Flanders Field Media


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
World War II products are in their prime at the moment, with a regiment of new games, modifications, films and even TV series marching into our homes. We’re constantly haunted by those erasable memories we’ve seen flickering on numerous screens, but yet it’s as if we’re oblivious to an even greater milestone of our past. The “War to end all Wars”, the Great War- World War I. With digital entertainment favouring the more recent of conflicts, it’s good to see the Flanders Field modification still going strong. [br] [br] The mod's website has just been updated with some great media to celebrate their second anniversary. Have a look: [br]

If they're going for realism, the gameplay will consist of being mowed down by mounted machineguns.

I really hope they include it D:
The Trenches is the only other real decent WWI mod. Flanders Field looks good.
ACLeroK212 said:
A World War I mod would be a campers paradise.
Our gameplay will have features which will require teamplay. If a player doesn't play with the team, then the team will have many more difficulties, and can get a good ole fashioned votekick.

That's why we're not including snipers just yet, too. But keep in mind, only a few of our maps are trench warfare, you'll see plenty of urban maps, and even a Verdun fortress. After testing the gameplay last week, I can assure you, it'll be a very delightful experience, and camping won't be that easy to do, not to mention it will be very boring as the rest of your team is rushing with their bayonets flailing.

Oh, and JNightshade; Machineguns will be used in such a way where they won't be completely dominating. Heavy Machineguns will be setup in some certain areas, and can only be manned by the HMG class, and there is a (default) limit of 1 per map, so only one section of the map can be manned by an HMG. The LMG's have limited ammunition, so if someone wants to setup and try and do the mow-down thing, they'll find themselves with only a knife in their hand after too long.

Trust me, we cover those worries in WW1 games ;)