
What Happens When You Die?

  • You Die That's It

    Votes: 12 30.0%
  • Heaven + Hell Scenario

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Re-incarnation

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • Lost Souls

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • What Ever You Believe Happens...

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Other...

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Don't Really Know?

    Votes: 8 20.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Right, We've had Abortion, Religion and other topics, but now the big one...

Death, what are you guys opinions on this, do you belive the basics or have you got something else on your mind?
wow, i think people actaully avoid things i post ;(
Yay, someone posted on one of my threads...

/me does a little gig, and hugs Jager...

I voted "You Die That's It" one, hence it's being at the top
ok this is a fun post but totaly wastefull since no body knows lol. think of all the questions you you die and you dont come back or anything? will everyhitng be black? will it be like your sleeping? if its like your sleeping then isnt that kinda.....non existant, or never existant? since u dont wake up you dont think or do anything and you cant remember anything. without your memories do u think you were really there?
I think its kinda like the ending of HL, except without the music in the background. And you can't jump.
Heh, I'm a Chrisitan. What can I say?


Here comes the flaming.
Yes, Like what's it feel like not to exist?!?
How can you not feels like you've always existed, so how can you not?
thats kinda what I meant.... but longer and filled with more evidence than mine :) thanks nietzsche :thumbs:
I don't have a clue what will happen when I die. I hope it will be something like the Muslim death scenario, where you're greeted by 70 virgins :afro:
but i don't want to realise the end is the end.

*covers ears* I CAN'T HEAR YOU
oh ****.. I feel a discussion about Scientology on the horizon..

Reincarnation i voted for but only cos it a nice to believe that u can live again sortof. Its kind of sad that in say 70 years i will become nothing so i take the easy way out :D
yeah.. you reincarnate!. i want to be a house fly so i can sit upside down on the ceiling
Originally posted by nietzsche
Don't mix up a vengeful religious cult with science, just because they share five letters.

that has nothing to do with that. and god knows I'm against any scientologyst(sp).
Originally posted by EVIL
yeah.. you reincarnate!. i want to be a house fly so i can sit upside down on the ceiling
Haha yeah! and then you'll die in a day! WOO what a life!
when i become a fly, i will never die. I will be just to fast and cunning :)
unless, you come back as one of those flies, that's born, mates, and then dies
Originally posted by Stone
unless, you come back as one of those flies, that's born, mates, and then dies

ahhwel.. atleast I shagged before I died
Originally posted by EVIL
ahhwel.. atleast I shagged before I died
You dont want what those other flies have to offer man, *shudders* Well, i dont know you, maybe you do. heheh
Christian here, voted for Heaven and Hell scenario..
Originally posted by simmo2k3
I wanna be a mirror when i die, *hint* *hint* :laugh:
I wouldnt, what if you get put in a mens changeroom instead of the womens? That would not be a pleasent life heheh.
Unless he's into that, cos there nothing wrong with that, and anywho, how come it's come off topic again....

/me reads own posts...

oh yer :o
Originally posted by Stone
Unless he's into that, cos there nothing wrong with that, and anywho, how come it's come off topic again....

me reads own posts...

oh yer :o
Fine, if hes into men then it would be bad if he was put into the women's room. yes.
I've been thinking about this alot lately, I mean to the point of going insane over thinking too much, and I honestly can't come up with a straight forward conclusion. ATM I believe that life isn't here for a 'reason'. There's too many things going on right now to say otherwise, so I'm a temporary athiest. I was a christian, but there's too many things in there that I disagree with so that's not a real possibility either.

Anyone here feel like they don't believe in God, but they're still afraid they're going to hell? That's how I get sometimes, nothing much I can do about it though...
Do you think we will still being able to wait for HL15 and play to it ? if yes i'll manage to do a HL15 LAN when we will be all dead :cheers:
Originally posted by Stone
unless, you come back as one of those flies, that's born, mates, and then dies

Tru but then u reincarnate again wahoo! Into another fly, mate die. Basicly constant sex. :cheers: lol
I wouldn't be surprised if any of those happened. After all we are living and breathing on this earth, made from absolute nothing. It really gives you a headache if you think about it.
Originally posted by Munro
I wouldn't be surprised if any of those happened. After all we are living and breathing on this earth, made from absolute nothing. It really gives you a headache if you think about it.


Good ol' Atoms.. Where would we be without them? :D
it's funny.... when it gets down to it... we're all just Electrons, Protons and Neutrons.... :)

ashes to ashes dust to dust..... its true really
The latest is that we are all strings. Tiny tiny multidimensional strings. For all we know on the absolute most basic level we could be made up of ants, or chocolate. We will never know because nothing that small can be seen.

Funny how this keeps going off topic. When people talk and think about death they really try their hardest (A lot of the time without even realising it) to ignore the issue. Either they steer away from it or just make jokes about it and don't think about how one day, they will no longer inhabit this earth, no matter what you believe.

Hey er, nietzsche you know the "soul" is something cant be proven by science (Now then before we get into a big debate which like all debates will end with nothing gained. Id like to say that we have different understandings and definitions of soul) in a way. It has actually been shown that we are more than the sum of our parts. Like what our brain is doesn't quite add up to what we are. This is difficult for me to put into words, but think of a horse that can pull say 600 pounds. The logical thing to say would be that 2 horses can pull 1200 pounds, but in actual fact they can pull 1800 pounds, because their combined strength adds up to more than the sum of their parts. What we perceive as consciousness is more than what our brain should logically be doing.

Like i said before, everyone has different ideas of what soul means. I think of it like this. We have our soul which is what our brain basically constitutes (right word?) then we have our spirit, which is what separates us from the animals. (By the way this also means i think that animals will go to heaven too because anything with a soul has the potential to go there)
it is immensly arrogant of mankind to assume that we are the only one with a 'soul'.... although mankind does have a certain intangible element... yet still
I did actually say animals have a 'soul' (Dont you love those ''). Just incase you didnt notice, although i think you did and i just misundertood what you were saying.

Anyway people are generally very arrogent anyway. They like to make themselves feel big no matter what they are talking about.
that is true.... i wasn't talking about your post really, just in general... I reckon mankind is by nature arrogant... but just becuase of that doesn't mean we should give up.... if it is broke we should fix it
But....If its natural surely it cant be wrong? Someone said something along those lines in the old Homo thread.
No..... thats not what I mean... i mean we should work to better ourselves... I am not talking about whether arrogence is 'natural'.... personally i think it is arrogence born of the fact that we are the most dominent lifeform in the worl