EA responds to Fox"news" idiocy over Mass Effect

EA should say that Fox is a propaganda machine or something.

I still can't believe I'm defending EA but it is the lesser of 2 evils when Fox is involved.
lol wow. . . this is completely ridiculous. . . i like how they said that they've proven video games desenatize ppl when there is no conclusive evidence of that and numerous studies have proven that there's very little connection.
Of course, taking this much flack from..well, any digital source *internet* is going to cause them to go, "OH SHIT WE WERE DUMB, LAWL!"
Good, she shouldn't be a reporter if she doesn't research what she says. She shouldn find a new career if she is going to make mistakes like that.

She isn't a reporter is she, thought she was a 'psychologist' or something
Another win for the games industry! \o/

"Hey that's my sex box! And her name is Sony."
I suspect if EA/Bioware go on the show whomever they send will get ass raped by some rampant anti gaming Psychologists who've analyzed the game in detail (and all of Biowares back catalog):-

RAGP:-'is it not true sir that in Baldurs gate you could sleep with prostitutes in the City?'

Befuddled Bioware Doctor 'yes..but-'

RAGP:- 'No buts sir...the answer is yes'

Etc Etc

and then the uninformed haircuts will label them all as deviant sexual predators. Plain truth of the matter is, that regardless of how tame the sex scenes are in the game, Bioware did definitely trade on them being in the game in their promos and interviews. Fox owe them an apology for sure for total misrepresentation though.