Favorite Features on a Woman?

And when we do it, a spaceship disguised as an asteroid will come at just the right altitude, and our spirits will be lifted into it, and we shall be reincanated as the mighty KLINQNARD!
Ok, but I get to be the part of the being called Colonel. There's just something satisfying about being called "Colonel Klinqnard".
Ok, but I get to be the part of the being called Colonel. There's just something satisfying about being called "Colonel Klinqnard".

Having the prefix of "Colonel" makes every name cool. Except for Klinqnard.
Sometimes I think the perfect feature on a woman is a warm heart.

But then I laugh and remember it's tits.
I tried dividing by 0 on my calculator. IT gave me the DIVIDE BY ZERO error. I lol'd.
if put the calculator of my computer to divide by zero,my computer will explode?