, D3 doesn't use it.

Besides, it's not any better looking, just allows for longer/more efficient shader instructions.
The 28th probably still stands for the cybercafe people.
Cool, I like this news.

At any rate, this all goes to support my theory that Half Life 2 will go gold in early September, and released officially worldwide on September 30th, 2004 :D.
I think it'll go gold the day the Source netcode testing is complete and okay. Release? Early to Mid-September.
Way to go Valve. Just put it right on top of Doom 3. :hmph:
Arc. KiLL said:
hl2 is due for a fall release which is october november, i reakon november :)

and yea what happened to the 28th?????

5th of August We Can Preload, and 10th we Can play, ahhh DOOM 3 lol, bad luck for it then, and i,ll have my ATI X800 by then, full vetex, pixel shader 3, yea, its all sweet for me......

emm.. dude your x800 does not support Pixel shaders 3, thats nvidia 6800 only,
i still dont belive this i might email gabe later to see if he can clarify this
Keva said:
i still dont belive this i might email gabe later to see if he can clarify this
What's not to believe about it?

The indications of it coming out on the 28th would have probably arose for when the cyber cafe BETA test starts, which as they've said will be before CZ owners.

We are seriously running out of time in the month so isn't it logical that the cybercafe owners get it on 28th and we get it on 10th August? Makes sense to me.
Well hl2 looks more like its coming in October then September, kinda sucks but theres alsoa bunch of other games supposed to come out in september like Stalker and Rome:Total Wars
well, I can't wait for this to arrive, its a great idea from Valve, good to see they are giving us something to bridge the gap till HL2 arrives & what with Doom 3 due soon its shaping up to be a great couple of gaming months ahead.
those mindless, worthless pieces of elephant dung. really. the *peep*peep*peep* -ards. they said they would release Half Life 2 in AUGUST. at least they said SUMMER! i don't find september SUMMER anymore. and whats with the 28th??? if thats soo, VALVE can expect a postcard drenched in piss from spain. and what did i get my hopes up for? now, this. : http://www.hl2fallout.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=1313

what is it already??? is it halflife 2 or that friggin bold dull ass game call CS?? i dunno, but i still hate those losers up at Valve for not giving us true information about this game, only in these stupid emails....

really. i hoped i could buy HL2 as soon as i come back from holiday. thatll be the around the 14th of august...but if any1 says hl2 will come out in friggin year 2065... i wont be suprised.

seriously, some1 snap me out of confusion or get me even more angry by saying im right...
[RDH]MastahFrag said:
those mindless, worthless pieces of elephant dung. really. the *peep*peep*peep* -ards. they said they would release Half Life 2 in AUGUST. at least they said SUMMER! i don't find september SUMMER anymore. and whats with the 28th??? if thats soo, VALVE can expect a postcard drenched in piss from spain. and what did i get my hopes up for? now, this. : http://www.hl2fallout.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=2&t=1313

what is it already??? is it halflife 2 or that friggin bold dull ass game call CS?? i dunno, but i still hate those losers up at Valve for not giving us true information about this game, only in these stupid emails....

really. i hoped i could buy HL2 as soon as i come back from holiday. thatll be the around the 14th of august...but if any1 says hl2 will come out in friggin year 2065... i wont be suprised.

seriously, some1 snap me out of confusion or get me even more angry by saying im right...

VALVe never said HL2 would come out in August. They said they hope to deliver the gold master in August. Which, in all probabibility, looks like it's going to happen.
[RDH]MastahFrag I'm starting to get annoyed with your attitude.

Valve said they are aiming for late summer. Summer finishes on the 23rd September. It's now looking as though they will release in early fall/autumn. You have no right to be angry because they've never promised you anything.

Fair enough if you don't like CS, that's not a problem but there's about 100,000 people right now that disagree with you so there are a lot more people that like CS than don't.

You seem a bit muddled up with things so let me explain in stages:

* Valve will send a "release candidate" to Vivendi (the publisher) in about 16 days time. Then Vivendi will do loads of testing and if they find any more bugs they'll be fixed and Valve will send another release candidate. This process repeats itself until the final game is sent to Vivendi and it is released.

