Easter Eggs

MickeyAsh said:
Ty ty... =)
About the location of the game... the amount of information given to us in the game doesn't even necessarily tell us that it's on Earth. Hear me out on this one:

Where was Black Mesa? I had always considered it to be somewhere in Arizona... perhaps Utah even, but always a Southwestern united state. (were we ever told where Black Mesa was in HL?)

Now, the best assumption I've made is indeed that City 17 is indeed SOMEWHERE in Europe. Judging by the Architecture, sewer systems (large ones like that seem to be typically european), various writing on buildings in Latin and Russian.

City 17 is almost certainly in eastern Europe/former Soviet Union. There are numerous signs written in cyrillic. As for Black Mesa, it was in New Mexico.
Nice finds people, I didn't actually notice anything. :(
ultraflip said:
when i first saw that pillar in the city it reminded me of something :


that's the so called "siegessäule" and its in berlin.
well, of course, this one has an angel on its top, and the one in hl2 has a horse, but ... whatever.
it really looks like they took something from every european country and put it in the game.
Well, similar pillars are quite usual in major european cities, but it could of course be modeled after the "siegessäule", what ever it means.
Now, I'm not russian, but Nova Prospekt just sounded russian to me immedeately when I saw the name.
Also interesting to cover is that nobody in City 17 has any foreign accent that I can recall, outside domestic US.
there is that english army guy.. but thats it i think

only seen Gman on a bridge (from the hoverboat), thru the binoculars/telescope and at the end of the game ofcourse. i think gman sighting can count as easter eggs. kind of

wheres the bit that was in the 'klieners lab' video? it isn't in the game is it? where gordon knocks over a monitor and kleiner says 'careful now' or something. Then alyx gives u a gun and a strider knocks a whole in the wall?
in hl 2 there is the horse statue u know
the only popular statue of a horse like that is in russia
or in france its in one of those 2 countries
in hl 2 there is the horse statue u know :dozey:
the only popular statue of a horse like that is in russia
or in france its in one of those 2 countries :dork: :dork:
Playing through the game again I realized that the map Eli's lab is in is called "Black Mesa East"... if that's not symbolic, I guess City 17 is just outside of the original Black Mesa. So we're not that far away from home after all. Seems Black Mesa was in Russia all along. I'd have never guessed. Guess Black Mesa does it's dodgy research out of the states, eh?

Someone else says New Mexico... time to go back through and play HL1 again.

Maybe "Black Mesa East" means farrrrrrr east. lol.
MickeyAsh said:
Playing through the game again I realized that the map Eli's lab is in is called "Black Mesa East"... if that's not symbolic, I guess City 17 is just outside of the original Black Mesa. So we're not that far away from home after all. Seems Black Mesa was in Russia all along. I'd have never guessed. Guess Black Mesa does it's dodgy research out of the states, eh?

Someone else says New Mexico... time to go back through and play HL1 again.

Maybe "Black Mesa East" means farrrrrrr east. lol.
It's prolly just the name Eli thought of it. BMRF was in USA, that I am sure of.
Also interesting to cover is that nobody in City 17 has any foreign accent that I can recall, outside domestic US.
Father Gregory has a strong accent, though technically he is in Ravenholm not City 17.
Oh yeah, and the Black Mesa Research Facility was in Utah, quite sure they mention it in the introduction to Opposing Force.
Its in New Mexico. The horse statue is/was in Petrograd, don't know if it's been removed when it became St Petersburg again.
nova is just latin :p

Maybe search it in science, many names/terms of half-life1 had a scientific meaning (the lambda sign, half-life itself, opposing force, ...)
Prodigal Monkey said:
Oh yeah, and the Black Mesa Research Facility was in Utah, quite sure they mention it in the introduction to Opposing Force.
As Mess says, it's in New Mexico, I think you may be thinking of the santego military base in opfor, but that was in Arizona though... I think, it's been a while.
With regards to City 17's location - do a search, this has been discussed over and over again for over a year!
Well, it`s pretty obvious that City 17`s old population are wiped out or transformed into the Overwatch, and that the city now is populated by immigrants from the US, who have "chosen" to go there.
Cerpin said:
Well, it`s pretty obvious that City 17`s old population are wiped out or transformed into the Overwatch, and that the city now is populated by immigrants from the US, who have "chosen" to go there.
I doubt they are all from the us.
You should talk to the vorgonaut who mounts that gun on the airboat. he says a bunch of different things such as that the vorgonauts inhabit black mesa. it is very intersting. also you can talk to the vorgonaut in Eli's lab for a while. he will tell you important things.
I found the place from which Dr.Breen is sending his messages. :LOL:


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(There's a big spoiler towards the end of this, so don't read it if you haven't finished the game.)

Earlier on these forums, someone posted the translation of the inscription: "Through struggle, to the stars."

I played through the game again, last night. The inscription is a reference to Breen's speech about the humans who co-operate with the combine who will eventually 'evolve' (be turned into trans-humans). It's in his speech about not reproducing, and about cooperating with the combine; his speech ends with "we will meet our destiny, in the stars."

The horse is an old European-styled Victory statue, dediacted to some battle or some general. It's why when you win with the insurgents, you're supposed to run to it. It's symbolic.

Dangit, there was something else, but I forgot. I'll edit in a

Oh yeah.

The names of the chapters (especially in HL1) have double meanings. In HL1 they were all scientific terms-- for instance, when you finally get above ground and have to fight all the helicopters, the Level is called "Surface Tension."

HL2 reproduces that, sort of.

Anyway, Nova Prospekt-- someone's loose translation "New Folder" is correct-- Nova Prospect is like an old Communist Europe re-education camp. In City 17's Nova Prospekt, however, they don't just brainwash you, they actually remove your brain. But there's more...

I realised last night that Nova Prospet has a double/triple meaning like the titles from HL1--partly a scientific one. Destroying the citadel, and the explosion at the end, is either a "New Prospect" for Earth, or possibly also the 'Prospect for a NOVA', as in a great big, nuclear explosion.

Valve is so clever sometimes.

Water Hazard is a golf term, and refers to the Hazards on the Airboat mission, and probably also to DR BREENS PRIVATE RESERVE.

Clever Valve.
Cyph3r... that's very interesting... seems almost too tacky to be meant to be seen by us, ever.... wonder if it's just a test texture or something... can somebody with Hammer and the Source SDK find that texture? (I'm working on it...)
Not sure if this has been posted, as I haven't read the entire thread. But, in the lab with the teleporting cactus, if you put a box or something bigger in the teleporter, you will break it :)
Just thought I'd mention that in Alix's fathers lab there are some newspaper clippings on a wall. (far left corner when you get off elevator I think.) That mention a "7 hour war" that the earth lost. Theres a couple of other articles there I'm amazed no one has posted this yet it seems vital to the story. Or maybe they have I don't know.
FireGiver said:
Just thought I'd mention that in Alix's fathers lab there are some newspaper clippings on a wall. (far left corner when you get off elevator I think.) That mention a "7 hour war" that the earth lost. Theres a couple of other articles there I'm amazed no one has posted this yet it seems vital to the story. Or maybe they have I don't know.
They have in many other threads.
Weren't there map co-ordinates for a location near the Baltic in one of the Tests Valve gave HL2.net?
I thought City 17s location was pretty much settled...
ministryofmind said:
...I already know about the ten G-man sightings that are listed in the strategy guide. Beyond that, the guide gives no further clues.

FYI, the PRIMA strategy guide misses one G-Man spotting. It's in Water Hazard, near the place where you open up one of the doors of the dam and the proceed to ramp through it in your Airboat.

that screen shot explains a little better. the point is, it's weird cuz my PRIMA strategy guide missed it. very odd.
12. the prima guide doesn't list the coast, when you look through the binoculars, either
Nova prospekt is not german, it means "new prospect", you know like in they brainwash you and you get a new prospect, a new beginning, new life( not the exact translation but thats the spirit of teh message.
You know that ship on the bridge.
The one you got to take out with the rocket launcher.

I jumped off and landed on top of it.

I tried sticking grenades in it, but nothing.

Finally shot some nice super close range rocket shots.
Killed meself.

Not really an easter egg, but a funny story.

And who knew you could ride enemy ships.
My first post... thought I'd share this:

Photos of Russia from 90-95 years ago. The landscape certainly has that HL2 feeling, at least to these western eyes.

Also, I take "Black Mesa East" to refer to the Eastern Hemisphere.
Well, i played around a bit in Photoshop, making the Picture brigther and stuff. Attached it tho.

It says something like:

Use of this ___ may
lead to the _TIKELY (< ??) death
of the user OR the Abmr (< ??) breath offleer (<??).

The white line is pretty uninteresting, it is a number code.


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yeah, looking over it again it could be "unlikely" or possibly "untimely"
It looks like "Use of this cu-something"
Is the pic taken at max texture detail?
To me the word looks like it could be "component" not sure though.
Pretty sure it is "component" and "untimely". As for the last 2 words...not a clue.
all of you are wrong about nova prospekt. nova prospekt was the name of a gulag in siberia.