Dis is teh Foxing sux@!111!!!@!!!!11!!!


Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
i just downloaded the battlefield 1942: Secret Weps of WWII on all low settings on 640x480 and it was sooooooooooo llllllaaaaaagggggyyyyy even offline, do i have like no chance to run hl2?
The demo is apparantly very laggy, like the original BF1942 demo was.
1 ghz P3
256 MB RAM
(ugh....) GeForce4 MX440-SE 64MB SDRAM (PCI)
i'd upgrade the card but my old mobo doesn't have a AGP slot, so i'm gonna build one, but probably next year
This thread definately belongs in the Half-Life 2 General Discussion!
Originally posted by thehunter1320
1 ghz P3
256 MB RAM
(ugh....) GeForce4 MX440-SE 64MB SDRAM (PCI)
i'd upgrade the card but my old mobo doesn't have a AGP slot, so i'm gonna build one, but probably next year

the geforce mx serries are not ment for 3D!! but for things whit 2D more...

i readed this on nvidia site :)

so i think it will go crapy
radeon 9500 pro

amd athlon 2200+

512 megs of DDR ram

Runs smooth as a babys bottom
Not with all the settings on absolute lowest, surely!?
My setup:

2.4 Ghz P4
512 ram
GeForce 4 MX 440-SE

Runs fine on mine.
My MX440 is plenty good at 3d... most recent game I could use as an example would be the Tron 2.0 demo which I was able to run at max details without a problem...
i have the GeForce 2 64 drr and my friend has the GeForce 2 sdram and there is a huge differance he got a way faster comp then me too and i can run games way beter thanks to my ddr video card... drr cards are the way to go sdram simply is horrible from gaming
Yes, you will be able to play it. 32MB TNT2 cards will be able to play it...
Originally posted by thehunter1320
so u all think i have a chance at hl2?

All I really need to do is upgrade my vid card and monitor, vid card first definitally.
your computer should run it fine.update drivers maybe?

also a thread name like that doesnt help you much there buddy
It got my attention, and besides it does Foxing sux@!111!!!@!!!!11!!!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure no matter what it'll look better than Half-Life 1... heh...
oh well, guess i'll have to wait for the hl2 benchmarking program... I'm still optomistic(sp?) cause i can run MOA:AA on medium settings and a 1024x786 res. w/o a flaw, i just suck at it
Yeah but MOHAA is nothing like HL2, i'm gonna upgrade for it, you know it'll be worth it:afro:
i know, but tone that res to 800x600 or 640x480 and maybe on low, t'll still run w/o a flaw... hopefully
sw demo seems to be really glitchy dont worry about that

i just want new ati drivers
i run it 1600 x 1200 with everything maxed out 4x AA turned on 99.9 fps conatantly

=] only lags on 64 player servers, 32 player is smooth and low ping.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
i run it 1600 x 1200 with everything maxed out 4x AA turned on 99.9 fps conatantly

=] only lags on 64 player servers, 32 player is smooth and low ping.
your ram is a big problem. 256mb will make it choppy also. I recommend atleast 512 for bf. ANd yeah the gfx card sucks ass too.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
i run it 1600 x 1200 with everything maxed out 4x AA turned on 99.9 fps conatantly

=] only lags on 64 player servers, 32 player is smooth and low ping.

The AA in BF1942 makes the text unreadable and blurry. Dont say otherwise because everyone I know has this problem...
wtf? THe secret weapons of wwII runs perfect for me.
like i said b4, if i had a AGP slot on my mobo, i'd be running a RADEON 9800 Pro
ew! pci video card! shoo, go away!

u need a better mobo pal.
hey, i just found a good PCI card. it's a GeForce FX 5200.... well, not so good, but best i'll get on PCI. can any1 tell me where i can get sum cheap RAM? it NEEDS to be PC100 or else it won't work in my computer. I'd appreciate if sum1 would help me.
pc100? people will probobly give it to you free ...just to get rid of it.... :p
i can relate i have slightly higher specs but on low settings it still runs like a three legged dog runing thro tar its a sukky demo and really did worry my about running half life 2