* Valve are starting a BETA test of Counter-Strike: Source on the 10th August so if you own CZ you will be able to try the game out for free.
lets not get ahead of are selfs hear
to my knowlage they are releasing the beta for us on the 10 thats the day when they fix all known bugs then they they do testing thru cs:s for 1-3 weeks (lets hope 1 week :) )
then they ship viendi then they send it off to be produced which can be 2-4 week

now add that all up it can be away were from august 31 to september 18

now if we could all wait until that day hl2 is here without complaining
the world would be a better place
go and play somthing in the mean time we have some time to burn waiting here won't help :p
I recon it would take valve a good month to test the Source engine with CS;S Beta, and to read all the results and fix any problems found.

Remember, this isnt just tesing the Source engine, but Steam and it's servers. It will let them know if everything will hold together for the actual release date.

We wouldnt want HL2 to get released early, and all the 12yr olds emailing Gabe cause Steam or Source wouldnt work would we?.....
ok ok. whatever. im having big problems at home, and i needed to vent some anger. that isn't a good excuse and not the place to do this. for any further things, i apoligise, i didn't intend to hurt some1s feelings on this.

for all i care,

i need a vacation.
Heres my own opinion on what will happen.

First i have to say Valve is very smart for what they are doing here, they knew CZ wouldnt do too great in sales so to make it sell more , they will get people to buy it just so they can play the beta of CS:S. very smart im actually very tempted to shell 30$ out for this test and another side of me is telling me to wait and not spend 30$, I mean lets face it HL 2 looks amazing but im not gonna waste 30$ for a rm of CS just to play a beta that will end then end up with Hl 2 and CS Z and then look back 5 months later and say shit there went 30$ but then again its only 30$ so for me thats not a huge deal thats mainly fore the gamers on very tight budgets.

I also think Half life 2 will release maybe early-mid october. MY theory is they will spend like 20+ days testing CS:S and seeing how its working out . And then they will work on it while its happening, and then they have to start making copies of HL2 ( that will take a while ) so im thinking early-mid october. lets hope mid september if we are very lucky hehe.

I hope my Geforce 4 ti4200T will be fine i hate all this over hyping crap with hardware i mean if Gabe sais the E3 2003 vids were made with geforce 4's and my game looks like that thats fine with me :) peace out
Matrix said:
I hope my Geforce 4 ti4200T will be fine i hate all this over hyping crap with hardware i mean if Gabe sais the E3 2003 vids were made with geforce 4's and my game looks like that thats fine with me :) peace out

Valve ran the E3 2003 demos on Radeon 9800XTs man. Rick also mailed me and told me they developed HL2 on FireGLs (workstation versions of the Radeon) and also a few Radeons and GeForce FX cards. Sorry to dissapoint. Your GF4Ti should run it fine with a few of the nice FX turned off tho. :)
There, I done did it. I bought CS:CZ, with approx. 20 bucks. Just to get to see the source engine, I personally hate CS and people who play it.

I'm just going to resell the CD-key to my friend after I've seen the beta.
Obraxis said:
Valve ran the E3 2003 demos on Radeon 9800XTs man. Rick also mailed me and told me they developed HL2 on FireGLs (workstation versions of the Radeon) and also a few Radeons and GeForce FX cards. Sorry to dissapoint. Your GF4Ti should run it fine with a few of the nice FX turned off tho. :)

The E3 2003 presentations were run on Radeon 9800 Pros.
The E3 2004 presentations were run on Radeon X800 Pros.
The media got to do their first playtests slightly before E3 on systems equipped with Radeon 9800XTs.
Shuzer said:
The E3 2003 presentations were run on Radeon 9800 Pros.
The E3 2004 presentations were run on Radeon X800 Pros.
The media got to do their first playtests slightly before E3 on systems equipped with Radeon 9800XTs.

Well excuuuuuuuuuse me ;)

Birdie said:
There, I done did it. I bought CS:CZ, with approx. 20 bucks. Just to get to see the source engine, I personally hate CS and people who play it.

I'm just going to resell the CD-key to my friend after I've seen the beta.

Just hope your friend doesnt want to play it online, he'l be disapointed :rolleyes: