Easter Eggs

its a cool name, i wanted to register novaprospekt.net for a hl2 site but it was taken...
There's also a TV in Ravenholm with the Gman doing his infamous "tie adjust" with creepy music blaring out of it. By the time I figured out where the tv was it turned off. (I beleive this was Ravenholm, it was a busted up building... not that THAT narrows it down.)
actually the vortiguant spoke whilst I was in that trailer at 'Route Kanal' and he said something along the lines of 'We share/serve the same mystery' or something like that.... gman all over again
Not exactly an easter egg, but useful...
If you "use" the vortigaunt that appears in the sequence
with Captain Odessa a couple times, he will give you a
Suit charge like the one in Route Kanal (If I remembered the
right vortigaunt (^^;
About the masks that the combine use and what is written on them. It's real obvious if you've completed the game. *Spoilers* At the end when Dr Breen is going through the portal to the combines home world he says he can't breath the atmosphere there and they tell him he needs a host body (those tin can things u rode earlier). The reason the combine wear those masks is to breath in our atmosphere and the written dangers are just like health and safety warnings i.e. take off the mask and die LOL.
Faulk_Wulf said:
There's also a TV in Ravenholm with the Gman doing his infamous "tie adjust" with creepy music blaring out of it. By the time I figured out where the tv was it turned off. (I beleive this was Ravenholm, it was a busted up building... not that THAT narrows it down.)

That was at the start of Anticitizen One.
Heppyruk said:
About the masks that the combine use and what is written on them. It's real obvious if you've completed the game. *Spoilers* At the end when Dr Breen is going through the portal to the combines home world he says he can't breath the atmosphere there and they tell him he needs a host body (those tin can things u rode earlier). The reason the combine wear those masks is to breath in our atmosphere and the written dangers are just like health and safety warnings i.e. take off the mask and die LOL.
How could one of those metal harnesses provide him with a host body?
Just replayed the ending and realised that the shield he puts up isn't made out of those pods and that he was in a circular pod going to the combine world as well. Also that combine bug thing he was talking to looked really strange and reminded me of an alien you'd probably meet in HL1, strange!
i was actually gonna mention if anybody saw those huge 4 legged monster things in the citadel. you only really get a quick look at them cause you're trapped in that small pod on the way to dr. breen.

maybe in hl3
I didn't see them, unless you meant the three striders that walk by in a line... Can anybody provide screenshots? I honestly don't remember it, and going through my screenshots [I pretty much had my finger on F5 the whole time] I don't see anything.

Oh.. unless you mean these [on your way to breen]?


I have a few screenshots of them, that was the best though.
yea those. i only caught a glimpse of them cause i was in a certain awe of the environment
not exactly an easter egg, but after you get the airboat thing, there's an open drain grating on the right... if you go down the partially submerged tunnel you get a couple of ammo crates and a cool jump.
Hawaiian Influence

Did anyone else notice this. It was in the Teleport Lab, I think. It seems utterly out of place in the setting an mood built by HL2.

One has to wonder??


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floG_it47 said:
Did anyone else notice this. It was in the Teleport Lab, I think. It seems utterly out of place in the setting an mood built by HL2.

One has to wonder??

hehe, yah I remember playing with that lil doll for a few miniutes thinking "wtf.. lol"
Not a real easter egg

Well, that is no real easter egg I'm gonna post, but it came back to my mind after reading this thread.

I finished HL2 two days ago and after that I went through all the game files, searching for pictures/vids/sounds I missed. And I found quite a bit of them under hl2/models/. Some of them gave me a real creepy feeling. Some examples for those lazy of you...;)


Oh, and that means those "four legged thingies" are called Synths...weird enough..
The fact that that last pic is titled "Mortar Synth" confirms the idea that they're the combine equivalent of tanks.
heytherelilbuddy said:
hehe, yah I remember playing with that lil doll for a few miniutes thinking "wtf.. lol"

lol means laugh out loud right? So you were thinking "laugh out loud"? Also a few minutes is a fairly long time. I have a feeling your making this whole thing up.
what happend to all the amazing easter eggs huh, ment to b a book out? tellin u this, no one has posted any?...
MickeyAsh said:
Playing through the game again I realized that the map Eli's lab is in is called "Black Mesa East"... if that's not symbolic, I guess City 17 is just outside of the original Black Mesa. So we're not that far away from home after all. Seems Black Mesa was in Russia all along. I'd have never guessed. Guess Black Mesa does it's dodgy research out of the states, eh?

Someone else says New Mexico... time to go back through and play HL1 again.

Maybe "Black Mesa East" means farrrrrrr east. lol.

what part of russia has large deserts with pinkish rocks?
jefft said:
lol means laugh out loud right? So you were thinking "laugh out loud"? Also a few minutes is a fairly long time. I have a feeling your making this whole thing up.

Being critical of things, are we?
gASK said:
Well, that is no real easter egg I'm gonna post, but it came back to my mind after reading this thread.

I finished HL2 two days ago and after that I went through all the game files, searching for pictures/vids/sounds I missed. And I found quite a bit of them under hl2/models/. Some of them gave me a real creepy feeling. Some examples for those lazy of you...;)


Oh, and that means those "four legged thingies" are called Synths...weird enough..

