Ey' Up

My sword is Anduril (seriously) and will submit to no man.
*Sneaks up, pounces, and buttseckseses Iron Kat while she is distracted boasting to other forumites of her steel*

Ha! Take it! Darkside out of NOWHERE!

*Gets her in a full nelson so she can't use her arms*

Your sword is nothing against my buttsechs +3!

Stealth edit: Oh snap, read page 2, Kat's a female. Edited "he"s to "she"s. I feel slightly guilty now too. Wait...ok it passed. Ha-HA!
I think I would have prefered being killed with fire!
Kill Me With Fire!!!! Please Kill Me With Fire!!!!
*douses flames*

There is nothing you can do but accept it now!

*gets camera*
I was motivated.

Welcome to the forums, by the way. It was slightly uncourteous of me to not say hello first, but that would've ruined the element of surprise now wouldn't it?
So, has it been accepted now that there are females on here? Because I seriously hope I don't have to suffer anymore!!!:D And I hope that goes for any other females on here as well. I think I speak for all the girls on the hl2.net forum when I say: LEAVE US ALONE, WE CAN LIKE HALF-LIFE AS WELL, WITHOUT HAVING TO SUFFER! That's my final word. On this thread, though, I don't mean I'm leaving the forum. You haven't gotten rid of me that easily! The females on this forum need a spokeswoman, and I am that spokeswoman! Any females on here, we need to stand up fight for our rights to be able to stay on the hl2 forum! Who's with me?! (Er, females only, please!!!)
So, has it been accepted now that there are females on here? Because I seriously hope I don't have to suffer anymore!!!:D And I hope that goes for any other females on here as well. I think I speak for all the girls on the hl2.net forum when I say: LEAVE US ALONE, WE CAN LIKE HALF-LIFE AS WELL, WITHOUT HAVING TO SUFFER! That's my final word. On this thread, though, I don't mean I'm leaving the forum. You haven't gotten rid of me that easily! The females on this forum need a spokeswoman, and I am that spokeswoman!

Everyone suffers when they first join. It's like a rite of initiation, male or female. It's usually buttseckz, but sometimes we pull the organs out of the weak ones and turn them into stalkers. Sometimes we shoot newbies with silver bullets, werewolves or not. Sometimes we give them to Danimal. D:

Newbies rarely go unscathed.
So, has it been accepted now that there are females on here? Because I seriously hope I don't have to suffer anymore!!!:D And I hope that goes for any other females on here as well. I think I speak for all the girls on the hl2.net forum when I say: LEAVE US ALONE, WE CAN LIKE HALF-LIFE AS WELL, WITHOUT HAVING TO SUFFER! That's my final word. On this thread, though, I don't mean I'm leaving the forum. You haven't gotten rid of me that easily! The females on this forum need a spokeswoman, and I am that spokeswoman! Any females on here, we need to stand up fight for our rights to be able to stay on the hl2 forum! Who's with me?! (Er, females only, please!!!)

There have been many girls on the forum...

Princess Jen....Cherry....
There have been many girls on the forum...

Princess Jen....Cherry....

Pitzy, you've just given another potential soldier (Princess Jen is no longer a member) for my army! Thankyou so much!:E So far I have thirty potentials, so, given that they will join my army, we will kick your arse! But Willie is our primary target!:p :cat: (I know I said I wasn't going to post on here again, but I had to thankyou, Pitzy!) I will, however, still be reading posts, and if you want to post a message which you wnt me to reply to, send me a private message.
Has anyone noticed we've completely forgotten about the OP?
Original Poster. Bloodaxe. The thread completely forgot about him.
Rerail a thread? You're speaking heresy. No one's ever attempted to return a thread to its original track once its gone off, no one! Certainly not a newbie forum on a Half-Life 2 fansite. You're mad, bananaman, mad.

I like that. Let's friggin' do this.

BLOODAXE! Get in here! We're going to say hello to you and you're going to reply, and maybe we won't cause a crazy rift in the fabric of space-time by breaking all known laws of forum physics.
Everyone suffers when they first join. It's like a rite of initiation, male or female. It's usually buttseckz, but sometimes we pull the organs out of the weak ones and turn them into stalkers. Sometimes we shoot newbies with silver bullets, werewolves or not. Sometimes we give them to Danimal. D:

Newbies rarely go unscathed.

Noobs give the average Danimal:

57.1% Daily Calcium Need
87.6% E-Penis Boost
12.5$ Daily Sodium Intake
58.13% Daily chocolate needs
A smooth glossy coat.

So yes, go ahead and feeds the Danimals.
Cherry was a knghenry, knghenry's obviously a guy.

Who do you think Princess Jen was?!

Did anybody realize I only posted the 2 biggest spam/flame/non women accounts we've faced the past couple years? :p

Skaadi and Shippi are the first two people that come to mind when I think of females on hl2.net...
Noobs give the average Danimal:

57.1% Daily Calcium Need
87.6% E-Penis Boost
12.5$ Daily Sodium Intake
58.13% Daily chocolate needs
A smooth glossy coat.

So yes, go ahead and feeds the Danimals.

small text!!!!
What happened to Kat? Did somebody surprise negrojump her?
Nope, Danimal didn't eat me, I'm still here!:cat: Glad to hear you were worried about me!