

Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Double payload mayhem. There is stuff going on everywhere. Stage 3 is madness with the two tracks running along each other. I like how the gameplay flows from offense to defense and back. This could become a big favourite of mine.
I've enjoyed the few games of pipeline I've played, though I've found the second stage to be the longest by far. Every time I've played the third stage, either my team or the other one wins it in a few minutes for some reason. In the future though, it should get more drawn out as people come up with better strategies and whatnot.
I like this map. The Kritzkreig is pretty effective in some of the tunnels, and that's always fun. Note: if you're an engineer and sneak to the upper balcony by their spawn point (over the final destination of your own cart) and set up a sentry, the other team will be in serious trouble. They're immediately attacked by sentry fire as they leave the spawn point, and can't get to the balcony without taking fire from your sentries. Valve may very well 'fix' that, as you can almost guarantee a victory with that strategy. Even by the time a medic gets an ubercharge, and maybe gets your nest out, your own cart should be well on its way to the end. If you don't otherwise have good spies to gut the sentry nest, you're sunk.
^^^and as this IS the sniper/spy update there WILL be spies.
The last stage is amazing. Just a mad dash to the kart, no time for setup or anything.
The map is great, but there's zero point to winning Pipeline 1 and 2, because the headstart you get is ****ing minute.
I agree with Jintor (and I unexpectedly played a few rounds with him). And the final point is the best.
So in slightly related news Sheepo's a dick, he scattershotted a sniper I was about to backstab on Pipeline 2 and he turned around and shot me in the face with an arrow.

It hurt.


Because that was the Domination kill. :|
The map is great, but there's zero point to winning Pipeline 1 and 2, because the headstart you get is ****ing minute.

I agree too. In fact I think that by having the small heardstart, the cart is more exposed to the enemy fire from the beginning, and that makes it harder to begin moving it.

In the majority of games I have played where one team won stage 1 and 2. It was then the other team that won stage 3.:|

Still, great fun map.
I really don't like how long the second point can take if both teams are good. There needs to be another route, and I never get to play the final point because the server's changing map because it ran out of time from the second point.
I played this on a good server the other day, was really fun. Far better than when I'd played with random shitty teams.