Damage In HL2


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Guyz, What do you think will be in HL2 concerning Damage infliction?

Here's my WISH list:

* I wish There will be head shots (and instant kill) just like in HL1.

* When u shoot some one on his leg he will limp till healed...

* When u shoot his Hand he will drop his weapon or wont be able to shoot right.

* When you shoot both his legs - he will Fall And crawl all over..

I wish it will work on Mp too but hey.. thats me.

What do YOU wish they will implement in HL2?
I'm pretty sure they'll have headshots .. the rest is anybodies guess.
Wouldn't that be nice if HL2 had SOF's Ghoul-II system of body damage, and Red Faction II's Geo-Mod engine?? Yeah, HL2 may support some terrain/building deformation, but will it be to the same extent of Red Faction??

Imagine CS2 with HL2's physics and graphics, SOF II's Ghoul damage system, and Red Faction's GeoMod.....

One grenade would blow a guy to pieces and blow a hole in the wall at the same time.....

A missed shot from an AWP could throw chunks of dirt into the air. A well placed shot would leave a body missing its upper half...

You could ram Vehicles through walls and suprise the enemy...

You could run over people and kill them with horrific bloody violence that would make any senator cry for him mamma.

Bullets would take chunks out of a wall and send bits of flak and shrapnel flying.

If they added breeching charges to CS2.... and if someone were standing on the other side of the door....

:devil: :thumbs:
Gabe said in response to someone's e-mail that HL2 doesn't have SoF 2's Ghoul system.
Breach. not breech.
An AWP round wouldn't leave someone missing their whole top half.

I'm almost certain that the terrain deformation is just done using a displacement map. (ie It can only move up and down kinda thing. like battlefield maps are just made using displacement maps for the hills and stuff.) He says this in the demo that it uses displacement map deformation in real time.
I say, if it aint broke, why fix it? HL1 had a good damage system. Lets keep it that way!
Red Faction's geo-mod is nothing. Those are just pre-determined spots where you could blow shit up. HL2's terrain/building deformation is like geo-mod on steroids....a lot of steroids.
If im correct... it wasnt pre-determined on RF. The damage was real time. But some things were pre-set to not be breakable and there was a limit and such.
Hmmm. remember the e3 movie... Gordon turns on the lawnmower-trap thing, and it chops those crab-heads up. realistic interaction, apparently accurate seperation of legs and torso. The other crab-head-dude is , shot?, in the legs, and crawls toward you... (now i can't remember if he was shot).

This seems to indicate some realistic damage modelling, apart from just a general area damage scaling (i.e. HL1), at least in regards to single player.

Originally posted by Phisionary
Hmmm. remember the e3 movie... Gordon turns on the lawnmower-trap thing, and it chops those crab-heads up. realistic interaction, apparently accurate seperation of legs and torso. The other crab-head-dude is , shot?, in the legs, and crawls toward you... (now i can't remember if he was shot).

This seems to indicate some realistic damage modelling, apart from just a general area damage scaling (i.e. HL1), at least in regards to single player.


I think that type of damage is only specific to the zombies.
Originally posted by Phisionary
Hmmm. remember the e3 movie... Gordon turns on the lawnmower-trap thing, and it chops those crab-heads up. realistic interaction, apparently accurate seperation of legs and torso. The other crab-head-dude is , shot?, in the legs, and crawls toward you... (now i can't remember if he was shot).

This seems to indicate some realistic damage modelling, apart from just a general area damage scaling (i.e. HL1), at least in regards to single player.


an explosive barrel was shot, which tore him in half :)
He shot an exploding barrel, and the zombie was cut apart from the force of the explosion.. doesn't look so real, but still fun :>
Well if you take notice, the middle of the zombie is kind of split, so an explosion such as the one in the video, would tear through the remaining pieces of what is left at the torso. All in all, looks pretty realistic to me.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I think that type of damage is only specific to the zombies.


OTOH, if you shoot an enemies gun, and he drops it... that logically means that if he shoots yours, the same should happen. that adds complexity that might be undesirable as a gameplay consideration.

i wouldn't be too surprised either way, but if you can shoot their guns (which would add to realism), I'd want gordon to be a special exception. annoying if it werent,

And if there are other damage side-effects (aka mobility or functionality) it should be a two-way street. Only fair...

