Did you get what you wanted for chrstmas?


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
I got headphones for xmas :(:afro::( but I had a computer upgrade as an early present. Anyway...

Did you get what you wanted to recieve for christmas?
Yea, got about everything on my list

- New monitor
- 512mb RAM
- Cans of air
- Weightlifting magazines
- Digital camera - 64mb stick of memory
- 4 thermaltake smart ii fans
- DVD burner
- Half-Life 2 collectors edition

It seems like alot, but christmas and birthdays is the only time my parents EVER buy me stuff like games and hardware.. I have to work for what I want in between those periods :(
RTFMy said:
Yea, got about everything on my list

- New monitor
- 512mb RAM
- Cans of air
- Weightlifting magazines
- Digital camera - 64mb stick of memory
- 4 thermaltake smart ii fans
- DVD burner
- Half-Life 2 collectors edition

It seems like alot, but christmas and birthdays is the only time my parents EVER buy me stuff like games and hardware.. I have to work for what I want in between those periods :(

lol same here but I don't get stuff like that! I buy everything else myself.
mx-510 and some surprises, my dad got me a discworld art book which i hadnt seen before and i got some really usefull pressies. yay :D

DVD burner
New Keyboard and mouse
512 MB RAM
LOTR:ROTK extended edition
Surround Sound Headphones and a new walkman
Xbox and Xbox Live
Money and Clothes
Nope, no billion dollars, no ebay hookers from some obscure Asian country, and no world domination ;(
funny, I asked for world domination too. Didn't get it though.

I'm very satisfied with what I got.
Well of course! Obviously your two wishes clashed with each others and canceled each others wish out. Why don't you take turns being a world dictator?
didn't think of that!

whaddaya say, ryan?
Yeah, kinda. But I did get alot of money, more than previous years. So I can get the stuff I missed :p
i got more than i though i wud, clothes, money, dvd's, Hl2 strategy book, loadsa bud's, and chocolates
well i couldnt make up my mind for what i wanted so well technically i got everything i wanted
new monitor
world of warcraft
audigy2 zs platinum :thumbs:
new watch
few other every day things
PvtRyan said:
Nope, no billion dollars, no ebay hookers from some obscure Asian country, and no world domination ;(
That sucks. I think the lesson here is to be more good next year and then Santa will take note. You'll reap the rewards then, my dear boy. Oh yes.

Amongst a few other tid-bits, I got a Soviet pocket-watch - it's so very very good. My life is now complete. :)
I got the one thing I really needed this year, along with some other good stuff:
A new CD walkman (needed a new one, my old one has been dropped on the cement several times, and still works, but now it is starting to act like a bad record player, and skip randomly to other songs)
Red Chucks
A KU hoodie
A KU keychain
My sister came home from Oregon to Kansas for the holidays

Not too bad, considering my family is not having the best of luck right now financially.
One of those slimline PSTwo consoles, Burnout 3 and a lamp for my bike, as well as a load of little tidbits.
all i got for christmas was Half-Life2

and it is more then i could ever want, or need.

(oh and a mousepad ;) )
Got the book I wanted

The clothing left a lot to be desired however :hmph:
i got clothes (yay)
and $750 (much bigger yay)
so ill ensure myself i get what i want for xmas :p
Asked for HL2 - 512 Memory Stick - Aqua teen hunger force DVD - and i asked for clothes but i only got 1 shirt and another shirt from my sister that i didnt like . wouldve prefered more shirts though
I didn't really want anything for christmas:

I got

-Binoculars from younger, out of control cousins
-$20 from another relative that no body likes
Danimal said:
I didn't really want anything for christmas:

I got

-Binoculars from younger, out of control cousins
-$20 from another relative that no body likes

same here buddy, didn't ask for anything, so didn't really get anything major. sister got me a really nice webcam though that's detachable so i was happy with that!

my best present was getting paid at work. commission!! cha-ching!
meh... i got nothing...
and im still waiting for my halflife 2 update to be finished grrr....
I wanted an MP3 player. I got a Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra. I also got Pirates!, The Sims 2, and some other things. :D
Yes and no.

I'm still stuck here in the Middle East until at least Mid-late January. But, my loved ones are safe. One of my friends is following her heart and growing up, another is finally graduating from college and getting a good job, my father and mother are moving to a better place with a better position at his company and her workplace, and my honey will be back from DC by time I get out of the Navy.

So, I certainly think the great outweighs the minorly annoying. A gorgeous, 25 yr old girlfriend who loves video games, is an artist like myself, and is madly in love with me...like myself. ;) Is more than I can ask for. It sucks that everyone else is moving away from my town, but hey - That's t3h life. She said if I enjoyed Japan enough to stay she would move there for meh! *GASP*

So...I didn't get everything I "wanted", but I most certainly got more than I ever dreamed.
just a guitar and some random things....

wait, the guitar + accessories were about £300 altogether! :D

is becoming single a gift?
Got me:
Stephen King's The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower
Various shirts n' stuff
A Couple DVDs
And tons of awesome no-show socks (which i actually asked for)

Oh, and for my birthday (The 22nd) I got a digital camera and a 13" TV/DVD Player combo.

neptuneuk said:
just a guitar and some random things....

wait, the guitar + accessories were about £300 altogether! :D

is becoming single a gift?

depends on the girl and the reasons why u became single!
GSW said:
depends on the girl and the reasons why u became single!

ill go with a 50/50 on that one....

maybe 25/75...


ok. its not a gift :frown:
I got a geforce 6800, new powersupply, and hl2. along with a fat cat 3 pack (garfield comics :D) and two pair of jeans. i'm happy!
I got Cyber Acoustic 5.1 speakers, some necklaces, money, Metal Slug Advance, and Azumanga Diaoh 4. (Manga book)

All I really wanted was the speakers and money, so I am pretty pleased :)