The stripped soldier was in a monitor in Nova Prospect. The others I didn't see in the game.

Iced_Eagle said:
Being critical of things, are we?

I'm just being the funniest poster on Earth. Look the reviews are in:

"I hope that was a joke..." -Digital_Junkie
"Maybe you should actually GET the game first." -sneaky_bastard
"...you ****ing idiot" -jdmar
"pedantic" -insertcoins
"Being critical of things, are we?" -Iced_Eagle

BTW I plan to be banned from your board now, because nobody on the internet has a bloody sense of humor.
indy said:
what part of russia has large deserts with pinkish rocks?

Well, as far as I have seen in the game, the desert was not so big and it was mainly on coast...and sand and rocks on the coast are quite common:)
However to answer your question - Russia has a lot of deserts in it and even more in former CCCP. We always used to say in here (I am from Czech Republic) "Everything can be found in Russia". It was meant as a joke to Russian megalomany, although there is a piece of truth in it...

queelar said:
The stripped soldier was in a monitor in Nova Prospect. The others I didn't see in the game.


Yes, that is the picture. The MortarSynth and Synth can be found walking far below you when you are being carried to Dr.Breen. I have never seen SuperSoldier, but I like his appearance so I would like to know if he is actually used somewhere in the game...
Maybe not so much of an easter egg, but in Eli's lab (Where you can find all the paperclips) there's a book shelf. To the top right you have an interesting book called ''BIG BOOK (of?) BIG TEXT''. Appearantly it's the only book who's name can be read. No special function as to what I know :p
Heppyruk said:
About the masks that the combine use and what is written on them. It's real obvious if you've completed the game. *Spoilers* At the end when Dr Breen is going through the portal to the combines home world he says he can't breath the atmosphere there and they tell him he needs a host body (those tin can things u rode earlier). The reason the combine wear those masks is to breath in our atmosphere and the written dangers are just like health and safety warnings i.e. take off the mask and die LOL.
No, I don't think so. The Combine Overwatch soldiers are basically still human. I don't think they've been modified so extensively, that they can't breathe oxygen any more.

I think it's more the fact that eventually, the Combine were probably going to change the atmosphere of Earth so it wasn't breathable any more. (This was actually planned from the beginning, but somehow got cut from the game.) And when they did that, their soldiers needed to be able to still breathe or else they'd die too.

The masks also serve two other purposes. One, they aid the soldier in breathing in case of smoke and fire, or chemical gases, during combat. Also, they hide the appearance of the soliders so that people don't know they're trans-human now.

As for the warning on the mask, I don't think it's intended for the soldiers. It's meant as a warning to the remaining human population. If they find a dead Combine and try to remove the mask, that warning says the mask could cause the death of the user. It's a lie, to keep people from removing the mask, so they won't find out what's happened to the soldiers in the Combine. Once people see what's been done to the soldiers, with all the modifications that have been done to them, they would become repulsed and turn against the Combine.
redrain85 said:
I think it's more the fact that eventually, the Combine were probably going to change the atmosphere of Earth so it wasn't breathable any more. (This was actually planned from the beginning, but somehow got cut from the game.) And when they did that, their soldiers needed to be able to still breathe or else they'd die too.

The masks also serve two other purposes. One, they aid the soldier in breathing in case of smoke and fire, or chemical gases, during combat. Also, they hide the appearance of the soliders so that people don't know they're trans-human now.

Those are possibilites, but I think the best explanation of why the combine wears masks is simple: Headcrabs. A headcrab can't zombiefy a facemask. Did YOU ever see a combine headcrab zombie? Nooo.
MickeyAsh said:
Ty ty... =)
About the location of the game... the amount of information given to us in the game doesn't even necessarily tell us that it's on Earth. Hear me out on this one:

Where was Black Mesa? I had always considered it to be somewhere in Arizona... perhaps Utah even, but always a Southwestern united state. (were we ever told where Black Mesa was in HL?)

Black Mesa is in New Mexico, as stated in the game and in the manual.
Thx for your explanation redrain85, that makes more sense than what i put although both could be possible. Also does any1 know what surprise Valve are talking about giving to the community next week?
Easter-egg, well, it's interesting anyway :p
The overseer is from HL2, I made him in Hammer to check things out. And I found these signs on his necklace, collar or whatever. They seem to be the same signs as seen in Xen in the ending of HL1.

As for Nevsky Prospekt, that is also a short story by a Russian author. It's two stories, and notice in particular the second one in this synopsis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevsky_Prospekt_(story)
It may be a little far-fetched, but some of it seems to fit.
It's that big chump of an alien of some species that dr. Breen is talking to on the monitor. Probably the leader of the Combine race or something.
Melkor said:
Those are possibilites, but I think the best explanation of why the combine wears masks is simple: Headcrabs. A headcrab can't zombiefy a facemask. Did YOU ever see a combine headcrab zombie? Nooo.

The headcrabs used to 'zombify' the soldiers in OpFor/HL1, and they were wearing NBC gasmasks. Odds are, the label is a simple warning label, similar to any "Mind the Gap" or "Contents may be Hot/Cold" label we see everyday.