Eagle Drags Goat Off Cliff

When the eagle grabs another one... why does it look so fake and unreal as he's soaring down carrying that massive thing as if it weighs nothing?

That's a ****ing terrifying tactic. I feel sorry for those things :(
I love how it looks like the goat sees the eagle and then swallows its chewing gum in fear.
So I've been hearing about this supposed "hawk" that picked up a small malnourished "kenyan boy"
It looks so ungainly as it's swooping down on the goat
When the eagle grabs another one... why does it look so fake and unreal as he's soaring down carrying that massive thing as if it weighs nothing?

It's an elaborate ploy to make eagles look bad. The goats are probably behind it.
Pick the right forum ghragrahrgh


*drags OP off cliff*
i grew up in Kiev... that was virtually the only meat we could afford :|
I love the sinister music it plays after the eagle kills the first goat, and then it cuts to a reaction shot of the others.
Now kids, if you see an eagle and you're on a tall building/cliff, RUN!