Diffrent antlion texture!


May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Lol.. I havnt notised this one (it also prooves that the high res screenshots that this website features are a pretty early build.)

Old one And New one

edit: woopsie.. you need to copy paste the last one into a new browser

ht tp://wave.prohosting.com/projectu/PC_Gameplay_Page_Ultra_High_Res_04.jpg
hmmm yes...never noticed that either...i bet theres gonna be a ton of changes when the game comes out obviously
Could be two different kinds of alien ants? In a video i saw a huge one smash thru a wall.
Originally posted by TrueWeltall
Could be two different kinds of alien ants? In a video i saw a huge one smash thru a wall.

I think Gabe Newell mentions it in the Gamespot interview as an "Ant Lion Guard".
the text under the image says that it they are antlions. so I dont know if you will have diffrent types of antlions. depending of the locations etc.
Well, the most likely case is that they revamped the ant lion skins... but another possibility is that Valve wanted to try and implement a little variety among some of the same species. You know, kind of like the mention of differently sized headcrabs. [that might just be a rumor, though]
That big "Ant Lion Guard" is something special, since it attacked Gordon.
Originally posted by NiteStalker
That big "Ant Lion Guard" is something special, since it attacked Gordon.

It must be more intelligent, as it can bypass the pheromone that Gordon had. That or he has eyes or something.
well it possibly could be the location like u were all saying becuz there is a big difference in a prison than a desert.... unless its a prison in a desert but i think not. I think it might be one of those things that Valve said makes each character different than each other. you know so that the scientists dont all look the same. maybe they implemented that for even the aliens. :afro:
Acually the one you referred to as the old one looks like it will be the new one if anything because it is the skin used in the movie.
I can specifically remember reading in the GameSpy preview (sorry no link) that there will be several different kinds of Ant-Lions, some of the weaker ones will be afraid of the more powerful ones.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
I can specifically remember reading in the GameSpy preview (sorry no link) that there will be several different kinds of Ant-Lions, some of the weaker ones will be afraid of the more powerful ones.
the big huge one at the end of demo #5 is an ant lion as well. Right?
I believe the big huge one at the end of #5 is the Ant Lion Guard, as in one of the previews taht guys was talking about an Ant Lion Guard that knocks over an APC but like head butting it.
now that we're talking skin textures...

anyone noticed that it seems that HL2 will have pain-textures(damage on models)

look at these pictures:

look at the ant-lion it looks like it has got bullet holes in the carapace on the back

notice that the combine soldier got blood spatter on his back, and that the antlion too seems to got bullet holes in the carapace....especially the one on the ground seem to be shot up quite bad

they look pretty dynamic too(read: not a default pain skin like in Kingping)...I think it will be cool if it's in the final game...what do you think?
indeed.. and it also seems that it has a damage model ala sof2. because if you look cloder.. you see that there is a crack in the back shel.. next to the bullet. and it isn in the other antlions
Here is a picture to backup my last comment
dunno about the crack, since it's pretty hard to tell from that angle...but there is bullet holes for sure...just hope they make it into the final game(and perhaps a little more hi-res, since they don't look all that good in those screens)
Yep, there definitely are - another piece of proof being in the 600mb video when you're fighting with Barney and the other civilians - one of them makes a dash for it, gets mowed down by a sentrygun, and you can see a bullet mark/blood splatter on the back of his coat.

Great stuff.
They wanted to have that in HL1 but they didnt have the time for it...so i think it will be there :)
Great!. It makes it much more realistic
Originally posted by Abom|nation
It must be more intelligent, as it can bypass the pheromone that Gordon had. That or he has eyes or something.
I was thinking that the pheromone that gordon was wearing made him smell like the larger Ant lion guard at the end of the demo. The smaller Ant lions they would believe Gordon to be more 'dominant' than they are so they wouldnt attack him. But in the same way that dominant members of a wolf pack fight to become the 'Alpha' male or female the larger Ant lion guard would see gordon as a threat to its own dominance which could by why it attacked Gordon.

I'm probably over analysing but it could be why the Guard stops and roars at gordon as 'warning'!
Originally posted by |MaTT|
I was thinking that the pheromone that gordon was wearing made him smell like the larger Ant lion guard at the end of the demo. The smaller Ant lions they would believe Gordon to be more 'dominant' than they are so they wouldnt attack him. But in the same way that dominant members of a wolf pack fight to become the 'Alpha' male or female the larger Ant lion guard would see gordon as a threat to its own dominance which could by why it attacked Gordon.

I'm probably over analysing but it could be why the Guard stops and roars at gordon as 'warning'!

I was only speculating then, but someone else mentioned that the pheromone does indeed make you smell like the Ant Lion Guard, and the other one that appears later in the video headbutts you either a) As a term of affection or b) As you say, he's the Alpha.
A term of affection? LOL!

I love you....

/me chops your head off with a meat cleaver

Who knows how those crazy things behave? :p