I'm sure Valve will consider this all carefully, and tune the gameplay as they see fit... It will very likely come out the best.

Originally posted by Phisionary

OTOH, if you shoot an enemies gun, and he drops it... that logically means that if he shoots yours, the same should happen. that adds complexity that might be undesirable as a gameplay consideration.

i wouldn't be too surprised either way, but if you can shoot their guns (which would add to realism), I'd want gordon to be a special exception. annoying if it werent,

And if there are other damage side-effects (aka mobility or functionality) it should be a two-way street. Only fair...

I'm sure Valve will consider this all carefully, and tune the gameplay as they see fit... It will very likely come out the best.


Words from the wise. Endure them.:cheers:
i was under the influence that decisions were made by narrow minded kids at forums who believe that what they want is what is going to happen.
Probably right, but Valve never let us down. I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing, and we should expect nothing but the best from them.
When did he say this was going to happen. He said Valve probably already thought of all this.
Originally posted by guinny
Probably right, but Valve never let us down. I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing, and we should expect nothing but the best from them.

tf2 comming soon - 1999

oh yeah!
"valve never let us down"... they've only released one game, they either let us down or they didn't. (unless you count CS and DoD etc)
One game, yes, but doesn't change the fact they haven't let us down.
please avoid further use of the "us" term, i do not wish to be included in your deluted thoughts.
Make a useful post would ya domokun?

Anyway, back on topic, yea the damage system is most likely improved. I wouldn't mind being able to blow peoples arms and shit off, to a certain extent.
Im pretty sure blowing peoples arms off is either an extent or it isn't :LOL:

j/k -- i know what you mean.

I don't see the need to be gruesome or to flaunt it of course. Don't need it to be M rated, I'm sure valve will want to steer away from that too.

But HL1 was one of the first games to feature lasting decals or location specific damage, and I remember HSing the floaters with the crossbow and seeing their brains on the wall was SOO COOL!

I hope that HL2 will continue to innovate, in all areas of design including damage systems and model deformation, whatever.

here is my useful thought from your perpective

Thank you. It's about time you contributed to the forum.
I don't mean this to be a bait, but I have observed that you seem to make considerable judgements about the quality of other's posts. In some cases they may be justified, but at least in some cases they are not. I will not crassly group you with those who make no contribution to this forum, but I do take issue with you doing this to others without justification.

BIG...WORDS...HURTING...HEAD.....Phisionary I see you as a top quality kinda guy. Your someone the forums can enjoy talking to, and engage in good, long, mature conversations with. Sorry, I just get a bit annoyed when noobs come on the forums, and post complete shit. *coughDomokuncough*
sorry i dont have 600+ posts, including the all famous

"Thank you. It's about time you contributed to the forum."

followed by the ironic

"Sorry, I just get a bit annoyed when noobs come on the forums, and post complete shit" post

i'm sorry i turned on your defensive forum ego.
i will add you to my ignore list after i hit "sumbit reply" then you can go on talking about useful stuff and claim your throne as the butt-pirate.
OK. I agree. it appears that Domokun has not made one real contribution to this forum, through any of his posts. I thought I'd seen him say something smart, I guess I was wrong. :)dozey:dozey -or :cool:cool i cant make up my mind lol)

*sigh* what can you do?? be the bigger person.... I know, it sucks sometimes :E

Edit: Domokun, I've looked at your history of posts, I'm NOT saying things that are not at least partially justified. The ratio of post that seem to have any redeeming content to those that are openly hostile and insulting is very high. Perhaps you were goaded into it, but it still seems unneccisary and unnaceptable. Im no moderator, but if one were here, I don't have meany doubts that ALL these threads would be deleted.

who gives a flying ****

Who gives a flying ****, let him say what he wants...personally i think its ****ing entertaining..
"butt-pirate", always a classic.

How about getting a Hl2.net irc channel, then we can cause people to go stupider real time.
I agree with DHaLSim, let him make a ass of himself.I'm actually getting a laugh out of it.