Favourite HL monster


Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
I don't think this has been discussed yet. What was/is your favourite HL monster/enemy? I have to say mine was the fish thing. Scary as hell when you got trapped underwater, and you didn't know he was there.
Yeah that was my favourite hl monster too, what is it's real name?
I can't remember. I absolutely loved Gonarch (?) too!
the fishy thing was scary as hell, the first time you met it, was in the big cage with the crossbow, wasn't it? i jumped a few times out of my chair :)
but i also liked the Garg :)
it was the Icythysaur... I think (spelling mistake)

I liked the grunts best ;)
big momma, cuz its so damn ugly with it pouch..and its so fun to spawn 2 mommas in Sven-Coop and let them fight >)
Marines and Black Ops from Opposing Force.
^ hurrah... a plugging opurtunity... play as a Black Op in Everlasting Shadow... see sig for detials :)

anyway.. I loved the blackops too.. they left a big impression on me :)
mrBadger: Yeah.

I really liked the Grunts (the military guys) and Alien Slave.

Hated the small baby headcrabs and those annoying flying brainy thingy’s (not Nihilanti (spelling?))
Erm forgive my ignorance but the big f*ckoff alien with the flamethrower arm thingies
Well there are a few, but I'm playing a new single player mod (Invasion) that has a grunt with a rocket launcher. He's got beefed up armour, hard to take out, and he'll hunt you down if you run. Very cool idea. Oh yeah, the cluster grenades in this mod are a sweet touch. :cheers:
Best design/idea:

Best ambient monster:
Alien Slave (First time you heard them..man)

Black Op assasins...MAN those ladys were HARD...
MP5 grenaddes owned them though. ;)
Islaves... I really liked the concept Idea behind them....
The Marines are defenetly my favorite enemy from HL

"Aarrrg, Medic"
The Alien Slave was the best. EASILY.
And this time we'll be playing alongside it... Oh baby!
Headcrabs all the way.....I love/hate those little bastards.....
yeah the assassins looked the coolest though :) And I hate the most fun with the headcrabs.
Overall, my fav monster would have to be the ichthyosaur as its a fantastic design, but the one that really makes me jump is the mutated sort of Zombie in OP4 - very powerful and very scary when you walk into it round a corner!
Everyone loves the BlackOps... ( I get to plug my team's mod :D ) hurrah... anyway... fancy being a black op? click below :)
I like headcrabs, they were really orriginal, small, and very freaky.
I liked the houndeyes. Those were really cute.... in a weird sort of way.
I also liked the ichthyosaur--very fast and frightening.
Baby HeadCrabs, j/k kidding, I hate them!
I also hate: HoundEyes.
I can really imagine the headcrabs thinking
Headcrab :) also liked the grunts, Zombies were cool but a little boring, I'm looking forward to having some fun with HL2's zombies :D

Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
Blood anyone? :)

Were you circumsised wrong or something? :P