Farcry 3

Really? I didn't have to do that Unfoc? I thought in order to pick that ending I had to do it.

No, you're right, you have to do it if you want the evil ending. But it's the decision to do it or not that triggers either ending and that's pretty simple - you do the good thing - you get the good ending, you do the bad thing - you get the bad ending. You made it sound as if some unrelated earlier decision unexpectedly resulted in you getting a prompt with one option - to do it - while the ending is a direct result of your binary choice regarding doing it :p

Has anyone played with the editor yet? I fiddled with it for ~30 minutes yesterday - seems like a pretty simple yet very functional tool.
I haven't touched the DLC yet, but I can assure you it needs no help from it to be my GOTY. Now, back to FC3..

Oh I wasn't trying to persuade you or anything. I was just saying Borderlands 2 IMO is amazing without the DLC. I don't necessarily believe in DLC as I feel it's a con to make more money off an already purchased product. 9 times out of 10 the DLC is overpriced ($10-30 for an extra 1-5 hours of gameplay, when I paid 50 and got 30 hours?)
Yeah I'm sure Borderlands 2 is fine with the DLC, speaking of which I wonder if Far Cry 3 will have any substantial post-release content. From what I remember, the second one didn't have any really decent content packs. I honestly don't care about new weapons, or whatever.

I'm fine either way, Crysis 3 is coming out early next year, but there's a possibility it won't be nearly as good.
I've found in multiple instances that enemies can see ME through certain walls, which obviously makes stealth hard. I usually start to panic and have to find a spot with multiple walls in between us to make sure they lose track of me. Lots of times they found me and I had to rambo it with an LMG.

My method for taking out camps has been simply to snipe them from far away, and then snipe any of the guys going to the alarm (sometimes I'll just shoot the alarm just before they reach it if I'm not sure I'll be able to kill them with one shot. With a silencer you can still get the undetected bonus easily as long as you're in a bush.

I feel bad about it, because I never blew up any ammo caches or set any fires, so I feel like I missed out on funtimes. But I finished the game, so its time to get rid of the Uplay garbage.
Huh? Like I said, instead of statues, why not special weapons, weapon parts, weapon skins, gear, etc (like what most open world games offer) The explorable areas are beautiful but empty. Most areas don't even have enemies to encounter aside from stationary snakes (seriously?) and an occasional komodo dragon.
Collecting statues unlocks special weapons.
Really? Check the "specialties" tab at the bottom of the store, that's where they go I think. I had a sniper rifle and a shotgun after like 25 statues.
If anyone is looking for difficult stealth, try the new challenge map pack for Dishonored on Expert (especially Mysterious Foe and Burglar). I managed some very high scores (and 3-stars), but it was a pain in my rump. I'm looking forward to the relative easiness in Far Cry 3 (and am glad those same types of challenges aren't present). Though I set the game down originally because it got stale more quickly than anticipated. Ubisoft games always seem to have this issue, of course, I'm mainly going off of Assassin's Creed and the second Far Cry, but whatever.
Is there a meter indicating the next unlock? I've found tons of statues, but I have gotten no weapons.

It's on the first tab of your handbook.

The explorable areas are beautiful but empty.

Yeah, while there are a decent amount of caves and whatnot scattered about, they all felt somewhat empty.
Heh, I like the skill that lets you use a takedown to eliminate heavies. Should've gotten that way back.
Can't chain takedown or drag heavies though, so you have to be careful about when and where you get em. I wonder if anyone made a mod to strip out the HUD yet. That might be a fun challenge.
for some reason I just got completely over this game once I reached the second island. I wasn't too interested in doing side stuff or hunting anymore, and just wanted to finish the game. I think it may have had something to do with the story and how ridiculous it became.
I pretty much rushed through the main story once I reached 1/3 of the game, to be honest.
Once you kill Vaas, there's no more fun really to be had. Vaas was easily the main reason I was hooked on the game early on. The bossman was lame as **** by comparison, so the story and atmosphere really seemed to disappear once Vaas was out of the picture. They could have gone so much farther with him, but they unfortunately didn't.
He was, for all intents and purposes, for this game.
If he survived that many stabs to the gut with that knife It'd be laughable. Mind you judging how silly the story could be at times I wouldn't be surprised.
You took drugs at the temple before the whole fight with Vaas. The fight itself with Vaas was all trippy too. Plus he opens his eyes when you fall next to him at the end. Plus YOU get stabbed with the dagger in the heart and live. I believe the whole fight there was just you tripping.
If it turned out that the whole Vaas fight sequence was "just a dream" that'd be really dumb.
If he survived that many stabs to the gut with that knife It'd be laughable. Mind you judging how silly the story could be at times I wouldn't be surprised.

we have a game here which relies many times on mechanics which involve hallucinations or drug induced hallicinations, often without the player even knowing. there's evidence littered throughout the game. Dumb or not. Also I recommend, if it's your sort of thing to "like" the VO/mocap actor for Vaas on Facebook.
Yeah, I definitely think that the game would have been more enjoyable if I had realized thats what was going on. It does make the game seem better knowing that there were reasons for certain things to be the way they were, but I wish I had understood that while I was playing.
"The end of this game is all about what you as a player are. It’s your turn to be whoever you want to be."

I wish I'd had this option earlier, so I could have left with my friends instead of dealing with Citra's bullshit
Well, I beat the main quest, did a number of side activities, and I really don't feel especially motivated to keep playing. It was a worthwhile game, definitely one of the standouts of last year. But, I'm bored with it at the moment. Maybe after a break it will be fresh again.
Yar, I'm coming back to it a bit now and enjoying just fiddling with random wildlife encounters, wingsuiting and doing challenges, taking over the map, etc. (also fully upgrading my stats, collecting relics and so forth).

There is an absolutely astounding amount of unscripted tribal warfare, animal encounters and general insanity in this game when you take the time to appreciate the ambiance.